Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2738: Dress up and raid Linqu City

The messenger shook his head with a puzzled look: "General, you didn't give an order. I didn't act under the banner here."

Helan Lu frowned, turned his head and looked to the rear. In the smoke and dust, he saw that the Yan army’s banners, and the assault cavalry in leather armor, rushed out from the rear in groups, towards Linqu City. Acting in the direction, he hooked his mouth and rode his horse out until the side of the cavalry. After observing for a quarter of an hour, he shook his head: "Look at their armor, like soldiers and horses of the Hulan Ministry, strange. The Hulan Tribe has always been under Gongsun's fifth floor and Gongsun's command. How can it turn towards Linqu now?"

Pu Guwu said angrily, "I'm afraid, I have the same thoughts as ours. I want to take advantage of the Yuan family brothers. When I see no chance, I ran away. The kid on the fifth floor of Gongsun always took advantage of the advantage. , And run away at a loss. At this time, there should not be many soldiers and horses around him. Withdrawing this cavalry can protect him."

Helan Lu's brows loosened: "But if he does this, we may not be able to use the excuse we want to **** the driver. That's all, let's stay here and watch the changes. And if this unit goes back, maybe Gongsun On the fifth floor, even Murong Chao will take them personally into the battle. If we go back and force them to charge, then it will be troublesome."

Pu Guwu laughed: "Brother Helan thinks well, just do what you said!"

In the smoke and dust, Xiang Mi wore an obviously smaller leather armor, while riding a horse, while pulling the belt and buttons on the leather armor, he said angrily: "It's really **** small, you can't make it bigger. ?"

Tan Shao on one side also changed into a leather armor, and said with a smile: "Iron Bull, some wear it well. This is the armor of the Yan Army Tussauds that A Shou had finally pulled off in the front army. He also picked up the fat. thin?"

When Xiang Mi heard this, he spat even more: "It's really **** bad, and you have to wear this dead man's armor."

Suo Miao laughed and said, "Brother Tie Niu, there are hundreds of brothers who have no armor to wear. If you don't want to wear it, or you just take it off like this, so you can be at ease, and I can have one more subordinate with armor. Anyway. , Your copperskin and iron bones, don't need armor, you are invulnerable."

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth: "Okay, let's not laugh. Why do you guys say that the handsome man has to wear this Yanjun armor and fight the Yanjun banner? Isn't it okay to be dignified to kill? I see the Yanjun on this road, too Most of the remnants were defeated. The people from the Helan tribe nearby were watching us, and I wanted to destroy them first."

Liu Zhong said in a deep voice: "Brother Tie Niu, don't be angry. This is impossible. Our goal is Linqu City. After so much effort and so many plays, we played in batches and reunited. , Just to have a chance to directly attack Murong Chao, the commander is wearing the black robe in the formation with the most violent attack, to attract all the main forces of the Yan army, so that Linqu City is an empty city, and we can also hit it. Successful. As long as the Yanjun Emperor Banner at the head of Linqu City falls, then these Yanjun will definitely collapse."

Xiang Mi laughed and said, "Also, let Helan Lu's head be mailed to his neck for a few days. Let's slaughter Murong Chao first, and then go back and help the marshal to fight and destroy the black robe. During the war, we must pacify the entire Nanyan, and there will be no further wars."

Tan Shao's eyes flashed coldly: "Good luck to us. I also hope that the fewer soldiers and horses of Murong Chao in Linqu City, the better!"

At the head of Linqu city, under the flying horse royal flag, Murongchao was dressed in golden armor and was full of ambition. Standing on the fortress of the city head, the 10,000 warriors who formed a large formation below the city, all sat on their horses and turned back. Sitting upside down, looking at Murong Chao on the top of the city, while Gongsun was covered in armor on the fifth floor, and he looked bloated. Under the guard of more than 20 soldiers, he rode his horse to the city. At the door, standing in front of the entire Hundred Wars Armored Cavalry, he said loudly to Murong at the head of the city: "Your Majesty, the Hundred Ward Armoured Cavalry is all ready, waiting for your order!"

Murong Chao nodded, and his eyes swept across the city. Five hours ago, there was still a sea of ​​people in front of the city. Nearly 200,000 steps surrounded the front of the city, which was more than 20 miles wide, and it was impenetrable. But now, he In front of him, there are only ten thousand cavalry left. Although it is still a seemingly huge army, once it disappears from his eyes now, the city is really empty, with only a few hundred lonely faces left. The military flags are still in place, and I don't know whether the army represented by those flags still exists.

Thinking of this, Murongchao suddenly regretted his decision to send the Hundred Fighting Cavalry out to fight, but from the eyes of every sergeant, he saw the ferocious desire to fight like a wolf, and saw many people licking their lips. , Eager to fight, he immediately withdrew all attempts to withdraw the attack order, because, as a Xianbei, he knew very well how severe it would be if these subordinates who were determined to be victorious were not given a chance to make contributions. as a result of!

Murong Chao cleared his throat and said loudly, "Hundred warriors, my warriors!"

A burst of thunderous cheers broke out under the city: "Hurray, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, hooray, hooray!"

Murong Chao nodded: "This battle between Dayan and Jin has come to the end. The clown of Jin, overwhelmingly, is trying to block the pace of my Dayan cavalry by relying on a small car array. Now, in our army. Under the brave battles of all the soldiers, the Jin army was on the verge of collapse. The dead soldiers of our army lifted into the air with the sky lanterns and arson and bombed the enemy's air everywhere. As you can see, the Jin army is already on the verge of collapse. In a sea of ​​flames, even Liu Yu’s handsome flag fell. This shows that Liu Yu, a thief, may have died under the sword of our army, or he may have been buried in the sea of ​​flames. The Jin army has now lost its command, and you want to What we did was to let go and kill all the Jin troops who refused to surrender!"

The warriors roared: "Kill, kill, kill!"

Murong Chao saw the morale of the city like rainbows and murderous spirits, and laughed: "Originally, I should have led you personally, charged into battle, and stepped on the Jin army, but my royal banner is here, and all soldiers need to see clearly. , Therefore, I authorize General Gongsun to lead you to break through the Jin formation and kill Wu Bing. I order all those who refuse to lay down their weapons in the enemy formation. Kill without mercy, all the things you can get. Whether it is ordnance or armor, it is yours. After the war, you will be awarded with the first-level military merit. You are the pride of Dayan, and we are the invincible iron army of the Murong clan. Now, you are breaking the Jin formation from the front and heading straight into the Jin camp. The important task is also entrusted to you. I believe that you will not let me down, just as you never let Dayan's ancestors down! Go, I am here and see your performance!"

Gongsun roared on the fifth floor, turned his head and pointed at the spear in his hand to the direction of the Jin formation: "Hundreds of wars, give it to me!"

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