Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2882: Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of walking

The fat on Liu Muzhi's face jumped: "Be the only one? Send slave, what do you mean?"


After Liu Yu turned and walked back to the commander's position, he sat down and looked at Liu Muzhi who was also sitting in the long history position on the left, and said: "As the commander of the Northern Army, I can no longer manage every army. , Each building can only be mobilized by commanding various military leaders. The same reasoning is that as a person in charge of the world, as the actual ruler of Da Jin, I cannot control every state and every county, and I will always split the soil. Divide the border, set up Shouzai Fang Bo, Fatty, you can understand what I mean."


Liu Muzhi's brows frowned: "Are you saying that the new land created by the Northern Expedition, starting from Qingzhou in Nanyan this time, is ready to be distributed to the generals of the subordinates or senior brothers of the Beijing Eighth Party? Qingzhou? You are going to make Yang Muzhi the governor and let A Shou lead soldiers to guard it. Regarding Yongzhou in Guanzhong, you also want Wang Zhen to be evil like this?"


Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, appointing people who are well-known in the local area and accepted by the elders will greatly reduce the difficulty of rule. I have been to Guanzhong and Chang'an. To be honest, the local people have already I don’t think of myself as a citizen of the Great Jin Dynasty. Even in the city of Chang’an more than a decade ago, Hu people accounted for more than half. Now that the Qin Dynasty has ruled for so many years, I’m afraid that the number of Han people will be further reduced. Hu will increase further. If we continue to guard Guanzhong with the old Beifu brothers, I'm afraid it will cause strong local backlash."


Liu Muzhi nodded: "You’re right. The Hu style prevailed in Guanzhong long ago, and the Han and Hus lived together. Most of the remaining Han people have learned a lot of vulgar customs. Even without these vulgar customs, the people in the north have lived from life. I'm used to the usual production and work, which are very different from ours in the south. Just like you haven't been able to eat the steamed buns and noodles in the north for so many years, you changed our soldiers from the North and went to Guanzhong to keep them from eating rice, porridge, fish and shrimp for a long time. , Eating mutton steamed bun every day, I am afraid it will be more uncomfortable than killing them!"


   Liu Yu laughed: "I think you eat mutton skewers every day and eat roast leg of lamb.


Liu Muzhi smiled bitterly: "Isn’t it that I forced myself to eat these beef and mutton in order to practice living in the north and adapt to it? You should know that if I have a choice, I still prefer to eat chicken drumsticks, uh, if so. There are roast goose in honey sauce, which is really great..."


   At this point, Liu Muzhi's eyes released a strange light, his throat moved, and it seemed that saliva would flow out at any time.


   Liu Yu quickly said: "Alright, fat man, let's not discuss the delicious food, and continue to talk about business. After I leave, you have the final say on what you want to eat."


Liu Muzhi said angrily: "Bah, after you leave, the burden of the whole army is on me. I don't have time to eat. You have to add money to me. Well, let's not talk about it. Do you intend for Wang Zhen to guard the Guanzhong after the evil, do you want him to recruit troops and buy horses in Guanzhong, and use the old man from Guanzhong in the north and the horses from Longyou in Hexi to form a large-scale cavalry force, and then compete with the Northern Wei Dynasty in the desert? "


Liu Yu nodded: "That's the case. In fact, you have seen this time. With our invincible Beifu infantry, it is still very difficult to deal with the enemy cavalry on flat ground. It depends on the cart and the art of war. We can defend it. In this battle, we must save the enemy, so we force the enemy to fight our decisive battle here, but such a victory is difficult to do again, especially against the Northern Wei Dynasty."

   Liu Muzhi frowned: "Why, is the cavalry of the Northern Wei Dynasty even more powerful than the armored cavalry that Murong's family has been in the world for nearly a hundred years?"


Liu Yu shook his head: "Fatty, you don't understand this art of war very much. I don't elaborate on it. I will just say a few words briefly. Everything in this world has advantages and disadvantages, and each other reproduces and overcomes each other. The northern central plains, the plains, and the cavalry. Come and go like wind, without restriction. And where the Jiangnan water network, the rivers are vertical and horizontal, the soil is soft, and there are many rice fields, the northern cavalry goes to the south, often the horses are trapped in the mud water network and cannot be used. This is what we can always do. The reason for blocking the northern Huqi in the Jianghuai area. But conversely, once the southern infantry came to the north and the Central Plains and faced the cavalry on the plains, they would suffer a lot, because the flesh and blood body could hardly contend with the back and forth conflict of the horses. It can't run on four legs, and its mobility is much weaker than that of the cavalry. Even the Northern Army cannot reverse this natural disadvantage."


Liu Muzhi laughed: "Compared with this cavalry, it is self-evident that who is better and who is inferior. The cavalry was originally superior in mobility, but the stride was strong, and there were crossbows near and far, and they fought in formation. There is always an advantage. Cavalry cannot attack the front of the infantry, but since the Murong family's armored cavalry, things have changed. They can forcibly attack the front of the infantry, destroy and smash everything. No one can break it for decades. It’s the first time in many years that you can forcefully defeat Murong’s cavalry by relying on the eight-stone running crossbow~www.wuxiaspot.com~."


Liu Yu nodded: "But after all, it just caught them by surprise. The Murong family has never seen the Eight-Stone Crossbow, and only our Beifu sergeant dared to launch the Eight-Null Crossbow against the galloping iron cavalry, and replaced them with normal troops. Seeing such an imposing assault on the opposite side, it was already disintegrated. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is very difficult for the infantry to force the enemy's armor in the field, not to mention that this battle is still protected by a cart. The two wings deliberately lured the enemy’s 20,000 armored horses into the rear line, otherwise the 30,000 armored horses will attack from one direction, even if we block it, we will suffer heavy casualties, and even the front army will collapse."


Liu Muzhi raised his eyebrows: "But we still won the battle after all. This shows that the infantry of our Beifu Army still has the strength to defeat the enemy's armor frontally, not to mention that this is the strongest Murong armor in the world, the Northern Wei Dynasty. But there is no such strength and the will to charge with the Eight Bull Crossbow."


Liu Yu sighed: "When it comes to Wei Jun, it is another problem. Their armored cavalry is currently not as good as the Northern Wei Dynasty, but why did Murongbao and other troops, who have tens of thousands of armored cavalry, also lost to the Wei Jun? The battle proved one thing, that is, for the army, mobility is better than usual combat effectiveness. No matter how strong the soldier is, it is impossible to sleep endlessly. The best way to destroy the enemy is to attack it if it is unprepared and make it unable to wear armor. Can’t get on horses, can’t line up. At this time, it is a one-sided massacre, which is no different from killing ordinary people."


   Liu Muzhi's eyes lit up: "Understood, Jun Wei is good at maneuvering, he can run for thousands of miles, and he can go away if he can't beat them. So, is it our more difficult opponent to deal with?!"

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