Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2739: The villain grabs merit and loses loyalty

Following Gongsun’s orders on the fifth floor, the Hundred Wars Iron Knights all sat upright and began to ride forward. They all held heavy maces, iron bones, copper hammers and other heavy weapons in their hands, specifically to deal with heavy equipment. Used by the infantry, facing the forward of the Jin army shrouded in black smoke, rushed over.

Duan Hui was shouting loudly, commanding the subordinates who had just retreated, scattered to the two sides to evacuate, while another group of fresh troops began to line up, ready to step forward again, about two hundred steps ahead, the forward of the Jin army is still Like steel, indestructible, the entire row of shields is full of dripping blood. The evil ghosts and beasts painted on the shield surface, with teeth and claws, look extraordinarily hideous, and the Jin army soldiers behind the shields almost All of them are like blood people, more than half of them have several long arrows in their bodies, but everyone is excited, all brave, and no one is willing to take a step back. As long as they can stand, they Can fight!

Zhang Gang shook his head incredulously: "These, are these people? Even if it is my agency person, it is impossible to fight after such a blow. General Duan, is it possible that these Beifu troops are not physical bodies? Ordinary?"

Duan Hui gritted his teeth: "The Jin army is also holding its last breath. In the round when more than 200 wooden armored personnel flew in, in fact, their line of defense was very dangerous. If it weren't for Liu Jingxuan to stand up personally, I They have broken through their defenses now, Zhang Shangshu, can you let the rest of your wooden armored organs jump again? I also put my guards on board, and personally take them back!"

Gongsun's triumphant laugh on the fifth floor sounded behind them: "I said General Duan, Zhang Shangshu, you should be tired, it is better to go down and rest now, and leave the matter to my Gongsun fifth floor."

Duan Hui's face changed, turning his head and looking behind him, he saw Gongsun on the fifth floor with a smile, surrounded by more than a hundred iron cavalry guards, riding to the front, Duan Hui gritted his teeth: "General Gongsun, let's fight here. It’s been so long, and it’s going to be a breakthrough. It’s too unkind for you to come here to grab your exploits at this time."

Zhang Gang also frowned: "That's right, it's just a breath away. Besides, if you take away the last 10,000 armors, what will your Majesty do?"

Gongsun sneered on the fifth floor: "If you have the ability to break through the front army, will your Majesty let me bring the Hundred Armored Cavaliers to clean up the mess? Now the handsome flag of Liu Yu's central government has fallen, and hundreds of Kongming Lantern balloons have also flown in. There is a sea of ​​flames in the Jin army. If it weren't for this, the Jin army's forwards lost their support, do you think you could succeed?"

Duan Hui gritted his teeth: "General Gongsun, we Xianbei people are all about being upright and upright. If you want to do meritorious service, I don’t have to fight with you. As long as I solve the forward of the Jin army, you will go in and attack Liu Yu. I will not Rob with you, but we have suffered too many casualties in front of this Jin army forward. If we don’t take revenge ourselves, it’s hard to understand the hate I am waiting for!"

Gongsun smiled slightly on the fifth floor: "These are your brothers and my brothers. You are only allowed to take revenge, but are you not allowed to take revenge? You have to know how my brother died!"

Duan Hui's face changed slightly, and Zhang Gang said solemnly: "There are more than two hundred wooden armored organs in the formation that our army began to jump into. They are still fighting, General Gongsun, please let us try again for the last time, no matter what. Victory, after we charge this time, we will never stop your attack again."

Gongsun’s face on the fifth floor sank: "Zhang Shangshu, you are a literati, you don’t understand the military, and you don’t know the reason for the high speed of soldiers. I don’t blame you, but you have been fighting for so long. If you can break the formation, it will take more than half an hour. After half an hour, the battle will be over early. Your Majesty wants me to bring his self-defense Hundred War Armor to ride. Break through the formation with the fastest speed, and get in with the fastest speed to support the national division's assault on Liu Yu Zhongjun's Shuaitai. If you drag on again and again, my grandson on the fifth floor recognizes the two, but it does not recognize it!"

With that, Gongsun’s eyes on the fifth floor showed murder, and they raised the sword of the emperor in their hands. Duan Hui and Zhang Gang turned pale when they saw the sword, and quickly knelt down: "Long live my emperor!"

Gongsun sneered on the fifth floor: "You really don’t see the coffin without weeping, and if you don’t take out your majesty’s sword of the emperor, all of you don’t put me in your eyes. But it’s nothing, Duan Hui, after this battle, you will know. Who is Dayan's strongest general!"

Duan Hui gritted his teeth and stood up: "General Gongsun, since it is your majesty’s sacred mandate, I can’t say anything, but as a general who has fought against the Jin Army for three hours, I must remind you, the opposite Jin Army. They must not be underestimated. They are tenacious and scheming. You look at them as if they are vulnerable. But if they really want to attack, they may be caught in their ambush again. We have eaten this a few times. It’s a big loss, this is a lesson of blood, and please be sure to cherish this Hundred-War Armor and don’t sacrifice in vain!"

Gongsun’s fifth floor hooked his mouth with disdain: “I’ve seen your battles very clearly from the city’s head. I obviously lacked the courage to move forward and missed the opportunity, but I want to say how powerful the enemy is, Duan Hui, I really don’t know how you got the name of the famous general! No wonder you can only lead these sloppy wastes."

Duan Hui was trembling with anger, and shouted: "Gongsun on the fifth floor, you can insult me, but you can't insult the soldiers who died in battle, they are all warriors who have done their best! They are definitely not a waste."

Gongsun sneered on the fifth floor: "Five thousand elite soldiers, along with more than 300 flying wooden armored personnel, even got the help of the air strike from our Kongming Lantern balloon, so they didn’t chew the front of the Jin army. You still said you It’s not a sloppy waste? The Jin army here has no carts or crossbows. If you are willing to make a decisive assault on the whole line, you would have taken it long ago. Why is this?! Duan Hui, you stay aside and see if I am How did you break the formation!"

Duan Hui turned his head and left without saying a word. Zhang Gang also shook his head, waved the small flag in his hand, and held the more than one hundred wooden armored personnel in front of him who were constantly covering and shooting. They all retreated backwards to cover the rear. Thousands of archers dispersed. With the retreat of more than 20,000 infantrymen in front, 10,000 warriors passed between their queues and rushed to the front, while Gongsun raised the emperor high on the fifth floor. The sword pointed straight ahead: "The iron cavalry strikes and flattens the enemy line!"

And following Gongsun’s orders on the fifth floor, Hundred Battle Armored Cavaliers burst into cheers. From a distance of 300 steps, they launched a full-scale assault against the Jin Army’s forward blood shield!

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