Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2906: Home country 2 hard to break love

Murong Lan's eyebrows frowned: "You mean you want to use offense to promote change, to force people in the city to change their minds, and to take down the black robe?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, the soldiers and civilians in the city are not really in desperation, especially when they kill those Han people, they still appear to be crowded. When they feel that there is a war, naturally it will not be so easy. Surrender, but in other words, if the mountains and rivers are exhausted and they are unable to resist, even if they know that they will die and want to steal their lives, just like the Xianbei people in Zhongshan, Xindu, and Yecheng, won't they surrender to the Northern Wei Dynasty in the end?"

Wang Miaoyin laughed and said, "Any ants are still alive, let alone people? Throughout the ages, how many strong cities have changed internally. The loyal subordinates of the guards, left and right, and even his wives and children, finally tied him up. I surrendered because I couldn’t survive in the end."

Liu Yu smiled slightly and looked at Murong Lan: "Do you think I have the ability to make Xianbei unable to survive?"

Muronglan hooked her mouth: "The soldier in the black robe, you also know that in the first battle in Linqu, he was actually forced to fight you decisively under unfavorable circumstances, but now he is trapped in Guanggu and looks passive, but the city has manpower. Sufficient, sufficient food, and external aid is not possible. It is like Zhang Gang, who invented the wooden armor mechanism, has been sent to Houqin to ask for help. If the Qin army really comes forward, there will be a strong city in front of you. There will be strong enemies behind, I'm afraid they may not be able to retreat all over."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Hou Qin is now beating Hu Xia to the death. Last month, Yao Xing Yujia personally conquered Hu Xia and was in an ambush. If it were not for his subordinates to fight to the death, I am afraid he would be captured by Helian. At the end of the year, Qin’s powerful generals and marshals were as difficult as it was. Yang Fosong and others were all defeated and killed. Even the vassal states of Liangzhou took the opportunity to become independent. , Not to mention being an enemy of me. Besides, I also made sufficient arrangements to let Liu Yi lead the troops out of Yuzhou, just to prevent the Later Qin or Northern Wei from sending troops to rescue Yan."

Muronglan gritted her teeth: "Don't take everything for granted. Except for the Later Qin and the Northern Wei, you are also full of contradictions within the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Don't forget, the cloak is still in the south. If you can't attack the city here, you will be stuck here for a long time. I'm afraid he will find a way to make the Eastern Jin Dynasty undergo drastic changes again, making it difficult for you to return home, and it is difficult for you to return home!"

Liu Yu calmly said: "For these, I have my own arrangements. The next step is to eliminate the black robe and take the opportunity to gain a solid foundation. I will not give up. Besides, the people in the city don't know the situation outside, as long as I act. Fast enough to win with a strong attack, so you won’t be afraid that someone will make trouble behind you."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu paused: "Guangzhou has two inner and outer cities. Although the outer city is large, it is not much different from the usual city. The really difficult one is the inner city built on the top of the hill in this city. It is solid and extremely difficult to attack. But the inner city is only more than ten miles in radius. It is a pure military fortress and cannot accommodate these two hundred thousand people. I have many ways to win Guanggu. Alan, you don't have to doubt it. "

Murong Lan sighed: "Perhaps, you do have this ability, but this time, the situation is different from the past. Liu Yu, we Murong have ambitions, but we have a tradition of fighting hard in desperate situations. I'm afraid You underestimated our resilience. After that, Zhao Shihu attacked our Dragon City with more than 200,000 soldiers. There were only a few thousand soldiers in the city. Everyone thought that it would be broken, but we just defended it like this. The war, especially It's this kind of city defense, and it's more about the will and determination of both sides. This time, you may not be able to do what you want."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "You were able to defend the Dragon City back then because you wanted to survive. Stone tigers have always broken the city and slaughtered them. For example, the tens of thousands of people in this Guanggu city, even after surrendering, still give up. Killing most of them, only 700 households were left, which also inspired the Murong clan to resist desperately before the Dragon City victory. But this time, I am different from Shihu. I will give hope to the soldiers and civilians in the city as long as I can win the black robe. With Murong Chao, I will let them all have a way to survive, and even live better than they are now."

Muronglan hooked her mouth: "Since no one of us can convince anyone, let's meet up on the battlefield. I hope you can do what you said and change the minds of the people in the city. If the soldiers don't want to continue fighting. , I want to take down the black robe and ask for peace, I will help you."

As she said, she turned around and walked towards Guanggu City. Liu Yu said solemnly: "Alan, don't go, I said, I won't let you leave me again."

Muronglan stopped, tears gleaming in her eyes, but she didn't turn her head back: "Liu Yu, this is our destiny. In any case, Mu Kong's blood is always flowing on my body. I can't just watch you slaughter me. The people of my clan~www.wuxiaspot.com~Destroy my homeland, although I know you are right, but the more so, the more I need to stand with my clan to the end, otherwise, even if it’s yours for the rest of my life My wife stays alive, and my conscience won’t get a trace of peace, do you understand?"

Tears gleamed in Liu Yu's eyes: "Even if you don't think about me, think about our children. The black robe is vicious and vicious, and everything can be done. It is really going to be the last moment. If we use our children Threat, do you think, as parents, how do we deal with our children?"

Muronglan closed her eyes and said quietly, "That is our fate, to be a slave. I have seen our ending. It is something you absolutely don't want to happen. What I can do is to change ours as much as possible. Fate, you have your merits, and I have my perseverance. This time, it may be a chance to be completely cut off!"

Liu Yu's lips trembled violently, but he was speechless.

Murong Lan’s voice was like a muttering in the night sky: “We met for the first time with the three of us back then. It seems that it was at such a time, Miao Yin, you alias Miao Ying'er, together with Liu Yu, and me with the pseudonym Murong Nan. We met in Peace Valley. Perhaps, this is the arrangement of fate. We met and met in this way, and the love, hatred and enmity that we had had for decades finally ended at Wulongkou."

Wang Miaoyin frowned: "Murong Lan, don't go back. Our matter will be solved later. But the black robe and even the cloak are all over the city. If you go, you won't have any effect, but you will lose yourself. .not worth it!"

Murong Lan walked forward without looking back: "I will use my method to defeat the Heavenly Alliance, Miao Yin, if I really can't come back, please take good care of Liu Yu in the future. I owe you in this life, in the afterlife. Give it back!"

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