Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2889: Kill the people and take advantage of the hatred

The soldier licked his lips, turned his head and glanced to the west. There were hundreds of people in Xianbei costumes, digging more than a dozen big holes, putting a bunch of them on sharp wooden stakes, with their hair tied. The bun, obviously the first level of the Han people, was thrown into this pit one by one, while other Xianbei people threw more than a thousand headless Han corpses into another big pit. Liu Jingxuan stood without his helmet. Like the thousands of cavalry who dismounted and took off their helmets, they all stood in silence, and even the horse on one side bowed their heads silently, as if in silence.

The soldier shook his head: "What's the matter with Liu Guanjun? Isn't it just the corpses of more than a thousand people? It's the same as the death of his relatives. Even in order to let these Xianbei prisoners dig pits, they didn't kill them, and they followed General Sima, you had a quarrel, and they all said that this man is muscular and simple in mind. I think it's not just simple, it's a brain disease."

Sima Guofan sneered and said: "It is indeed a sick person, who has fought for a lifetime. It is said that human life should have been regarded as a must, and thousands of people should have died. That's it. Isn't it just being caught as a slave to a happy worker? Those people in Suzhou, oh, I remember, this place in Huaibei is the place where Liu Jingxuan has been operating for many years. Perhaps among these people, there are really some relatives of him."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding sergeants all laughed and fell together. Liu Jingxuan glanced at this place and continued to bow his head in silence. The soldier said quickly, "General Sima, he seems to have looked at us. Will this happen? The guy will hit us with a small report, saying that we slaughtered civilians or something? Then Liu Cheqi gave an order to let us not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

The flesh on Sima Guofan's face jumped and sneered, "Huh, but these Xianbei people also participated in the massacre of our Han people, these dead ghosts, there is still some value, even if Liu Jinu is here in person, I'm not afraid. You will listen to me. When someone asks, they will say that we saw these Xianbei people killing our Han people. They were aroused by righteous indignation, so they would kill them. Did you hear that!"

   All the surrounding guard sergeants agreed in unison. The soldier whispered: "General Sima, this time we killed thousands of Xianbei people, and accumulated corpses under the city, flaunting my martial arts. Finally, you have made a great achievement. After you go back, you will definitely be promoted. I'm afraid. The position of the leader, the general of the Forbidden Army, is none other than you."

Sima Guofan nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, that's natural. This world is the world of our Sima family. Because the kings of the Western Dynasty had civil war before, our Sima family from the emperor to the clan after the Southern Passage was unable to control the army. This is how these powers, ministers, and generals were left empty. The reason why I asked King Langyan to lead the troops on the expedition this time was to do something to restore the glory of our Sima family!"

"Think about it, how did Liu Jinu master the power? Didn't he rely on serving as a soldier, improving himself step by step, and finally controlling the army before he controlled the political affairs. Our Sima clan started from Emperor Xuan, that is I started with Wu, gained military merit, and finally won the world. Now, the important task of rejuvenating the Sima family remains on the shoulders of Sima Guofan."

   The soldier immediately showed loyalty and nodded vigorously: "The general has great ambitions. I will do my best to help General Sima get what he wants."

Sima Guofan nodded with satisfaction: "Hu Ergou, your kid is very clever. This general sees it all. If this general can gain power in the future, you will also benefit from it. Okay, I'm tired. , You continue to shout, the louder the better."

The soldier named Hu Ergou respectfully received the iron horn, while Sima Guofan turned and sat on the Hu bed behind him. Hu Ergou was about to speak, and suddenly thought of something, he turned his head and said, "General, Is it true that the savages in this city will come out to attack us? We have been away for so long, isn't it unsafe?

   Sima Guofan said angrily: "Stupid, I just praised you for your cleverness, and now you are in your original form again. We have horses. If we go back to the camp, is it possible that they will fly over and kill us?"

Hu Ergou scratched his head: "Well, during the last Linqu battle, didn't it mean that many prisoners flew over from the sky? In the end, the national master of the country of Yan was rescued by a flying monster. I heard that , The monster can also demonize and put venom. I saw a few brothers in the Zhuge Changmin Army just sprayed to death like this."

Sima Guofan's expression changed: "If you don't tell me I'm real, the Kongming Lantern is nothing terrible, but the flying monster is really troublesome. Come on, ask everyone to be on guard and get on the horse. If any monsters fly out. , We will withdraw right away."

Hu Ergou nodded, and was about to walk away to pass the order, but his **** hurts and he almost fell to the ground. Turning his head to see, Sima Guofan looked at him with an angry expression: "The order was passed. You don’t need to take care of things, you can just swear, don’t take the opportunity to slip your account."

At the head of Guanggu city, in the eyes of the black robe, there was a cold light flashing like electricity, looking at everything outside the city, beside him, Muronglan's face was solemn, standing side by side with him, and behind them, a few Hundreds of Xianbei generals were all in armor and knelt on the city wall. Their fists were tightly clenched, their teeth creaked, and the head of the general said loudly: "Guo Shi, princess, please give your order. Let me wait for the battle. The three younger brothers of my Harihei wife are all harmed by these thieves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are all unarmed people, and I want to avenge them!"

The sergeants behind    called as one, all crying: "My sister is also dead, and my uncle, please let me go out, even if I fight this life, I will kill two Jindogs for revenge!"

   "Fight a dog, fight two to earn one, national teacher, give us this opportunity!"

Heipao said coldly: "Your Majesty has an order to hold on to the city. Everyone needs to guard their posts. The Jin army kills our people and piles up corpses to show off. It is to lure us to fight. If you really want revenge, you can stick to your position. Come on, after two days the Jin army will attack the city, and there will be opportunities for you to kill the enemy and avenge!"

  Halihei opened his eyes wide: "Is there really such a chance? National Teacher!"

The black robe turned his head and looked at Halihei, his eyes gleaming: "Halihei, I am afraid that your knife will not be sharp enough by then, and the Jinjun will break if you can't cut a few people! The string is not tight enough, and it will break if you can shoot a few arrows. Up!"

   Halihei gave a long roar, bounced from the ground, turned his head and shouted at the soldiers beside him: "Warriors, go with me to sharpen the sword!"

Seeing a bunch of Xianbei soldiers walking with wind and jogging all the way down the city wall, the black robe nodded with satisfaction: "What you want is this kind of aura, Alan, hatred can make people explode with power that surpasses the potential of the body, and this power , That's what I want."


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