Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2888: Overwork and illness have hidden worries

Speaking of this, Liu Yu hooked his mouth and looked at Liu Muzhi: "Fatty, these things are still too far away. We haven't even destroyed Nanyan. There is the mysterious and terrifying Heavenly Dao League behind it, as well as Lingnan's. The monsters and the rebels in Xishu, as well as between us and the high family of the family, within our Beijing eight brothers, there are many things that have not been resolved. The northern expedition to the Central Plains, calm the world, recover the two capitals, and restore our Han family. , It’s just after all of this is done, I don’t know if we still have a chance in our lifetime to realize the things we just discussed."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Everything will be set up in advance, and all our arrangements must be considered for ten years. After twenty years, this will not be disrupted by unexpected events. Since you want to If you reuse Wangzhen’s evil and let him take his own role in the future, you must make various responses. It’s not impossible to put him in Guanzhong, but it’s better to move the capital to Luoyang, and you will be safe."

Speaking of this, Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Of course, before thinking about such a long time, you'd better consider the contradiction between him and Shen Tianzi. It is always not a good thing for the two generals to fight for merit, although there are some great men. You can use this kind of subordinates to stimulate their abilities, but in the long run, people who are really capable and capable are very difficult to control. The Emperor Wu of Han used to use the guard, and the second general of Huo also let them do the same. The nephews meant to fight each other, but in the end Huo Qubing died prematurely and Wei Qing seized the military power. Shen Tianzi and Wang Zhenye did not have this kind of relative relationship. If they were allowed to fight like this, there was the possibility and danger of splitting the Beifu. what."

Liu Yu nodded: "Thank you for your reminder. I will pay more attention to this point. When necessary, I will not let them have trouble together, but they are all generals I need to focus on in the future. It is impossible to suppress them completely. Now is the time to conquer the world, and I need talents and talents."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "You can take care of these things by yourself. I reminded you. During the time you are away, I will try to mediate the contradictions between them. Although Shen Tianzi is a rough person, his second brother Shen Yunzi Shen Linzi and his fourth brother Shen Linzi are both civil and military talents. I will explain the truth to them. After all, Wang Zhen’s evil will not adversely affect the future of their Shen family Zhuhu. Everyone will work for you and Dajin. There are many times when we cooperate with each other. Only by mutual achievement can we reach higher heights."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "You still have a way. Okay, it's getting late. I have to rush to Guanggu. The seals are on the case, so you can use them. As for my whereabouts, please don't disclose to everyone for the time being. , I only said that there are secrets and important things to leave temporarily, and you will take care of it. I explained this before I came out. If I am not here, everyone will follow your orders.

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Be careful on the road, although you are invincible in martial arts, but the black robe is also a powerful character, and there is the evil Gu monster to help, don't make any accidents in the good situation. And the wonderful sound is the queen after all, although It’s her own thing, but her identity as a spy is not known to outsiders. In case there is a long and two shortcomings, it is also a great disadvantage to us. Our opponents may also take the opportunity to make an article. After you find her, be sure to follow She knows what is at stake, and don’t leave your side at any time. Safety is the first priority."

   Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I will meet the machine to act. By the way, you control the beef and mutton in the treasury to eat. No one will care about you when I am gone, pay attention to the influence."

As he said, he turned around and walked out of the big tent without looking back. Soon, the voice of salutes from the sergeants on duty outside was heard in the distance, and the voice of Liu Yu's command echoed outside: "Mao Niu, bring Ten brothers, go with me right away. When I am away, Liu Changshi is in charge of everything here."

   Along with the promises of the soldiers, there was a sound of horseshoes, gradually disappearing into the night sky. Liu Muzhi shook his head gently, turned around and sat down in Liu Yu’s handsome case, staring at the big seal on the case, and muttered: "Jin slave, this seal can only be yours, early Come back, don't let me last too long!"

Suddenly, he coughed violently, and every piece of fat on his body was shaking violently. As he coughed, he struggled to pull out a piece of cloth from his sleeve and covered his mouth and nose. By the way, his fat hands trembled from his arms. He took out a celadon medicine bottle, opened the cork, and poured a few drops of medicine into his mouth with a trembling hand. The violent cough gradually calmed down, and when Liu Muzhi took it down and covered it, When the silk was on his mouth and nose, the blue silk kerchief just now was half red, and the area between his mouth and nose was stained with blood, and even his beard was stained with a lot of blood.

Liu Muzhi gently wiped the blood from his mouth and nose, returned to normal, stood up straight, and the blood cloth was already hidden in his sleeve, he muttered to himself: "Don't let me Hold it for too long."

   Guanggu south of the city, a newly established camp has been camped for dozens of miles, facing the city, and between the camp and the city, there are more than ten corpses piled up to more than ten feet high, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is all dressed up as Xianbei with braided hair, with gray-haired old men on top, and little pigtails on the bottom, children who are only a few years old. They are piled like slaughtered animals into these dozen piles. Sima Guofan's face was full of flesh, and he stood in front of these corpses in murderous armor. Under the **** of hundreds of brightly armored sergeants, holding an iron horn, he shouted at the city wall: "Suo The captive dog slave is optimistic, these are your fate, you slaughter us a Han, this general will kill you ten captives, see who can kill! If there is a kind, come out to take revenge, this general is waiting here!"

   A soldier next to him whispered: "General Sima, this kind of scolding should be done by the humble men. As a general, it seems inappropriate for you to scold the scolding yourself, and it is also dangerous here."

Sima Guofan laughed, turned his head and said to the soldier, "What do you know, these Xianbei dog slaves have scared us away in Linqu a long time ago. We rushed all the way. Have you ever seen anyone who dared to fight us? Guys? Now they are hiding in the city and trembling. They will only kill our Han people. Then kill each other. We have lost a lot of brothers in Linqu, so we just take these Xianbei people who haven't entered the city to vent their anger, they If you really dare to fight, you won’t watch these tribesmen slaughter us under the city. These gains can be regarded as our results. You see, this battle has cut more than 10,000, which is no more exhausting than in Linqu. Life is much better! To pile up corpses for one day today, count the beheadings, and burn them all in a fire tomorrow."


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