Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2740: 8 Niu Biao shot the armor

By the side of Gongsun’s fifth floor, the leader of the Hundred Armored Cavaliers, Hu Yanti, who was also the benefactor of Murong Chao’s former benefactor of Qin Shi, approached him. He glanced at the leather bag hanging on the saddle on Gongsun’s fifth floor. The braided hair was exposed, but it was not the first level of Gongsungui, Hu Yanti sighed: "Fifth floor, this time you are not fighting alone, your elder brother is also rushing with you."

Gongsun gritted his teeth on the fifth floor: "Big Brother is for Liu Jingxuan's mischief. I want to avenge myself. How can I give this opportunity to others?!"

Hu Yanti hooked up the corner of his mouth: "This is natural, but it should not be careless. What Duan Hui said just now makes sense. Liu Jingxuan is cunning and tricky. Our army suffered many losses in front of us. This time, it may not be true. Broke, I think, shouldn’t we not make a full impact first?"

Gongsun laughed on the fifth floor and said, "Brother Huyan, you are too careful. The forward of the Jin army has no combat power and no oxen crossbow. It's okay to fight the infantry. Facing the cavalry charge, use your head to block it? The assault cavalry my elder brother brought is light cavalry, only suitable for galloping and flanking, and not good at close combat, but our hundred-armored cavalry is a charging and invincible armored cavalry. Without these weapons, what would Liu Jingxuan do? Block? Could it be that these shields and the flesh and blood body of the Northern Army can block my iron cavalry? Don’t forget, our Xianbei’s armored cavalry has never lost. Murong Xingzong’s two Ten thousand armored horses can directly hit Liu Yu’s military commander platform. Our most elite 10,000 hundred thousand armored horses, it’s not a problem. You just direct them to charge. You get the credit and the spoils. It’s all yours. !"

Hu Yanti's eyes lit up: "Is this true?"

Gongsun nodded vigorously on the fifth floor: "There is no joking in the army. I want these to be captured. It's useless. I only need to avenge my elder brother. In addition, it is the military merits of this war. Our brothers have been so many years. When will we not get what we need?"

Hu Yanti gritted his teeth, lifted the halberd in his hand, and rode forward. Hundreds of cavalry followed closely, and his roar echoed all around: "Brothers, come with me, rush!"

A triumphant smile appeared at the corner of Gongsun’s mouth on the fifth floor. He turned his head and said to the guards around him: “Follow the iron cavalry first, fight steadily, and then rush forward after breaking the formation. When encountering an ambush, give me a cruel Throw arrows hard to support, but don't come forward easily, understand?"

All the guards saluted with bows together: "Take the order!"

Gongsun turned his head on the fifth floor and looked forward. He saw a row of blood-colored big shields on the opposite side. They stood quietly on the spot. Hundreds of shields blocked the front that was three or four miles wide, giving him a sense of the situation behind the shields. , Knowing nothing, he gritted his teeth and murmured: "Liu Jingxuan, do you think you can scare me with a shield? Hmph, when my armor rushes through your broken shields, you still What tricks can you play? Steps? Tripping horses? If you can stop me, you will win!"

Following his words spit out fiercely, I saw the first row of chain-linked horses, less than twenty steps away from the shield formation, Gongsun swallowed his saliva on the fifth floor, staring at the situation ahead, and smoke was everywhere. When the armored rider charged at full speed, the sound of humming, accompanied by the sound of iron hoofs on the ground, shook the earth, Gongsun's fifth floor slammed a whip on the body of a guard in front: "Get out of the way, don't block I see..."

Before he finished his words, he only heard a "pop", followed by a loud "boom", countless shields were knocked to pieces, sawdust and fragments were flying in the air, and the iron ropes were hit in a chain. The charging power of a row of armored horses is so great that they can knock these dozens of kilograms of thick wooden shield rows more than ten steps away. The shield defense line that looked indestructible just now collapsed in an instant. Gongsun yelled fiercely on the fifth floor: "Okay!"

However, his smile instantly solidified on his face, because he also saw the situation behind the shield. At a distance of about a hundred steps behind the shield, there were only more than 300 Beifu sergeants who were as strong as a bear. Lined up, five steps one person, just to meet the three-mile-wide front, and each of them is wearing a large crossbow machine, weighing more than two hundred catties, and three thick as corbels. On top of his crossbow, there is a four-to-five-foot long fly, with a three-sided undercut tip. The pointed tip is made of stainless steel, and it gleams, pointing directly to the armored riders who are impacting at full speed on the opposite side.

Liu Jingxuan draped a bear skin on his body and topped it in front. On his waist, he carried a huge crossbow with five crossbow arms, which was twice as heavy as other crossbow machines, in Wang Mengzi’s hands. Holding his fist-shaped big hammer, standing behind him, more than 300 waists carrying eight crossbows, lined up, pointed at the invading rider!

A smile appeared on Liu Jingxuan's mouth, and he said triumphantly: "Don't think you won!"

The sergeants of the Jin army let out a thunderous roar: "Eight bulls are running, the enemy line is destroyed."

Hundreds of sledgehammers, UU看书www.uukanshu.com smashed the hammer in his hand severely, and slammed the spring behind the crossbow with a "slap", as the bronze buckle flew The crossbow strings twisted together by six animal tendons popped fiercely, and the broken strings were ejected forcefully. With the sound of death, they cut through the sky and flew more than fifty steps away, the first one to hit at full speed. Platoon armored ride.

The sounds of "crack", "crack", "crack", broken armor, broken bones, cracked people, and smashed horses, one after another, even with double heavy armor, the seemingly indestructible hundred warriors can't stop such fierceness. The concentrated shooting of Ba Niu crossbow, as long as it is hit, even the Da Luo Jinxian can't save his life at a distance of fifty steps. It is often the whole root that directly punches people through, and the knight who died instantly sits on this horse. , His body still maintains a charging posture, until he ran for more than ten steps, he would fall off his horse and die. And at the distance of more than ten steps, the blood in his body would be linear, spewing out from the wound in the back of the heart, even From the side, it looked almost as straight as the broken stem that passed through the human body.

With only one volley, the first row of Hundred Armored Cavaliers who charged in front had more than 30 rides and died. The iron ropes bound together will bring the knights who were not hit, even people. The horse ground fell to the ground. At a distance of more than 20 steps, the first row of more than a hundred riders fell into a haze. The two dozen knights did not hit Fei Li, but were knocked down. The horses of the earth flew straight out, rolled out six or seven steps, fell a dog to chew the mud, before they had time to yell or get up, they only felt a pain in the back, and something heavy hit the back of the heart. Squash the whole person, just like this, trample to death for the companions in the second row behind me, I can't even say a word, and I don't know who killed him when I saw the Queen of Yama! It can be said that the companion dies under the hoof, and he is also confused!

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