Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2905: Sweeping out the nations and pacifying the world

Murong Lan shook her head and bit her lip tightly: "It turns out that you have always wanted to conquer and dominate my tribe, and you really want to destroy Dayan!"

Liu Yu said solemnly: "From the first day you met me, I have never concealed such thoughts. The Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, regaining lost ground, and restoring my Han family is my life's wish, regardless of whether there is a Mafia or not. , The conspiracy organizations of the Heavenly Alliance, this will not be shaken."

Murong Lan sighed: "It turns out that what my elder brother and Heipao said are right. You still want to be the savior of the Han people, a great hero, even if you are built on the bones of our Xianbei people!"

Liu Yuzheng said: "I want to destroy the Yan, but that doesn't mean I want to slaughter the Xianbei people. The sky is no two days, the country has no two masters, and there is my emperor of the Han family in Dajin. How can I allow the Murong clan to remain emperor? It has been a hundred years since the Shenzhou land and Shenzhou, and nearly 20 people have called the emperor and founding the country. Who of them truly dominates the world and ends the war? Whether as a Han or a lunatic, it has leveled the world and ended this troubled world. What is wrong?! "

Murong Lan said bitterly: "Then why is it not our Murong clan who seizes the world, but if you Han Chinese? Even, even the Sima clan's culprit, is it fair and reasonable?"

Liu Yu said coldly: "Because you Murong clan fighting each other, the clan battles in the clan, even the northern land cannot be preserved. History has proved that the Murong clan cannot bear the responsibility of unifying the world and ending the war. He once ruled the north and controlled thousands of people. There is only one lone city left in an empire with a population of 10,000, which can be broken overnight. Do you want to discuss with me who is more qualified to sit in the world?

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "Okay, Liu Yu, you are amazing, I can't tell you, but I am a descendant of Murong clan no matter how I am. At this time, I will die with my people even if I die. I will not betray them to get my own life. See you on the battlefield!"

As she said, she turned around and left, the action was so decisive.

Liu Yu’s voice rang vigorously behind her: “When did I say that I would kill your people? Help me eliminate the black robe, surrender to Dajin, become the people of Dajin, and become a member of the Han. Is the black robe funeral coming? Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

Murong Lan turned her head abruptly. There were already double tears on her face, but at this moment, she didn't care about covering up, and said sharply: "Then you go and let the Xianbei soldiers and people in the city understand, they Now I only know that the Han Chinese in the Jin army killed their relatives and friends, and they also killed the Han people. They were liquidated out of fear, and they were going to fight to the end! You also know that the black robe has now broken the way for the people in the city and kidnapped everything. People fight to the death with him, why do they still say such things?!"

Wang Miaoyin frowned: "I can issue an edict in the name of the Emperor of Jin, affix a jade seal, and amnesty everyone in the city. Except for the black robe and Murongchao, everyone else can get it as long as they don’t take up arms to resist. Pardon, Qimin, our family who wants to be the people of Dajin, and we who want to go back to the old place of Western Liaoning, will pay for the travel. Will this allow them to dispel their worries?"

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "They won't believe it. When my fourth brother Murongge attacked Guanggu, he promised not to kill innocent people after he broke the city. But when the old Duan family who guarded the city surrendered, he still killed him. Thousands of soldiers from the tribe of niches, and the recent battle of Hepi, Tuoba Si slaughtered 70,000 of our prisoners. In this troubled world, once a weapon is lost, it is equal to being slaughtered. Life and death are all in one's mind. Time. We Xianbei soldiers and civilians will never trust others credulously."

Liu Yu said coldly: "In the so-called troubled times, military strategy is everything. Rebellion against impermanence is the normal state. The reason for betraying impermanence is because they do not know loyalty, filial piety and benevolence. If you are obedient and fearful, you will rebel when you are more powerful than others. The chaos in this world is the chaos of the hearts of the people. With the power and horse in hand, you think of self-reliance as the emperor. In this way, the generals and the forces will fight against each other, and the court will be weak. , The inability to suppress, and this has led to this great chaos that has lasted a hundred years to the present, not only for nonsense, but also for Han people. From the kings of the Sima clan to Huanxuan, to Sun En Luxun, which one of them is not for their own selfish desires. The world is in the midst of fire and water? I, Liu Yu, serve the country from the army, so that people in the world will no longer suffer from wars, so careerists in the world must understand the importance of order and the majesty of the emperor!'

Liu Yu spoke loudly and powerfully. With his determined expression, Murong Lan couldn't deal with it directly. After a long time, she sighed quietly: "The truth is like this, but we Murong ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we The Xianbei people have been free for too long and are unwilling to be restrained by others. Unless you kill them, I am afraid that they will not accept your views."

Liu Yuzheng said: "You Murong tribe, and all the Xianbei people, also know that you must obey the monarch and obey the orders of the tribe adults and chiefs. You are not unrestrained and lawless people. And what I will do, It is for them to understand that the person who gave them the order in the future is no longer the Murong clan, nor the black robe, but the emperor of Dajin. The Murong clan was a tribe attached to Dajin a hundred years ago, just because of Murong Jun’s selfishness and Yewang, only now became the emperor and brought the entire world into the war for decades. Now is the time to end all this and restore the previous order. Now that you have entered the Central Plains, don’t engage in the upper part of the grassland. That set, like the thousands of Han people, must be organized into households and people, scattered into villages and townships, and farming for a living. Isn't this always what you want?"

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "But now they are very scared, and they don't believe that the emperor of the Jin Dynasty will forgive them. Based on this, you will fight to the end. Even if you capture Guanggu, you will only reap the corpses of the whole city. Witnessing a new human tragedy, why is this?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Alan, believe me, in the face of desperate life and death, people will choose to survive. Just like after the War of Participation in Hebei, the Yan people should know that surrendering to the Northern Wei Dynasty will die, but still most of the states will die. The county still surrendered to Tuoba Si, this time too. Now Guanggu City has not been attacked, and they are not in desperate situation. They still have hope. But if we besiege our army for a period of time, there will be no food and grass inside and no reinforcements outside. No matter how foolish the robe is, it is impossible to prevent them from coming out and landing. At least, Murongchao and Gongsun are on the fifth floor, I don't think they are the kind of people who will sit and wait for death."

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