Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2897: Expose the temptress, be careful

He Lanmin didn't speak, but her hand was clenched into a pink fist, shaking slightly. Obviously, Murong Lan's words had shaken her.

Muronglan stepped forward, and her voice was slightly raised: "Actually, you have considered these things a long time ago. If you can really do it so easily, you will defect out of the city, and you won't use it to discuss with me. He Lanmin, you are A person who only cares about himself, even your eldest brother, is just a chess piece you use. What you really want to do is to let me go out, then let go of the Han musicians, and then you leak the news to the Xianbei people in the city. , This caused them to fight with me. No matter who wins, at this time your elder brother leads his troops back to the city early, so that he can calm the situation and control the dominance in the city. Right."

He Lanmin's eyes sparkled, but he didn't say a word. Obviously, when Murong Lan had seen through her mind, any strong arguments were useless.

Muronglan paced gently, with her hand behind her, and said: "You think Han Fan is Nan Yan's Han Prime Minister, and the musicians are also protected by him. If I let Liu Yu's wife take them to escape. , Then everything is reasonable. If the Xianbei in the city cannot catch up with these Han prisoners, you will target Han Fan. Those angry Xianbei will instead kill the high-ranking Han officials and the local Han people in the city. In the process In the middle of the city, the city is in chaos, and in the end cannibalism is out of control, and your eldest brother brings his soldiers back, can quickly calm the situation, and then surrender to Liu Yu, because I took these Han people to escape, and I will be grateful to you. Well, how can you suspect you? In this way, you are using the lives of the Xianbei people in the city to open a channel for yourself to join the Eastern Jin Dynasty. This is what you really want to do."

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "Yes, you know, so what? It wasn't too difficult for me to take this Guanggu City. If it weren't for my eldest brother to move too slowly, he would be delayed outside because of packing up the scattered soldiers. Two days, even if the black robe comes back, I am not afraid of him!"

Murong Lan laughed: "I said Minmin. It's been for many years. How come your habit of bragging and sophistry hasn't changed. Your eldest brother is not coming back not to clean up some casual pawns, but to wait and see the black robe. Where are you and Murong Chao. Especially Black Robe, if he comes back, even if your elder brother controls Guanggu, it will not be useful. He can kill you at any time and leave your elder brother dead."

He Lanmin sneered suddenly: "You are so clever, how can you give away the lives of the people? The black robe has always been in control of the situation, not you. What advantage do you have here for me."

Muronglan’s smile gradually dissipated, and a trace of sadness flashed on her face instead: “Yes, I still underestimated the black robe, thinking that I had a chance when he was defeated. As a result, he was still in control. After all, although he can't beat Liu Yu on the battlefield, this intelligence capability is still not something you and I can deal with. He Lanmin, I advise you to keep these careful thoughts away. I did not betray you, but I must He knows everything you want to do!"

He Lanmin said solemnly: "I just know how terrible he is, so I don't want to stay by his side, even for a moment. Muronglan, I am not like you. I can also be an important person in the negotiation between him and Liu Yu. He can kill at any time. I, and no mercy! To be honest, our Helan tribe suffered heavy losses in this battle, and the more than 20,000 stragglers that were brought back have been returned to the ministries in the past few days. My eldest brother now has less than 10,000 soldiers and horses. Old ghost, he can find a reason to kill our brother and sister at any time, and then annex the Helan Ministry!"

Murong Lan shook his head: "As long as you don't leave the handle on him, when this person is panicking, he won't dare to kill the general like this and shake the military's mind. Yesterday, Murong Chao still acted like this, keeping the secret in the black robe. Murong Zhen, who served under his men, was released and let him lead the army again, just to show the soldiers and people in the city that at this time, they would fight against the Jin army regardless of previous suspicions. Therefore, as long as you don't give him the handle of rebellion, Let him be made public, then you, your brother, and your Helan Ministry are all safe."

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "He didn't pursue you for escaping with the Chinese prisoners. Did he also conclude these deals with you?"

Muronglan hooked her mouth: "I promised to defend the city, but not for him, but for the lives of hundreds of thousands of Xianbei people. What has already happened is irreversible, and I don't want to see a new tragedy repeat itself. There are also Liu Yu. The shadow of the Heavenly Dao League, this began to slaughter the people without attacking the city. You can imagine the result after the city is broken. I must defend the city before I can talk to Liu Yu about a condition for withdrawal. If the black robe can escape this disaster, let He went to pinch the cloak, and only let the demon of the Heavenly Alliance split internally before it could be destroyed."

He Lanmin said coldly: "I just said that someone wants to see you. I think if you really have such a plan, then this person might be useful to you."

Murong Lan frowned slightly: "Who is this person you are talking about? Does he have the ability to reverse the situation?"

He Lanmin shook his head gently: "It's someone from the Eastern Jin Dynasty. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is also your old age. For some purpose, I found me and asked you to meet outside the city. If you want to, Three watch tonight, Wulongkou, Xicheng, he will meet you."

Murong Lan sneered: "If he wants to meet me this way, why didn't he go to the city to find me and ask me to go to Wulongkou. Is it not good for me to set up an ambush?"

He Lanmin smiled and said: "The original words of this person are, since Muronglan can't take down the black robe, she must not be able to control this Guanggu city. At least my safety cannot be guaranteed after I enter the city. If a sheep enters the mouth of a tiger, if she There is still a solution to the war, to keep the Xianbei people, and not to hurt Liu Yu's heart too much. Come to see me. If you are afraid of death, you will not use it. Everything can be solved on the battlefield."

Muronglan was silent for a while, and slowly said, "I can probably guess who it is, but I didn't expect that you would actually have a relationship with him."

He Lanmin smiled slightly: "It's nothing strange. You know, I will always leave myself an extra retreat. Even if I go to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, I can't hang myself on your tree. This is not my style."

Murong Lan took a deep breath: "If it's for him, I would have to go this trip. Three shifts tonight, Wulongkou, I will look for him, but when I leave, I hope you can help me. Try to delay the black robe, I don't want him to spoil this meeting!"

He Lanmin didn't say a word, turned and left, her voice followed the wind: "The words have been brought, and my own affairs will be solved by themselves. Good luck, Princess Lan."

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