Liu Yu bit her lip tightly, watching Muronglan sink into the night like this step by step, Wang Miaoyin sighed quietly, "Why don't you chase her? As long as you are willing to catch up, she is Will stay. Because a woman is always a woman, and will do anything for the man she loves so much."

Liu Yu shook his head: "Even if I force her to stay, as she said, I will destroy her motherland and kill her people, she will not be able to pass the psychological barrier in the second half of her life. Rather than being unhappy in the end, it is better to be loyal to her inner choice now. without regret."

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "I understand Murong Lan. When she goes, she will be your enemy and will never die. Moreover, she will do her best to guard the city and guard her own country."

Liu Yu sighed, "Yes, she will fight to the end with her people. The soldiers will be fierce and dangerous. Even I can't guarantee that I will be fine on the battlefield. I can only meet with her at this time in a fateful duel. God has already confronted her. I'm forgiving enough. Once on the battlefield, I need to be responsible for the lives of my 100,000 soldiers, and I can't care about a woman of the other side, even my wife."

Wang Miaoyin shook his head gently: "I have never been able to be as free and easy as you. If you were in the opposite city, I would definitely retreat."

Liu Yu hooked his mouth: "Whenever I am in such a high position, I will be responsible for the lives of thousands of soldiers, and those who are responsible for the national movement of the Jin Dynasty are not qualified to grow up. When I joined the Beifu Army, I killed the Aquatic Brothers because of my mistakes during the exercise. At that time, I blamed myself and no wonder, and even ignored the exercises, I wanted to rescue the Aquatic Brothers. If I changed the real battlefield, not only the Aquatic Brothers. I can’t save my life, and I will kill more brothers. Now, even if I feel sad and sorrowful, I will not go to mourn my brothers before the battle is over."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Brother Yu, you have finally grown up like this step by step. You have become an indomitable hero, but this time, I hope you don’t leave any regrets. Murong Lan is a perfect woman, and I don’t want her Really something."

Liu Yu's eyes gradually narrowed: "I think the same way. I also said just now that to promote change, only by attacking the common chance of winning and letting the soldiers and civilians in the city know that it is impossible to hold the city, can it be possible in the city. Change, this may force these Yan Jun who are still willing to be driven by the black robe to turn against him. I have studied the defeats of Cao Yi and Duan Kan before, they all faced tremendous external pressure and went out of the city to counterattack many times. He was forced to surrender, and the reason for his surrender was that there was a problem with the resources in the city."

Wang Miaoyin was surprised: "There is a problem with the resources? Does it mean the lack of water and food?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "Yes, that's it. The place where we are standing now is Wulongkou, which was exposed to the outside. That is the water source in the city. Both Shihu and Murongke broke this waterway through, or were there. The water source was poisoned, so that the city could no longer hold on and could only surrender. Since Qian Yan captured this place, Murong Ke closed Wulongkou and changed the way to take water from other places, but the truth is still the same, Nan Yan’s The culprit lies in the concentration of Xianbei from across the country in the city. Two to three hundred thousand people live in this not too big Guanggu city. Over time, the storage of grain and grass will cause problems."

Murong Lan's eyebrows frowned slightly: "What's going on here? Didn't Murong Lan say that there is enough grain and grass in the city to support it for several years?"

Liu Yu sneered and said: "That's a black robe liar. If there are only 30,000 to 50,000 people in the city, it will indeed last for a few years, but now two or three million people have come in at once, and there is not enough food and grass for more than half a year. They left most of the cattle and sheep outside the city before entering the city. Even if I did not attack the city, I could trap them to death."

A beam of joy flashed above Wang Miaoyin's Zhu Yan: "Then the long-term siege will be done. Anyway, we have time and manpower. Now that so many Han people have come from all over Nanyan, they will be responsible for building the siege and digging ditches. ."

Liu Yu nodded: "However, the attack still has to attack him. Our army is new and the soldiers are eager to fight, and many of the Ding Zhuangs who have come from various places have not seen the true strength of our army, and I also need it. Through an attack, let them know the strength of our Beifu army and try to determine the degree of defense in the city. The most important thing is that Heipao knows that the grain and grass in the city are not enough to support hundreds of thousands of people, but still concentrates the Xianbei people in the country here. , And also introduced into the city, I think, he is not just to defend the city, but to have other plans."

Wang Miaoyin smiled and said, "Is it possible that he breaks out when he still wants to be unable to guard it? But the current situation, even if he can break out, where can he go?"

Liu Yu hooked up his mouth: "I'm not sure about and wait for the follow-up, but I agree with you. He is not a breakthrough, more likely, he wants to repeat the tactics of the Dragon City. When our army evacuates, we will pursue and kill him all the way. Perhaps, the change in the external situation is his real purpose of defending the city. It will be delayed until the situation changes, and then he will go out and kill."

Wang Miaoyin's expression became solemn: "Does he really still expect that cloak to make trouble in the south to force our army to retreat?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "Anything is possible, wonderful sound, at this time, I actually hope you can sit in the rear and Jiankang to relieve my worries."

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "This time, I am a teacher on behalf of the emperor. I will not destroy the enemy country. There is no reason to go back. Moreover, if even Xu Xianzhi and Meng Chang can't stop the cloak, it will be useless for me to go. After all, my identity is Queen, it’s not appropriate to deal with intelligence matters in the Jiankang City."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "In this case, I only have a quick fight here. If I can break through the outer city quickly, I can take advantage of the instability of the people in the city to break the inner city in one fell swoop. As for the rear, I would like to ask you to revise the book. One is to say about the Dao League tomorrow, please be my wife to alert Jiankang, especially the two emperor brothers, and we must not let them fall into the hands of the Dao League cloak."

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "I had arranged these things before I came out. The existence of the Heavenly Dao League, I reported to my mother before the Battle of Linqu was over. She is also doing her best to pursue this organization. I believe it will be soon. There is further news coming. However, Murong Lan's words are reasonable. Maybe let go of the black robe for the time being and let him fight against Dou Peng, which is a better choice for us."

Liu Yu sighed: "This is wishful thinking. If Heipao really wants to settle accounts with Doupeng, he won't enter this Guanggu City!"

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