Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2880: Brothers of life and death are rare

Liu Muzhi sighed softly: "This involves what kind of army and subordinates you want. If you have a way to ensure that these young generals are obedient to you, then there is no need to attack their army. For example, to A Shou, to Tie Niu, to Da Zhuang, their people, and their entire army will be loyal to you, but now in the Beifu Army, are there many such generals?"


Liu Yu said solemnly: "The three people you mentioned, Tian Zi, Zhen Evil, and Ling Shi, they are loyal to me. Maybe there will be conflicts between Tian Zi and Zhen Evil, but I ordered them to go through fire and water. I can't even blink."


Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "Jin slave, you have to figure out one thing. Before, you and the old brother in Beifu had a fateful friendship on the battlefield. They fought side by side for countless times, born to death, especially Wuqiao Ze In the war, you rushed into the black fire to rescue everyone alone, so all the brothers who survived that war, including Zhuge Changmin, will not agree with you, but he still follows you all the time because The life-saving grace of this battle back then."


"As for the people like the Tan family brothers, the Zhu family brothers, the Shen family’s five tigers, Liu Zhong, the Wang family brothers, and the Meng family brothers, they were a generation younger than you old Beifu seniors, and they entered the army eight to ten years later. Although it’s not a generational gap, there are still two age groups in the army. When you were the leader of the army and commanded thousands of troops, they only started from the ranks of the army, the centurion and other basic-level officers, right. You are also more out of admiration for the predecessors and legends in the military. It is the kind of admiration for the predecessors by the younger generations. But after all, there is a gap between you and their status and status. Ji, the feeling of fighting side by side and living together with these old brothers like Bottle!"


Liu Yu shook his head: "It's not like that. I didn't take them like Liu Dashuai did to me. They sent me to a place to perform a task alone, starting from guarding Luoyang, to calming down the demon, and then to Jianyi Jingkou. They are all living and dying together in the same army. I am indeed in the position of command of the Chinese army, but when I am really desperate, I will still lead them and charge into the battle. I still fight side by side with them on the battlefield. , Bleeding and sweating together, the friendship of living and dying with the old brothers, has not changed!"


Liu Muzhi laughed: "It's still different. With A Shou and Bottle, they are brothers who can help each other. You can safely give your back to these companions, and you can even give it to Greece on the battlefield. Le. But for your young subordinates, you always have to command them in the back, or protect them in the front when you charge, because they are your subordinates, your nephews, not your brothers. Both of these It feels different, even though it looks alike."


Liu Yu nodded thoughtfully: "You said that, it seems to be true. When charging with Wuji and A Shou, I don't have to worry about my flanks and back, because I know that someone will always help me to block the defense, but with When Tian Zi and Ling Shi are charging at them, I have to think about whether they are in danger and how to take care of them. Maybe this is really a different mentality."


Liu Muzhi said sternly: "So even if they have risen in status now, they can command an army independently with the general position, but this mentality remains the same. They are your subordinates, younger brother, and they will obey your command. , But whether you will spare your life and die for you like the old brother, it’s uncertain. On the battlefield, you will feel that they are brave, charging forward, and fearless life and death like you, but this is for their own sake. Or is it for you? When I really want to lay down my life, do I want to protect you like a bottle without my own life?"

   Liu Yu closed his eyes and murmured: "If you say so, maybe the Zhu family brothers can do this, others, hey, even if it is to suppress evil, maybe they can't take their lives to protect me."


Liu Muzhi laughed and said, "That's it. The source change I mentioned is actually plain, but the mentality and the purpose of joining the army are not the same as before. The old Beifu brothers are mostly from Jingkou or Lianghuai, starting from the grassroots. This is the kind of brotherly loyalty, but now these new generation of generals, many of them come from military sects, or the surnames of the rich family, and most of them joined the army for the sake of glory and glory, making meritorious deeds, and when it comes to life and death, they are not necessarily willing to sacrifice their lives Protect your comrades and colleagues."


"If even his own life can be sacrificed for his comrades in arms, how can he hurt the harmony between the brothers for a little merit? Wang Zhen's evil army is to restore the glory of their Wang family ancestors. After all, Wang Meng is an eternal name, and Wang He has been valued by his grandfather since he was a child, and he feels he has a great responsibility. He joined the army, joined your subordinates, and did everything possible to express himself. He hoped that one day he could be the main general and bring thousands of troops back to the customs for the former Qin Dynasty. At the same time of revenge, it can also revive the name of the Wang family again."


"As for the Shen family brothers, they are also unwilling to be suppressed by the noble family and the old men from the north. UU reading www.uukanshu.com has the opportunity to use their strength to stand up and control their own destiny as the Wudi surname. Tian. If the teacher can give them this opportunity, they will join the heavenly teacher. Now it is you who can give a better opportunity to recognize you as a great commander. Send a slave, you must stay sober about this!"


Liu Yu frowned: "It goes without saying that it is so realistic and cold. For the Shen family, I saved the lives of their entire clan and gave them the glory and wealth they are today. I believe the five tigers of the Shen family are also loyal to me. Honestly, there will be no betrayal."


Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "Then why don't you say that when the Wudi rebellion was put down, our Beifu army broke through the army of monsters and killed their fathers and grandparents, although it was the soldier who told the secrets of the same town, Liu Laozhi's soldiers The horse hunted and killed them, but you were also a general in the army. Normally, you are also their father and enemy."


   Liu Yu smiled and said, "It's a death crime for their whole family to make trouble, of course. I still hate me for this? It's an extra-legal graciousness for me to keep them alive."


Liu Muzhi sighed: "It is not right now, but in the future, if there is a conflict of interest for promotion and development, for example, if you compete with Wang Zhenye for great achievements again, the relationship to you will be subtle. "


Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "I have always dealt with military merits fairly. Wang Zhen acted wickedly against orders. Even if he was meritorious, I didn’t count his merits. This is the case in this great war, but I have degraded Wang Zhen’s evil as a Chinese soldier. , I can only make suggestions and advices. There is no soldier at all. After the war, Shen Tianzi's merits are also under the control of Shen Tianzi. I don't know why this makes his Shen brothers dissatisfied!"

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