Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2893: Black robe desire and slavery peace

Muronglan frowned, and then sneered: "Don't want to lie to me again, you are not dead at all, but pretending to be dead. You have settled on the idea of ​​becoming a black robe instead of Emperor Murong Chui of Dayan. Because this Heavenly Dao League has all kinds of evil methods and elixir, which can help you reborn and rejuvenate. I don’t believe that there are really people who have come back from the dead in this world!"

The black robe smiled slightly: "You have also seen with your own eyes how Liu Yu was exposed to black fire and breathless during the Battle of Wuqiaoze. Didn't he come back to life later? The skin on his whole body was peeled off, even You can see the bones and the heart. Is it my plan and arrangement?"

   Murong Lan's eyes sparkled and she was lost in thought. Obviously, Heipao's words had already touched her.

The black robe looked at Murong Lan and said in a deep voice: "Alan, there are many things in this world that may exceed your imagination and understanding, such as life and death, such as reincarnation, and for example, ghosts and gods. Uh, I can only explain to you this way. , Use words that you can understand as much as possible. When you really join the Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan to help me succeed, you will not only be immortal, but also truly understand the greatness of this plan. At that time, all the sacrifices will be made. It's all worth it!"

Muronglan gritted her teeth and said, "I still won't believe these words of yours, the miracle medicine, you will only use it on yourself, or for some purpose, you will use it once or twice for Liu Yu, but it is absolutely impossible. Used on these thousands of ordinary people who have killed you. In your eyes, they are like grass and mustards. It is not a pity to die. How can they spend such a high price to bring them back to life?"

Heipao smiled slightly: "One day, you will understand that these sacrifices are worthwhile for a brand new world. Just like Liu Yu is also fighting for his ideal country where everyone is equal and no longer has oppression and slavery. , It is also a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and it is also full of bones. Could it be that he killed fewer people than me?"

Murong Lan sneered: "Liu Yu killed all enemies on the battlefield, not innocent people. This is a world apart from you. You don't have to argue. If you really have a lofty ideal, why? Don’t tell me what your **** ten thousand years peace plan is now, at least you have to convince Liu Yu, you have to convince me first."

The black robe hooked the corner of his mouth: "The timing is still immature. The secret is not to be revealed. Otherwise, once this plan is known and cannot be implemented, it will be completely finished. It will be ruined, Alan, I said, if you help me get things done, I will definitely let you as my disciple take over this plan, or in other words, I will help Liu Yu to become another god, and you as his disciple. You can also understand everything at that time!"

Murong Lan said coldly: "If you really believe that your plan will be accepted by the world and Liu Yu, then let me be the deity, not your disciple, and then you The plan tells me, isn't this all right?"

   Black robe frowned: "No one can be a deity. There are strict restrictions. Although you are excellent, you have not yet become a deity, because the deity must..."

Having said this, he suddenly closed his mouth, and Murong Lan's face flashed a hint of disappointment, and it disappeared in a flash: "Huh, I know that you are still lying, no matter what, I don't want to repeat your words. Your current plan is to inspire the Jin army to attack the city, and then rely on the city defense and your dominance to break the Jin army and cause serious damage to it. At the same time, the cloak will take the opportunity to make trouble in the south. Yu retires?"

Hei Pao smiled slightly: "Yes, this is my plan, and before Liu Yu retires, I need your help. Just like you arranged for Murong De and Liu Yu's meeting back then, I will also see him once. For the Wannian Peace Plan, I will consider sincerely and give him a thorough explanation. I believe Liu Yu will definitely choose to cooperate with me after listening to me. Because my ideal is his ideal."

Muronglan hooked her mouth with disdain: "I still don't believe it. Your ideal is to live forever, immortal, and look at the world like a god. Oh, no, you are not so detached, you still don’t. If you are willing to give up the power of the world, you must become an emperor at the same time you become a god. With the power of ghosts and gods, naturally no one will dare to resist you anymore. You can rule the world forever. Maybe, this is what you want for ten thousand years of peace. But this is different from the ideal world Liu Yu wants!"

Heipao smiled and waved his hand: "If I really become a god, I have to care about what the world does. If I can live forever and destroy the world, I also care about what the people of this world do. , Alan, do you want to dominate and control the ants together and be their king?"

Murong Lan laughed: "Well, I don't want to entangle with you in this boring language. I want to contact Liu Yu, right? There is no problem at this point. I will try to persuade him to retreat. However, you are the most Don't hold any hope."

The black robe's eyes flashed coldly: "I still said that, Alan~www.wuxiaspot.com~Your every move, and even all your thoughts, I know clearly. Now we only have cooperation. If you betray me, you are betraying me. You yourself, don’t expect Liu Yu to kill me now and stop. Just the bones of thousands of Han and Hu people outside the city can’t settle their grievances so easily. You are a wise man, so I don’t need to say more. ."

   Murong Lan said coldly: "Dare you let me out of the city?"

Heipao smiled and said, "Why don't you let it go? Now you can at least go freely when you go out of the city, but when Liu Yu's army besieged the city, it will not be so easy to get out. However, you don't have many men now, and you can go out again. If you are pregnant, you’d better think about whether you can do what you want after you leave the city. Besides, if you go out now, it’s impossible to talk to Liu Yu about what you can accept."

Murong Lan said solemnly: "It's man-made, how do you know that I can't succeed? At least, what you just said about Liu Yu's internal and external difficulties is indeed a fact. He wastes too much time here, which is not good for him. If you know it is If you defend the city, you will also evaluate the loss and grasp of the siege. I advise you to be prepared to escape, and if necessary, I can promise to donate you in exchange for Liu Yu's retreat and save the soldiers and people of our country. Liu Yu It's a gentleman, if he promises something, I must believe it!"

   Heipao smiled and turned around, his voice came coldly along the wind: "Then you can try it yourself, by the way, a reminder, beware of Wang Miaoyin, she may want your life more than me!"


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