Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2741: 3 bursts of iron cavalry

However, the battle-tested and battle-tested armored horsemen, even if they suffered such a sudden blow, even if the companions in the first row almost fell down in a row, there was still no panic or hesitation. They were fighting. He was fierce, did not flinch, and even jumped into the air at a faster speed, leaping over the first row of cavalry and horses that fell on the ground, and did not dodge the companions who fell, because, for the cavalry, Falling a horse is no different from a dead person. Stepping on them is the same as stepping on a corpse, without causing guilt and burden.

A whole row of armored horses flew up, taking advantage of the strong inertia when impacting at full speed, flew more than ten steps in the air, and while trampling more than 20 front-row comrades to death, they also passed the first fall. The line is less than thirty steps away from the Jinjun Ba Niu Nu formation on the opposite side.

The armored riders pierced their pupils with blood, yelled in unison, and waved the weapons in their hands. The long and mace were all leveled. They pointed directly at the eight-bow crossbowmen on the opposite side. The leader of the team was gritted his teeth. Roar: "Rush up and kill them! This crossbow machine can't fire continuously, fast, fast!"

But his words just stopped on the tip of his tongue, because he suddenly discovered that the crossbow on the opposite side had already been rotated at some point, and the crossbow that had been emptied had moved elsewhere like a turntable. Now What was hanging on the mechanism buckle was a crossbow arm that had been rewinded, and a short five-foot crossbow, which was resting on the crossbow arm, with a three-sided arrow pointing straight at himself.

Liu Jingxuan cried out, "Send it again!"

Wang Mengzi behind him slapped the hammer with his hand, and then dropped it again. A short whistle flew out, not one, but more than three hundred. The cavalry at thirty paces in front of the entire Jin army charged forward, suddenly There was a **** mist, and the distance approached again, and this time the charging knights stood up when they flew just now, their feet did not cling to the stirrups like the first knights, so when they were pierced by the flying knights , Most of the whole person flew out directly from the horseback, falling seven or eight paces away, and even some of them ran into the third row of companions who followed up and charged.

In addition to people being hit, more than 30 war horses were also hit head-on. The one-horned thorns on the horses’ heads could not protect their heads. They were hit from this distance, whether they were people or horses. There was only one dead end. The horses that were killed fell directly to the ground. More than 20 horses lost their front feet and pounced on the ground. This made the entire row of horses unable to maintain the state of the iron rope impact. They ran a distance of about ten paces, and finally Like a collapsed city wall, it crashed to the ground.

A huge cloud of smoke and dust, accompanied by blood, rose into the air, less than twenty steps away from Liu Jingxuan. The eight-ox crossbow on his waist, the crossbow arm of the eight-ox crossbow on his waist just dropped the sledgehammer, and after firing the switch, it rotated again. , The last stringed short string turned to the front, and the crossbow string was pulled apart again, stuck, and was ready for the final blow.

"Woo" and "Woo", a row of feather arrows came oncoming, among the smoke and dust, the attacking warriors of the third row had already copied their bows and arrows in their hands, and they flew over the second row of fallen horses. , In the air, it was shot against the opposite side. Hundreds of long arrows roared in the air, and more than twenty shots directly hit the Jinjun strongman with eight oxen crossbows on his waist. More than ten strong men fell down with snoring. After all, at the distance of more than 20 steps, the powerful armored riders shoot with a long bow, even if it is double-layered, it is difficult to resist.

The two soldiers rushed forward and waved the shields in their hands. In front of Liu Jingxuan, they blocked three feather arrows in a row. Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth and kicked a soldier in front of him in the ass, shouting:" Get out of the way if you don't want to die, and post again!"

The shield hand fell to the ground, Wang Mengzi’s sledgehammer smashed down fiercely, and the last row of short whirls flew out, drawing an arc of death, and hitting the ten steps that had already rushed to his side. Inside, the third row of Hundred Armoured Cavaliers in the third row of the Yan Army, who was winding up the arrow and preparing for the second firing, was another flurry of horses flying upside down. Everywhere in the air, short squabs were directly punched through the body, and they flew like skewers of meat. Cavalry, and this round of blows, because they took off in the air, hit more horses than people, so that the moment the entire platoon of cavalry fell to the ground, they almost fell to the ground, even some knights. It turned to the ground and fell to the line of the Eight Bulls Crossbowmen of the Jin Army.

A sergeant leaning in front of Liu Jingxuan slammed into a Yanjun armor who flew out from the horse and rushed to the ground. A big bag suddenly bulged on his head, but he couldn't care about rubbing his hands. Picking up the big shield on the ground, he smashed it on the head and neck of the armored horse, and while smashing it, he shouted, "Die, die, die." And this Yanjun knight was even physically strong. Before I had time, UU reading www.uukānshu.com's brain was smashed into blood and blood, the iron noodles were directly smashed into the face, and the eyeballs were violently smashed out of the eyeholes of the mask. , And the place where his head was, the big shield was smashed into the ground for half a foot, turning into a pit of blood.

Another cloud of smoke rose up, and another armored knight rolled over ten times on the ground, past the shieldman in front and the enemy he was smashing, and rolled to Liu Jingxuan’s front, on Liu Jingxuan’s waist, that’s already The empty Ba Niu crossbow fell in response. The armored rider in front of him instinctively wanted to use an arrow held in his right hand to pierce Liu Jingxuan’s legs and feet, but it gave this Ba Niu weighing hundreds of catties. The crossbow was smashed down and pressed on his hand. With a scream, he screamed, watching the blood pouring from under the crossbow body, and the pain changed his voice like a wolf howling.

Liu Jingxuan raised his right foot high and stepped violently in the air. He stepped on the back of the Yanjun armored rider. There was a burst of armor cracking and the sound of broken bones, accompanied by the horror of broken internal organs. When it reached everyone's ears, and this knight also tilted his head, and suddenly there was no voice. This force of stepping was so terrifying.

As the entire row of Yanjun armours in the third row fell, the shield formations opened behind the Eight Bulls Crossbowmen, and more than a hundred strong men with sledgehammers, the same people who had just fired the Eight Bulls, stepped forward. Wang Mengzi beat them left and right, and fell these to the ground. I don't know if it was the dead or alive Yan Jun, each of his heads suddenly smashed into pieces of watermelon, and the screams and screams of those armored horses were accompanied by these terrible The sound of the hammer cracking the skull and bones, followed the wind to the back fifty steps, the second attack of the Hundred Armored Cavaliers.

Liu Jingxuan with his hands on his hips, twisted heavily, spit a **** saliva on the ground, and shouted, "Who else!"

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