Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2903: Who is the chief enemy

Liu Yu sighed softly: "You mean you want me to replay the black robe, right?"

Murong Lan nodded: "Yes, this time putting the black robe on a horse is more beneficial to you than killing him!"

Having said this, Muronglan suddenly pinched her fingers into her mouth, and a whistle sounded. Wang Miaoyin floated along with the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus. Looking at Liu Yu with frowning brows, the corners of her mouth hooked: "Why are you talking about business so quickly? Now? Not much to tell the old feelings."

Muronglan said calmly: "We are not here to talk about emotions, but to talk about the country's business. Just now, I said that this replayed the black robe, the withdrawal of the army from the Great Jin Dynasty, and the Yan Dynasty ceded the south of Linqu as a condition of indemnity, wonderful sound, you Do you agree to this condition?"

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned: "Don't you have to hand over the black robe?"

Murong Lan sighed softly: "It is because I have not been able to take down or hand over the black robe this time, I made this proposal. If you attack Guanggu, the soldiers on both sides will suffer heavy casualties, and the hatred will be further intensified. At that time, it is even more impossible to solve it peacefully. Even if the city is broken, the black robe can still escape, and only the soldiers and civilians of Xianbei in the city of more than 200,000 will die. I am afraid that this result is not what you want."

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "Regardless of whether the black robe can run away, at least Guanggu will be captured and Nanyan will be annihilated. That is the first Hulu country to be wiped out since the Southern Crossing of the Great Jin Dynasty, and the first large piece of land to be recovered. The loss of the state’s land is of great significance. Even if it is a casualty, it is worth it. Before the battle in Linqu, our army also suffered heavy losses. Now that there is only one lone city left in Nanyan, regardless of whether there are factors such as the Tiandao League and the black robe. , I don’t think I should give up."

Murong Lan said solemnly: "Your real enemy is not the Nanyan and Xianbei people, but the Tiandao League. This is the culprit that provoked the chaos in the world and created a hundred years of chaos. Even if Nanyan is destroyed, as long as the Tiandao League is still there. , You can still cause chaos within your Jin country. Last time at Feishui, didn’t Jin country defeat the one million army of the former Qin Dynasty? Later, the Northern Expedition also regained the Qilu Land and the Central Plains. The soldiers crossed the Yellow River and pointed directly. Hebei, but what about it, under the conspiracy of the Tiandao League, all previous achievements have been abandoned, and the gains have been lost. With such a lesson, why are you still obsessed with destroying the swallows?"

Wang Miaoyin sneered: "Murong Lan, I wanted to save you more face in front of Liu Yu, but since it's a national matter, I can't tolerate personal affection. Let me ask you, if you are not the princess Nanyan of the Murong family, If you were not from the Xianbei ethnic group but we were Han Chinese, would you still say this?"

Muronglan said without hesitation: "No matter what ethnicity I am, no matter what identity I am, I will make this choice, because as long as I am a person, I want stability and peace, and I don't want to provoke no evil organizations like the Tiandao League. Ending war. Liu Yu, Miao Yin, you should also know by now that things like the Eight Kings' Rebellion and the Five Hus and Six Barbarians entering the Lord are all planned by the Heavenly Dao League. Why are you still not alert, why not face the real enemy? "

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Hei Pao, the leader of the Heavenly Dao League, is now in Guanggu City. The last force he can mobilize is only Nan Yan's army. If not, how could he risk such a big risk to stay here? What about the lone city? If I want to destroy the Heavenly Alliance, I have to destroy the black robe first. At least after I have destroyed him, the Huren in the north will no longer be driven by the Heavenly Alliance and pose a threat to me. As for the southern ones. That cloak, at least he hasn't moved now, and it's hard to get him out even when I return to the army at this time."

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "You don't know the identity of the cloak, of course you can't find him, but the black robe is okay. This time from your Northern Expedition to the present, it is the cloak that puts a cover on the black robe, and wants you to fight the black robe. Robe fights are both defeated, and if you can let go of the black robe, then he will definitely find the Doupeng to retaliate. As long as the two big monsters of the Tiandao League move, we can find their clues and destroy them in one fell swoop. !"

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "Things are probably not as easy as you think. What is left in the black robe now? One person, one city. Even if we retreat, he won't be able to have the same power, let alone how he can fight. Peng retaliates? Bring a thousand troops into Jiankang City to settle accounts with him? That will become our mortal enemy again. Murong Lan, for your reason, there is no possibility of manipulation. Kill the black robe, at least A leader of the Heavenly Dao League can be destroyed, and even the strong Hu in the north can be wiped out. What tricks can the cloak play in the south?"

Murong Lan said solemnly: "Before the Tianshidao rebellion, who knew that the Tiandao League could set off such a huge wave? Let alone us, it was a conspiracy for a lifetime, thinking that he firmly controlled the Mafia in Wudi. I was caught flat-footed and lost a century of foundation. Miao Yin, we are all intelligence people. We should know that if we don’t have the intelligence, it may be even more terrifying once it breaks out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and you Do you think this war is just a confrontation between us and the black robe? The shadow of the cloak is everywhere, and even Mingyue will not belong to the black robe, but the cloak."

Wang Miaoyin sneered: "Yes, you are the tallest and best disciple of the black robe, but you have been tight-lipped to us, and never said these things. If it weren't for this time, the black robe took the initiative to confess for his life, you have been till now. He would not admit the existence of the Heavenly Dao League. At that time, he took the initiative to mention the cloak. In addition to fighting for his own escape, he wanted to divert our attention to deal with this southern demon who doesn’t know if it really exists. Give him a chance to breathe. Murong Lan, this time you come, will you be a lobbyist for him again and serve the Tiandao League?"

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "Miaoyin, why until now, you still didn't believe me, thinking that I was working for the Heavenly Alliance? If I served him, how could I end up like this?!"

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "Didn't you just say it, you..."

Murong Lan said solemnly: "Wang Miaoyin, don't forget what you promised me."

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "I'm doing it for your own good. If you are telling the truth, then I will destroy the black robe earlier and save you."

Liu Yu's expression changed: "Save you? What are you talking about, what are you still hiding from me?!"

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "Liu Yu, don't ask too much. There are some things that are not suitable for you to know now. I only ask you one thing, for the common people of the world, for you to realize your ideals and accomplish your great cause. This time let’s retreat for the time being. Otherwise, if you fight with Heipao to the end like this, it will be considered a miserable victory, and the price you will pay is beyond your tolerance, and the result must not be what you want. I have never asked you anything in my life. Only this one, please agree!"

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