Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2892: Stick to your ideals

   Murong Lan said coldly: "It turns out that your number one enemy now is not Liu Yu, but an old partner of Dou Peng. Then without Dou Peng, is it possible for your ten-year peace plan to be realized?"

A cold light flashed in Heipao's eyes: "This requires you, Alan, the cloak has long controlled the power of the South. Even if I can eliminate him, it will not be easy to replace him at once. Therefore, I Need a collaborator in the South. You should understand what I mean now."

Murong Lan was taken aback for a moment, and then turned to laugh. Now she was smiling and leaning forward and back. If it weren't for the recent subordinates to send her a hundred steps away, I'm afraid that many people will come to ask because of surprise. What's wrong.

Hei Pao calmly looked at Murong Lan who was laughing like this, until she laughed for two minutes, and gradually calmed down, then slowly said: "Why, I want to cooperate with Liu Yu, is this funny? "

Muronglan held the crease of the city wall with one hand, and her belly with the other. She shook her head: "Oh, black robe, I'm really going to be dying, you, you are going to put me in my belly. The child has to laugh. Have you died once, this brain is wrong? Even if you only have the intelligence of a three-year-old child, you won't have such unrealistic dreams. Liu Yu still has a little bit of with you The possibility of cooperation? Do you think he can let you go if I ask him? Let alone cooperation!"

Hei Pao said indifferently: "I have always said that Liu Yu is more rational than you think. For him, to realize his system of restoring the Han family and eliminating all enslavement, this is his lifelong ideal and also for him. For this struggle, for this goal, he can separate from you, he can turn against Liu Yi, and he can sit and watch Wang Miaoyin escape into the empty door or become a queen. You have to know that he has the ability and means to stop these things!"

Murong Lan sneered: "He used to have insufficient strength, sometimes he could only make concessions and compromises, but now he sits on the power that can sweep the world, and there are tens of thousands of people who are willing to die for him and do everything. An elite warrior, and the first battle in Linqu, he broke the 200,000 Yan army and broke the myth of invincibility in the armored cavalry. If your identity is revealed, knowing that even the war **** Murongchui himself is not his opponent, then he will give The world sees as a living god, who else would dare to be an enemy of him?! Does he still need to make any concessions?"

Hei Pao smiled and waved his hand: "It's just a win in a battle. It can only prove that he is indeed the best talent in the world, but it is far from calming the world. He can win me once on the battlefield, not necessarily twice. This victory, even if he is invincible on the battlefield, in the conspiracy field and power field of intrigue, he may not always win, because his ideals are too noble, so noble to everyone in the world to accept, especially the position of high authority. Those who have to sacrifice real interests, give up the wealth in their hands, and distribute them to the common people, do you think they will be willing? At that time, let alone the enemies of Jiankang City’s aristocratic family, the cloak, and the Mafia, that’s His current brothers, subordinates, soldiers, and even his family members may turn against him! If you want to be a saint, you have to endure this kind of universal enemy. Do you really think he can do it?"

   Murong Lan's eyes sparkled, obviously, lost in thought.

Heipao touched his goatee, and said solemnly, "So Liu Yu is still far from being invincible. On the other hand, he is troubled internally and externally. He is in danger. On the surface, only me can see it. The enemy, as well as those rebels and celestial masters who ruled in a separate place, but in fact, his ideals will harm the interests of almost all those in power. It is inevitable that he will receive a strong backlash. Once all of them have rebelled against their relatives, the army they rely on is inevitable. When the warriors also start to oppose him, then he might end up with Wang Mang. Alan, would you like to see such a result?"

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "I fell in love with Liu Yu because of his ideals and innocence. He has a heart that is not contaminated by this world. Now that he holds a heavy army and holds the power of the world, he still has the original intention. Don’t change, if I choose, even if it’s not his wife, I will abandon everything and follow him. I believe that there are not a few people who think like me!"

Heipao laughed: "Yes, that's right, if you are a bachelor like him, helpless, without a wife and children, you can rely on the impulse of blood, don't kill him, I will carry it all my life. How many such passionate men are there? As long as they drink and eat meat together, take the lead in the war, it is good to let the brothers take it first, and then it is best to pick it, naturally there will be countless strong men. But what about it? They can do everything for you when they are single, but when they have money, officials, status, marry a wife and have children, can they still think like this? Will they still spare their lives as before? If it's for Liu Yu The slogan is to share the land, official position, and money that you have worked **** to farmers who you don’t know. How many people would be willing?"

   Murong Lan said solemnly: "Liu Yu is not so stupid. He is to give his brothers riches and benefits, but he will not let them be like the family's masters and let their children and grandchildren take possession of it for generations without any credit."

Heipao sneered and said, "Does that mean depriving people of their descendants of the right to continue to enjoy prosperity and wealth? Both the Han people and the Hu people respect our ancestors and hope to be blessed by our ancestors. UU reads www.uukanshu.com at the same time. Not insulting the reputation of your ancestors, but if you are alive, you will not be able to give up the things that should be passed on to the unknown outsiders. How many people are willing? Just like our Murong family's Dayan, who wants you to give up the princess Position, go to the same treatment as ordinary shepherds, are you willing? Even if you are willing, let your son completely become a commoner without enjoying any parental benefits, are you willing?"

   Murong Lan bit her lips tightly. She wanted to refute it, but Heipao’s words were common sense in this world, and they couldn’t be argued theoretically.

Hei Pao saw Murong Lan's appearance and sighed: "Actually, Liu Yu and I are a kind of person, and I am also very idealistic. I also violate the common sense of this world. I want peace for thousands of years. Once it succeeds, Not only can we become immortals, there can be real peace in this world, and there will be no more killings and fights. In order to achieve this, I don't even want the homeland for which I have fought for a lifetime. You should know that what I'm talking about is the truth."

   Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "I won't believe you, no matter how many reasons you have, I can't forgive the things that are damaging to the world and destroying humanity over the years."

   She said, pointing to the dozen or so corpses outside the city, and sternly: "These innocent women and children died because of your plan. Can you make them come alive?"

  The corner of the black robe's mouth evokes a thought-provoking smile: "Won't I come back to life?!"


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