Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2902: Long farewell reunion wins newlyweds

Murong Lan's voice was low and low: "You should be with your army at this time, not here."

As she said, she tried to break free from Liu Yu's arms, but Liu Yu's pair of tiger arms were like a hoop, which held her tightly. How could she leave for half a minute?

Muronglan's pink face blushed slightly: "Brother Wolf, don't be like this, this is not..."

Liu Yu’s voice was gentle and firm: "I don’t let go, I’m afraid that if I loosen my hand, you will leave me forever, my dear, when I know you in the mouth of the black robe After years of suffering and grievances, I swear that I will never let you go in this life and this life."

Tears gleamed in Muronglan's eyes. Turning her head, she was about to speak, but Liu Yu kissed it all at once. Muronglan closed her eyes and followed Liu Yu's movements with emotion, and her jade arms were tight. The ground hugged Liu Yu's nape, and Lang's love for concubine was silent.

After a long time, the two figures gradually separated. Murong Lan lowered her head shyly, as if she was back in her girlhood, and did not dare to look up at Liu Yu. Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Familiar taste, my loved one, It hasn't changed."

Murong Lan sighed faintly: "I have concealed you about the black robe for so many years, about the Tiandao League, and have done so many things that are unfavorable to you. Can you really forgive me?"

Liu Yu supported Muronglan’s scented shoulders and said softly: “If someone put that terrible bug on me, I’d probably committed suicide long ago. Not only did you not be controlled by the black robe for this, but for me. Rebelling against him, what else can I ask of you? I said on the day we got married, there are many difficulties and dangers, we will face it together, there is nothing to worry about. Now I know what you have Don't worry, I will definitely try my best to protect you. If I, Liu Yu, can't even protect my beloved wife, what use is there no matter how much merit is there?"

Muronglan raised her head and looked directly at Liu Yu's eyes: "Brother Wolf, do you really think that once you defeated the black robe, you have the upper hand over the Heavenly Alliance? I have to remind you that the strength of the Heavenly Alliance is far Far beyond your imagination, just the black robe's accomplice cloak in the south has been able to play the black-handed universe in these years, planning so many earth-shaking events, this invisible opponent is more than the enemy on the face. terrible."

Liu Yu said softly "Oh", "Is the other leader of the Heavenly Dao League called Doupeng? How much do you know about him and black robe, can you tell me?"

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "Brother Wolf, stop asking me. If I can tell you, I will not keep any secrets, but I will not say a word about things that are not suitable for you. The past 20 years have been In this way, it will be the same in the future."

Liu Yu frowned: "Since the Heavenly Dao League has been exposed, and since you have also made up your mind to resist this evil organization and no longer be driven by it, then we should share all the information we know, and then think about it together. This is a way to deal with it, instead of continuing to play the puzzle. Otherwise, what does it mean to face it together?"

Murong Lan said in a deep voice, "The truth has surfaced little by little. Some things can only be explained at the right time. Brother Wolf, this is an arrangement of fate, not someone’s dictation. It’s like now, when you say you want to Face it together, then what I want to say is, you temporarily withdraw your troops and return to Jin, leaving Nanyan and black robe to survive. Can you promise me?"

Liu Yu frowned tightly and looked at Murong Lan: "You still can't let go of your Murong clan and your Xianbei people?"

Murong Lan shook his head: "It has little to do with them. The Murong clan is exhausted. As long as you can protect my Murong clan's blood, this Yan country will die if it perishes. Anyway, this is a curse of fate. A family that can't extricate themselves."

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "When did you actually believe in your fate? In my impression, you don't believe this at all. You just want to take control of your own destiny."

Murong Lan's heart stunned, and she secretly said that she was excited for a while, and almost missed the fate of the double tree that Hei Pao said, although she was still half-believing this statement. She hooked her mouth and said: "In the past few years, I have become more and more convinced of the reincarnation of the heavens, and retribution is unhappy. For our own ambitions, generations of brothers and sisters have broken each other and the world has been harmed. Therefore, we ended up in the current ending. Breaking the swallow and perishing is also on my own account. I will not just let the world continue to chaos out of the feelings of the same race. This big swallow should die!"

Liu Yu nodded: "I am not the tyrant butcher who attacked Guanggu, or Shihu and the others. After I break through the city, I will comfort the people of Xianbei. If you can take the initiative to surrender, I promise that you will treat the whole city as a big leader. The people of Jin, who treat them equally ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the Murong clan will also give the courtesy ceremony according to the surrendered outer domain. The only thing I will not let go is the black robe and his heavenly alliance comrades. "

Having said this, he paused: "Of course, even though you have been coerced into the Heavenly Dao League like you, but I wake up in time to love the members of the Heavenly Dao League who are enemies. I will not pursue their previous guilt."

Muronglan shook his head: "Don't you understand what I mean? Although Heipao failed once, but his strength is still there, he has successfully used the fleeing of the Han prisoners to get the Xianbei soldiers and civilians in the city to participate in the killing. And that Sima Guofan also massacred tens of thousands of Xianbei women, children, old and weak, and accumulated corpses for Jingguan. In this case, the people in the city will not surrender and will inevitably fight to the end."

"If you attack the city by force, the deaths and injuries on both sides will be further aggravated, and the hatred will become deeper and deeper. This will only hit the black robe's arms, that is, pull the whole city and fight with him to the end, even if the city is broken, He can also escape through Mingyue Flying Gu. And all you can reap is death and massacre. As soon as this case is opened, in the future, if you want to expedition to the north, you may not be able to resist the slaughter. Then you want benevolence and righteousness to take the world and let The idea that all the people of all ethnic groups live in harmony and become one, will also be self-defeating!"

Muronglan's words were sonorous and loud, and Liu Yu was moved by it, saying: "Love your relatives, I never thought you could think so deeply. However, it is impossible for me to stop here now. If you can tie a black robe Come out, everything is easy to talk about, otherwise, even the soldiers of the Northern Army would not agree to withdraw their troops in this way."

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "That's why I want to see Wang Miaoyin. She wants her to order the withdrawal of troops in the name of the emperor and accept the black robe's request for peace. Brother Wolf, just say that you don't agree."

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