Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2898: 5Longkou Shuangfeng Meeting

At night, three shifts, west of Guanggu City, Wulongkou.

This is a barren countryside on the top of the mountain, full of weeds, rugged mountains, and no signs of water sources, anyone who looks at it will never think that this is the spring that controls the water source of Guanggu City.

A figure with a whole body in black clothes wrapped in a cloak, independent of this, above the veil, a pair of phoenix eyes and water waves flow, scanning the surrounding environment, the moon is in the sky, white light is scattered on this land, Everything around me was clear, and the woman in a cloak murmured, "Is this Wulongkou?"

Murong Lan’s voice sounded calmly on one side: “It’s true that this is Wulongkou. It was my third brother who blocked the spring eye here to force the guarding Duan niche to surrender. From then on, Wulongkou. It’s been blocked forever, and after a few decades, it has become like this."

The captain turned around and gently took off the veil. Wang Miaoyin’s stunning face was reflected in the moonlight, her eyes fell on Muronglan’s slightly raised abdomen, and her phoenix eyes were soft. The ground squinted: "You are really four months pregnant. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

Murong Lan said calmly: "There are many things in this world that can only be confirmed by seeing them with your own eyes. Just like my pregnancy, like this Wulongkou, you don't see it once with your own eyes, and you won't believe that there is no spring here."

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "I am not responsible for the war. I am not interested in whether this water source is blocked or poisoned, but I have to admire your courage, Murong Lan. At this time, you dare to be alone. When you go out of the city to see me, you are not afraid that I will count your new hatred and old hatred together, so that you will disappear forever like this Wulongkou?"

Murong Lan shook her head: "I have to say that I was sorry for you before. I have nothing to say about the old hatred, but where do I start with this new hatred? Liu Yu is my husband. I have a child with him. Do you have a grudge?"

Wang Miaoyin hooked up the corner of her mouth: "Either you will leave forever and become your princess of the Yan Kingdom, or don't say that the tribe can't give up, just be Liu Yu's married wife, Zang'ai. Like you are now In this way, if I want to leave and stay, come back from time to time and interfere with Liu Yu's future. I don't understand what you mean."

Speaking of this, Wang Miaoyin paused: "Could it be that you have been a man in black robes from beginning to end, including your love for Liu Yu, are all false, just for his ten thousand years of peace plan to serve, thinking One day you can cultivate immortality and attain Taoism and live forever. Right?"

Murong Lan sighed softly: "Why would you look at me like this? I thought we had known each other for decades. Except for Liu Yu, you should be the person who knows me best in the world."

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "If I hadn't known the existence of the Heavenly Dao League, I would have almost believed that you are true love to Liu Yu. No matter how you broke your promise, hurt me, used me, even though I hated you so much, But I still think that you are loyal to your love, just like me, so you are always open to you, but today, I know that you are not for love, but for the black robe plan. This kind of deception and betrayal, I will never forgive!"

Muronglan looked at Wang Miaoyin and said calmly: "If I was really what you said, I was trying to lure Liu Yu for the black robe from the beginning, then why is the identity of the black robe exposed and the Heavenly Alliance also surfaced? I still want to come to see you alone like this. Isn't this a self-inflicted snare?"

Wang Miaoyin hooked her mouth: "Murong Lan, this is what makes you smart. Heipao is dead. The only chance to survive is to deceive Liu Yu again through you to get the result of an alliance under the city. And you had intentions before. He came back to approach Liu Yu and became pregnant with him in order to increase your bargaining cost. You have deceived Liu Yu on this point, but you can't deceive me!"

Murong Lan nodded: "Yes, the last time I saw Liu Yu, I just wanted to conceive a child with him, but the purpose of this child is definitely not what you think, to use this child to coerce Liu Yu to retreat. Housework. He knows the affairs of the country clearly. He didn't even keep me from leaving, so why would he give up killing Yan for the sake of a child?"

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned slightly: "Then why are you asking him for this child?"

Murong Lan sighed quietly: "There are two reasons. First, Murong Chao has been completely controlled by Heipao. As an aunt, I can no longer influence him. It is very difficult to use my intelligence organization to take him down. . But you can always give it a try. If the black robe is not there, it’s not too difficult for me to overthrow Murong Chao. As long as Liu Yu can let Dayan go alive, my son can be born as a descendant of the Murong clan. Ascend to the throne of Yan Kingdom, and then go to the emperor's title in his hands, and proclaim himself to the Jin Kingdom. This is probably the only way I can think of both!"

Wang Miaoyin was a little surprised: "You want to be the emperor with Liu Yu's son? Then why not just go on your own?"

Murong Lan said indifferently: "In this world, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is still the world of men. Although I am widely respected in Dayan, I am only a woman after all. If I want to become emperor in this troubled world, it will only be everyone. Not convinced, our grassland tribe does not care too much about who the child was born with. As long as we are born in the tribe, they are from the Murong clan, but they must be a man. I am the sister of the two Emperors Dayan, even if it is me and Liu Yusheng. Children can accept it. After thinking about it, this is the best solution."

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "You didn't use this method for so many years before. Why? The method of transferring from a female to a male to ensure that you have a son is what you asked for this time. Don’t say you haven’t thought about it before. Such a thing!"

Murong Lan sighed softly: "That's another problem. To tell you the truth, I gave the black robe control before, and you must have seen the control method in Mingyue. It can be said that if I don't press Acting on his will, a little disobedience will lead to that kind of death. I am not a person who is greedy of life and fear of death, but even if it is death, it must be meaningful and valuable. So I listened to his instructions and looked for ways to get rid of it. Law, and Liu Yu, is the ultimate method to solve this kind of control!"

Wang Miaoyin frowned: "What does this matter have to do with Liu Yu? He doesn't know how to crack the terrible evil technique, let alone save you."

Murong Lan smiled slightly and said to Wang Miaoyin: "My dear sister, take a step forward, and I will tell you this secret quietly. You will fully understand all my actions."

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