Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2904: Send a slave heart as strong as a stone

Liu Yu's eyes were shining, obviously thinking, Muronglan's eyes were staring at him tightly, full of pleading, this is the kind of look that this strong woman has never had before, even Wang Miaoyin gently He sighed: "If it doesn't work, I can go back to Jiankang temporarily and help you stare at the cloak. Before leaving, I will leave you with the emperor's scepter. Decided."

Liu Yu took a deep breath and said, "Sorry, Alan, I must reject you. In this battle, unless you can take the initiative to hand over the black robe, or I will win it."

Murong Lan sternly said: "I have analyzed it to this level, do you have to be obsessed with it?"

Liu Yu said loudly: "No, this is not a stubbornness, but a decision I have to make. The purpose of this Northern Expedition is to eliminate Nan Yan and regain the homeland, and to warn the whole world that all the people who want to harm us Dajin people What is the fate and outcome of the people or forces of China. We must let everyone know that we Han people are not the cattle and sheep who are slaughtered by others, and those who violate our Han people will be punishable even if they are far away!"

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "I also sympathize with the thousands of Han people, and I tried my best to help them escape, but I still haven't escaped the clutches of the black robe."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "So, this blood debt has to be counted on the head of the black robe. You now say that it is because the black robe instigated the Xianbei soldiers and civilians to participate in the massacre of the people, resulting in nowhere to retreat, so in order not to continue to aggravate the hatred , I’m going to retreat. But this means that our Han people are dead in vain, and the culprit can’t be punished in black robe. Then everyone in the world can continue to oppress our Han people. The big deal will eventually kidnap the whole clan and let me not Dare to do it, right?"

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "It's not that you don't want to find the black robe for revenge, but you are looking for an opportunity. Obviously, it is not a good time for revenge.

Liu Yu shook his head: "I have been wronged and the debtor is the owner. This time I am going to wage a war for justice for the thousands of people who have been taken captive. If Nan Yan can send these people back, there is still a possibility of peace, but Now that they are all dead, there is no possibility of negotiation, unless you hand over the black robe, but you also say that you can't do this, then there is nothing to say, revenge in our own way!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yu said solemnly: "Alan, you have lived in the city for a long time. Some things may not be clear. After the Battle of Linqu, the Xianbei tribes all over Nanyan concentrated in the Guanggu area. In turn, almost all the states All counties expelled or killed Xianbei officials, and let the local Han people control the situation and surrendered to our army. In just a few days, a large number of Han officials such as Taishan Prefect Shen Xuan surrendered, and they were not the only ones. The last drop was as simple as Shen Xuan. For example, he organized the Han people of Taishan County. More than 3,000 Ding Zhuang people came with a ration of 100,000 stones to join the army. Now the Han people from all over the place who come to the army every day are surging every day. Count. This is what the people really want. They are fed up with bullying and humiliation by the Hu people. Now for them, it is time for revenge. Can I retreat at this time?"

Muronglan hooked her mouth: "Huh, it's just a little bit of grass. It depends on whoever has the strongest power to join. In the past, when Nan Yan established the country here, these local clans were very respectful. If it weren't for you, Linqu Great victory, how dare they do such a thing?"

Liu Yu said coldly: "Alan, you don’t know what you Xianbei people do to these Han people in normal times. Xianbei people don’t do production and go around all day long, stealing and looting these Han villages, and then use their excuses to kill the bandits. Go up and search again as officers and soldiers. This is not a problem of one or two villages, but a common phenomenon. Almost no village has not encountered this situation. I have not wronged you."

Murong Lan was speechless and could only sigh: "When my little brother was still alive, this situation was forbidden. Even if there is, he will be punished. That is, in the past two years, Murong Chao came to the throne, and the black robe was only in power. There will be a lot of situations like what you said."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "That's it. In order to stimulate the Xianbei people’s nature of benefiting from war and looting, the black robe encourages and persuades the Xianbei to bully the Han. In the end, the Xianbei sergeant who became Nanyan heard it In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, everyone was happy when they heard about the war. The Yan army we encountered in Linqu was very tenacious. It was not forcing a strong man to go to the battlefield. To speak of sin, it is not to be pushed to the black robe alone. It can be solved on the body."

Muronglan bit her lip: "Liu Yu, what do you mean, do you really want to slaughter my Xianbei clan?"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "It depends on their performance, Alan, if they don't realize their sins and refuse to atone for it, then why should I forgive and let them go?"

Murong Lan's eyes widened: "They are just soldiers of the country, and they are acting on orders. Where is the sin?"

Liu Yu said loudly: "These soldiers from the Nanyan country~www.wuxiaspot.com~ bullying the Han people of Nanyan at ordinary times, have they hesitated and refused when they took and killed our Dajin Han people? Happy, when they are attacked, they have to open the net again. How can there be such a reason in this world? The black robe is ordered to them to slaughter the civilians. If you hand over the black robe, you can avoid death and continue to fight with the black robe, then Just burn the jade and the stone."

Murong Lan's body shook slightly, almost unsteady. Liu Yu instinctively stretched out his hand to help her, but he reached half of his hand, but stopped in the air, after all, he didn't stretch it out.

Murong Lan murmured to herself: "It turns out that this is what you really said, Liu Yu, it turns out that you have long kept the heart of destroying my Xianbei family."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Yes, I want to destroy your Xianbei clan, but I don't use the sword and flesh to destroy our Han people like you did. What I want is that you Xianbei really surrender, are willing to be the people of Dajin, and are willing to make peace. Like the Han people, they organize their households and live on farming instead of doing what they are now. They feel that they are superior, and that they can run rampant in the world if they serve as soldiers in their clan. If you want to stay in the Central Plains, then you have to live according to the lives of the people in the Central Plains. Fa, stop thinking about being a master."

Murong Lan said bitterly: "That also requires a process at least. We Xianbei have served as soldiers for hundreds of years. Women and children graze at home. You can't change everyone's way of life in one day!"

Liu Yu said coldly: "How to live is another matter, but before that, they need to understand that in the future, their lord will no longer be the pseudo-emperor of the Murong clan, but the emperor of Dajin. Who is theirs? The master of destiny and even life and death must first be clear! If I still obey the black robe and fight against Dajin, why did I come for this Northern Expedition?"

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