Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2881: 5 Ziliang will fight for the top

Liu Muzhi sighed softly: "Send slaves, send slaves, you said, why Xi Le is not satisfied with you and wants to compete with you everywhere?"


   The pupils in Liu Yu's eyes shrank suddenly, and he was speechless.


Liu Muzhi looked into Liu Yu's eyes and said with a serious face: "Actually, you also know that Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. They are all capable and aspiring generals. Who wants to succumb to others? That is Wuji. And A Shou, if you hadn't given your life to save them on the battlefield many times before, you wouldn't have slammed your heart on the ground. Now, this reincarnation fate has reached Wangzhen, Shen Tianzi, Zhu Lingshi and Tanshao, oh no, I think Tan Daoji may be even better for their Tan family, and in Meng Huaiyu's body, these five young people can be described as the young generation of generals who are like elites. The future commander of the Beifu Army will be selected from among them, and, They also understand this, and they have already started secretly competing with each other."


   Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "What do you mean, Shen Tianzi and Wang Zhen's evil fight, after all, is not a momentary scolding war with each other, but a fight for the top?"


Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, they come from different sources. Unlike you back then, a new barracks, eating, living and sleeping together, training together, as the most basic-level soldiers on the battlefield, they bleed together and fight together. They don’t have the feeling of living and dying together. When Wang Zhenyi entered the army, you joined the army and stayed by your side to listen to the orders, while Shen Tianzi took thousands of horses to join him and was used as a surprise attack by you. They are different from Zhu Lingshi, Tan Daoji, and Meng Huaiyu who have followed you a long time ago. They are both foreigners, so they must compete with each other first. Only by overwhelming opponents can they compete with other Beifu teenagers. Fight again."


Liu Yu sighed: "Always, maybe I really ignored this. I didn't realize that these young people did not have the brotherhood of the same team as we did in the past. Then this problem is a bit serious. It’s just that the Suppression of Evil almost never leads soldiers, and has always been by my side to join the army, passing the military orders, just like Liu Zhong, why wouldn’t Shen Tianzi do this to Liu Zhong?”


Liu Muzhi laughed and said: "Liu Zhong knew you much earlier than Shen Tianzi. Besides, he and the Wang brothers are getting along well. Most of them are law enforcement officers in the army. This is destined to offend many people. It is very likely that he can take charge of the Beifu as a law enforcement officer. Moreover, to be honest, Liu Zhong obeyed your instructions too much, and his independent commanding ability was not strong. In other words, he lacked the ability to respond. Your order is to guard the water source behind, but unlike Meng Longfu, you don’t want to chase Gongsun’s fifth floor and capture the enemy general. Whether it’s in exchange for Muronglan or not, at least it shows one thing, that is, Liu Zhong is a commander. People who are not aggressive and fighting for power, such people are unlikely to occupy the position of the commander of the Northern Army."


Liu Yu laughed: "Xiao Zhong is indeed such a person, loyal and able to execute almost every instruction of mine perfectly, never questioning the reason." But when he said this, he sighed softly and smiled. Gradually dissipated, "It is precisely because of this that he is too obedient to my will and does not have his own opinion. This is also the case for every war game. In case of unexpected situations, he lacks flexibility. Therefore, he is the best performer. It is most appropriate to let him execute the military order or complete the task as a deputy, but it is beyond his ability to let him stand alone as the coach."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu took a deep breath: "He is a general, not a handsome talent. Presumably Shen Tianzi and the others have seen it, so they will never have **** with him. However, at critical moments, Xiao Zhong could not control his peers. Or someone higher than him, such as the Raptors, he went to chase Gongsun's fifth floor alone, and Xiao Zhong didn't even find it. But the anti-evil is the opposite of him. The anti-evil is too assertive and self-righteous, and I command him. You don’t have to follow it. As long as it’s something you look for, you will react accordingly. Among the five young people you mentioned, the point of suppressing evil is the most prominent. Sometimes, even I began to hear that he violated the military order and would act privately. He was extremely angry, but looking at the environment he was in and the choice he made afterwards, he secretly praised him, because I changed his position and made the same choice."


Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Because Wang Zhenye looks very much like you when it comes to judging and grasping the battlefield situation. When it comes to violating Shangfeng's opinions and doing his own thing, it is like you very much, no wonder. You like him so much. However, the more you take Wang Zhen evil with you, and the more you tolerate his violation of orders, the more dissatisfied other generals, especially Shen Tianzi."


"In the past, Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, also preferred to join the army and let him be his own army and bring him by his side. Whenever he talks about the art of war, he is always the best, so when the key battle of Jieliang came later, Zhuge Liang resisted all opinions. In the end, Ma Di also violated Zhuge Liang’s order to encamp in power. He had to go up the mountain to defend, but he did not know the water source. He made a low-level mistake, surrounded the mountain and cut off the water for the enemy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The last soldier. Unable to fight because of thirst, it led to a big defeat, and it also left the eternal regret of slashing the horse with tears. Ji slave, the current Wangzhen is evil, but it is your horse."


Liu Yu shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I can't say that. Ma Di is because he can only talk boastfully and has no real combat ability. He was given the authority of the coach when he came up. The generals refused to accept him. He was anxious to show his majesty. Choosing to defend up the mountain arbitrarily, it can only be said to be lack of experience, because Ma Di comes from the land of Jingzhou with abundant rainfall. I don't know that the arid climate in the northwest can be rainless for many days. This is obviously caused by lack of practical experience.


"It is for this reason that I will give Wang Zhenye many opportunities for actual combat. The last time I asked A Shou to take him to the Muling Pass, it was an exercise. I also paid great attention to maintaining the relationship with the generals. Pulling him too high, he did his own thing during the last attack. Afterwards, I didn’t count his merits. Instead, I transferred him back to the Chinese Army to join the army just to teach him a lesson. But what you said makes sense. I overlooked that the friendship between other generals and him is not as deep as ours. There are some things that brothers can ignore, but if they are regarded as competitors for the handsome position, it is another matter, between me and Xi Le. , I don’t want to repeat it in the next generation of young people."


Liu Muzhi sighed: "Actually, what I want to say is that Wang Zhen's own evil is not something that can be solved by your beating, and now there has been a situation where Shen Tianzi is openly at odds with him. You can’t resolve it by hitting thirty army sticks each, you'd better..."


   Liu Yu waved his hand: "Fatty, I'm sorry, I want him to be alone in suppressing evil."

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