Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2896: It takes a long time to eradicate the evil alliance

   Muronglan's expression changed slightly, she looked around vigilantly, and after confirming that there was no one, she whispered: "What do you mean, don't tell me you secretly contacted Liu Yu."

He Lanmin shook his head: "If it is Liu Yu, he should have a way to find you directly. Besides, Liu Yu now wants to lead the army, but he is not so easy to appear. Moreover, he has no friendship with me, only hatred is about the same. …"

   Murong Lan interrupted her immediately: "We have agreed that we will never mention the matter. Minmin, I hope you will not break this promise, but you made a poisonous oath."

He Lanmin smiled miserably: "I have been retaliated by this poisonous oath. What is terrible. I originally wanted to rely on Liu Yu's child to regain the favor of Tuoba Si, but he regarded me as if I had abandoned my shoes, and then I hoped. Relying on Shao'er to take over the throne of Khan, there is a sustenance, but my Shao'er also died a tragic death one step away from the throne. Alan, what happened that time apart from giving you a glimpse of the future, what else did I get?"

   Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "That is your ambition, not my fault. You didn't see that future, and you wouldn't want to see such a result."

   Helanmin sternly said: "I can't see it, but why don't you tell me? I know you can definitely see the ending of me and Shaoer, why don't you stop me?!"

Murong Lan sighed: "I said long ago that I didn't see the ending of you and your son. I only saw Liu Yu and myself. Moreover, our ending, even though I tried my best to reverse it, It is still inevitable that I have walked towards the result I saw step by step. Perhaps, this is really fate and cannot be changed."

He Lanmin said bitterly: "Since you can't change it, why don't you follow the destiny. You clearly see the ending, but you still have to help Liu Yu and fight against the League of Gods for your love and justice. I really don't know what you want. What's wrong? Did I join hands with you, and finally it was nothing?"

Muronglan shook her head: "No, Minmin, listen to me, I saw my ending, it is irreversible, but for Liu Yu, there are several possibilities for change. If one day, I am gone. I hope you can help me and continue to help Liu Yu to realize his ideals and destroy the evil organization of the Heavenly Dao League. Otherwise, you, me, and the people of the world will never be able to escape this terrible fate."

   He Lanmin sneered: "Since you are so lofty, why don't you go to destroy the Heavenly Alliance, and now let Liu Yu come in and destroy the black robe?"

Murong Lan said quietly: "The Heavenly Dao League is more than Black Robe. This evil organization will not perish with the demise of Black Robe. Perhaps the other cloak will be even more terrifying. Minmin, I believe Liu Yu's righteousness. He Tianyun will make it possible for him to turn things around, but before that, he must protect himself, and he must not end up with the black robe of his hard-earned accumulation for many years. And I want to help him do this. "

   He Lanmin frowned: "You help Hei Pao want to defend this city, and then let Hei Pao negotiate with Liu Yu and ask Liu Yu to go back to deal with Doupeng. Is this what you have to do?"

Muronglan nodded earnestly: "Yes, although the black robe is a big demon, what he has to do is not as terrible as I saw in the illusion. In other words, he is not Liu Yu's most dangerous enemy. The cloak is, his claws have reached here, from the piles of corpses outside, I can vaguely smell the extremely evil smell."

He Lanmin said coldly: "I have never been interested in salvation, heroes and other things. I just want to live well. The black robe ruined my life and controlled me. This determines that I have to do whatever it takes. Rebel against him, if you can't help me against him, then our cooperation is meaningless."

   Murong Lan said solemnly: "Only when the Heavenly Dao League is defeated can you be truly liberated. Otherwise, even if the black robe is dead, you will not be able to escape their control. Don't you understand this truth?"

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "There is only one demon who can die. This time is the best opportunity to eliminate the black robe. If I miss it, I don't know when to wait. He can't give up his years of management, and he is unwilling to escape from his life. It also decided that he could not compromise with Liu Yu. Alan, don’t be obsessed, kill Heipao, and then go to Liu Yu to help him go back to deal with the cloak. That is, if you help Heipao fight Liu Yu, I’m afraid Even Liu Yu's trust in you won't be there anymore."

Muronglan sighed: "Even if I tell Liu Yu everything, he can't believe me now, let alone listen to me and return to the division. The reason why he wants to leave the black robe to cooperate with him is because there is only The black robe knew the identity of the cloak, and it could help Liu Yu destroy all the underground power of the cloak. It would obviously be a better result to let these two old ghosts fight each other than to eliminate them one by one. This truth, Liu Yu doesn't understand it now, or he can't do it if he understands it, because his brothers, his subordinates will not retreat at this time. Only when the city fails to attack and suffer heavy losses can they calm down."

He Lanmin sneered: "You can't even convince me. I don't think Liu Yu can listen to you. UU reading www.uukanshu.com. To be honest, Heipao came back too fast. Originally, my eldest brother wanted to come back one step earlier. , Controlled Guanggu, but in the end he still made a temporary move outside, gathering more than 20,000 to defeat the army, so that it was delayed for three days, letting the black robe return first, and Murong Chao, since you don't want to take the black robe to offer Liu Yu begs for peace, then I don't think it makes any sense for our brothers and sisters to stay here, because I don't believe Liu Yu will withdraw from the siege this time. Even if it is a long-term siege, he must take down Guanggu and kill the black robe. We don't want to wait for death, now I will tell my elder brother to leave and go back to the north."

As she said, she turned around to leave, and Murong Lan's words came into her ears coldly: "Leave? Where do you go? Are you talking about the northern border of Nanyan? Do you think Nanyan? Once annihilated, will your Helan tribe continue to survive? You will no longer have any scruples about the Northern Wei attacking, that is, the Jin army that destroyed Nanyan will also take all the land of the five states and eliminate all the remnants of non-surrender and resignation. Now leave. , Is the real self-seeking dead end!"

   He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "We can surrender directly to Liu Yu, or even act as a guide to lead them to attack the city. That's all right."

Murong Lan sneered: "It's easy to say, not to mention that your generals' family members have already been held hostage in the city. Even if you surrendered to the Jin army out of the city, with the hatred of both sides during the Linqu battle, even if Liu Yu didn't kill on the spot. With you, you will also be allowed to attack the city first to prove your sincerity. Are you sure you want to attack this Guanggu city as the Jin army?"


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