Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2901: Demon Retreat Gu

Mingyue Fei Gu's whole body, the thorn-like beards stood upside down for a while. With her red eyes, you can see the anger in her heart. If you don't give this arrow to the door, I'm afraid she will be early It rushed forward. But Liu Yu's martial arts, she knew very well, especially after she became like this, the first time she almost died, it also came from Liu Yu's arrow, which made her dare not act rashly. After all, his own life is now in the hands of Liu Yu.

Liu Yu looked at the appearance of Mingyue Flying Gu and sighed softly: "Mingyue, if you really want revenge, don't find the wrong person. It is not us that pushed you to the killing field of Shura, but you. The person who gave the order. And even as a killer, the assassination is a careful plan. Once you miss it, how to evacuate is the most important thing. It’s a pity that the person who asked you to come didn’t even prepare for the countermeasures after you missed it. The black robe knows that if the attack is not successful, you can escape, but you have no such good luck."

Mingyue Feigu sternly said: "Liu Yu, let your tongue shine, and never want to lie to me. I will not be fooled by you. I am a killer and the best assassin of the Heavenly Dao League. It is only natural for me to complete the task. If things are not successful, they will become benevolent. This is the rule of our organization. I do not resent the person who gave me the task. Now, I am equal to a new life, and the lord has not treated me wrongly!"

Wang Miaoyin suddenly laughed: "New life? Mingyue, don't you really know who you are now? We are all women, and women who don't care about their appearance, you were once a stunning beauty, even you At the time of the final battle, you still have exquisite makeup. It can be seen that you are a person who loves beauty. But if you look at what you are now, you are a flying caterpillar, not a ghost or a ghost. Like this new life?"

Mingyue Feigu screamed, shaking the eardrums of the three of them, and all the anger and killing intent were in this scream. With this screaming, rocks and weeds in this radius Among them, there are faint green lights emerging, and in the night breeze, there are also faint sounds of ghosts crying and wolf howling. Friends who are courageous, being here, I am afraid that they will be scared on the spot. Muronglan and Wang Miaoyin couldn't help but lose their color and sweat.

Liu Yu frowned and said solemnly: "I almost forgot that this is Guanggu, Wulongkou. I thought that when Shihu attacked the warlord Cao Yi, who did not subdue Guanggu, he captured thousands of Cao Jun prisoners. Collectively beheaded at the mouth of these five dragons, the corpses sank into the water source, and soon, the plague prevailed in Guanggu City, and Cao Yi had to surrender. It seems that there are a lot of wronged souls here, and Mingyue, are you the same?!"

Mingyue Feigu gritted his teeth: "Yes, I am indeed not a person, nor a ghost, but how I died, I know best, anyway, I am dead in your hands, I am wronged, and I am in debt. , Even if I want to be reincarnated, I have to avenge the revenge before I speak."

Liu Yu's eyes rolled and he suddenly said, "You weren't sent by the black robe this time. He doesn't want to kill us now, he just wants to contact us and negotiate. The one who sent you here is someone else, right? !"

Mingyue Feigu laughed and said, "Liu Yu, you always like to be smart like this. I am here to kill and avenge, not to answer your questions. In fact, you are also not sure of killing me. With this arrow shot, your lives are all It’s mine. You have the ability to keep pulling the bow like this. I want to see, who is more tired?!"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I want to take your life, just shoot the arrow, Mingyue, you can bet your life with me to see if I can shoot you!"

Mingyue Feigu blinked: "If you are sure, you would have done it long ago, Liu Yu, I know your speed and decisiveness. Your two most important women are here, and you won’t even be for them. hesitantly!"

Liu Yu said calmly: "You only need to shoot an arrow once to kill you. This time it is not a life or death situation. I have killed you once and don't want to kill you again. You need to understand that now you have become such a terrible monster. , This world is so big that there is no room for you. If you are obsessed with revenge, you should go to those who turned you into this terrible monster, not us. You are a killer, come to stab us, and the price is a bet. My own life cannot be assassinated. It should have died with a smile, just like when you committed suicide. How can you become a monster like this and come back to harm people?"

Muronglan said solemnly: "Yes, Mingyue, it is not Liu Yu, Ding Wu, or Wang Miaoyin who made you end this miserable way, but the person who put this terrible Gu pill in your mind since childhood. He put down this Gu. Maru, just to make you the way you are now, no matter how much you have done for him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ and how many people you kill, you can't change this ending. You want revenge, but you have to find the right target! "

Mingyue Feigu said sternly: "Enough, I won't listen to your nonsense, Liu Yu, today you don't kill me, let me owe you a life, I will let your two women go, but don't be proud Too early, you can be guarded for a while, not for a lifetime, I don't believe that you can always keep your eyes open in this lifetime!"

Liu Yu calmly said: "Go, I'll let you go this time, find a famous mountain and river, and spend this life well, if you don't come out to harm others, you still have the possibility of cultivation."

Mingyue Flying Gu didn't answer, and slowly flew backwards. After ten feet away, black mist appeared in its mouth, nose and many rigid beards on its body, and the whole figure was hidden. In these black mists, in the surrounding desolate wind and ghosts, gradually disappeared. When the black mist dissipated, all the green lights and strange sounds around came to an abrupt halt, only the screaming and the whistling. The croaking sound is still humming around.

Wang Miaoyin let out a long sigh of relief, retracting the sword into its sheath, and Liu Yu also gently put down the big bow, but those powerful hands held Murong Lan's hands tightly, and Murong Lan's face blushed slightly. , Trying to get rid of Liu Yu's hands hard, how can he get out of it?

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned, and he said solemnly: "Your husband and wife have reunited after a long absence. I won't disturb you. When you have finished talking about personal matters, call me over and discuss business matters."

Liu Yu nodded, looking at Wang Miaoyin’s eyes, a hint of gratitude flashed: "Thank you for your understanding, Miaoyin, I really have a lot to say to Alan. After today, I don’t know if I have said anything. opportunity."

Wang Miaoyin turned her head and left without saying a word. Her figure rose to the sky, and after a few ups and downs, she disappeared into a pine forest hundreds of steps away.

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