Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2909: Torture is also cruel

Wang Miaoyin let out a long sigh of relief: "Brother Yu, I have fully understood your thoughts. In fact, you and Muronglan are thinking about the same thing, but you want to promote change, and she hopes that the army will withdraw. With no external enemies, the monarchs and ministers of the Kingdom of Yan will fight for power again. No matter what, she will have the opportunity to challenge the black robe. However, Guanggu is a strong city after all, a big city. If we attack, I am afraid that we will have a great deal. Lose it."

Liu Yu calmly said: "After the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, many large cities and strong cities such as Luoyang, Yecheng, Chang'an, and Zhongshan will be attacked. These cities will be taken sooner or later. Since it is a war, it is impossible to live without death. In the Linqu battle, hundreds of thousands of the two armies were killed on the battlefield in one day. If the battle is prolonged, there may be recurring chaos everywhere. At that time, more people will die and a greater price will be paid. Moreover, now that the military will be available, the war The intention is strong, and the Han Chinese from all over Qilu even have a stronger desire for war and meritorious service than our Beifu brothers. If they don't fight a battle, they won't be reconciled."

Wang Miaoyin looked at the brightly lit Guanggu city in the distance, and frowned, "But Guanggu is a famous and strong city in the world. Even the outer city walls are three feet high, and the outer trenches are three floors. It seems easy to defend and difficult to attack here. There are nearly 300,000 people in the city. Almost everyone in the Xianbei tribe can fight, and even women can go up to the city and shoot arrows. Can we really attack it?"

Liu Yu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "It's best to attack. If you can't attack, you can let everyone calm down and turn to a long-term siege. There are 300,000 people in the city, and there are tens of thousands of war horses. I am not worried about siege. Whenever there are many losses, I am afraid that they will suddenly attack my camp with iron cavalry. When the army arrives in the next two days, they must use the Beifu army as the front team to set up camp outside the city to stabilize their position. The new attached army will stand in camp. From the rear, wait for the situation to stabilize before attacking the city."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, it should be like this. This time when Liu Jingxuan and the others arrived, they had already started to set up a preliminary camp outside the city, but they were too few in number and could not set up large camps everywhere. It’s just a few camps. Originally, Sima Guofan’s Su Wei army could set up camp in the west of the city, but he was the Jingguan who piled up the Xianbei people in the sky, provoking under the city, and even this would bring danger to Liu Jingxuan’s already set up camp in the south of the city. , I must punish him severely."

Liu Yu's brows frowned slightly: "Sima Guofan, was he so cruel before?"

Wang Miaoyin hooked up the corner of his mouth: "I don't know this person too well. He is the son of Sima Tanzhi, King of Hejian Jing. The sixth generation ancestor is Sima Fu. He is considered to be the Yuan sect of the Jin family. Outsiders are okay. But relying on the identity of this clan, he has been fierce and chivalrous since he was a child, and he has made friends with bandits everywhere in the capital. This time, hundreds of people in the Su Wei Army were under his former men. They depended on this Su Wei Army general. It's a matter of authority, just squeezed in."

Liu Yu frowned: "Who approved to bring so many bandits into the palace? What if something happens and gets into the assassin?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "It was approved by Sima Dewen. He is responsible for the imperial clan and imperial ban. I can't say much. Fortunately, Su Weijun is only responsible for the defense of the outer palace and cannot enter the inner palace. Among them, the inner palace is still controlled by my people. When necessary, you can directly request support from the garrison in the capital. Liu Muzhi placed the Hundred Officials Office and Shangshu Province near the palace. Yu Ren serves as the guard, and once there is a change, he can join the aid urgently. Sima Guofan's subordinates can't stop him."

Liu Yu's expression slowed down: "If this is the case, I can barely accept it. However, with the Tiandao League thing, I am a little worried about the rear. Will the cloak have been with the children of the Sima clan, and Have the remaining parties of the Mafia colluded together?"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "I feel this way more and more, especially Sima Guofan's practice this time, slaughtering the Xianbei people, and blatantly violated military discipline. This cannot be explained by robbing merit. Before I came, I had already given orders. Shou took the people down and took care of them, and only waited for them to interrogate them."

Liu Yu frowned: "He is the clan after all, so it's not good for you to take it straight away."

Wang Miaoyin smiled sweetly: "I am the queen, the mistress of the Sima clan. Others can't move these clan, I can. And I still have Yuxi and the emperor sword in my hand, I can cut it first and then play it. Besides, he violated the military order and killed the people. He also piled up Jingguan to show off. This is no different from black robe slaughter of Han musicians and peace talks. It is just right to catch him. There is no problem. I just need to figure out who instigated him. Maybe I can follow the vine and check. Some information about the League of Heaven and Dao. UU reading www.uukanshu.com:"

Liu Yu smiled and said: "How could he be recruited? He must have insisted that he saw our people being slaughtered. The outrage was overwhelming for a while, so he killed those Xianbei people in revenge."

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "I have been the king of intelligence and spies in my life. My subordinates have many methods and methods to force people to confess the truth. People like Sima Guofan are very fierce when they bully others, but if they are really tortured. It is often the fastest to vomit when I am on my own body. Now I am not present, and my subordinates are afraid to interrogate a clan general, but as long as I go back and preside over the interrogation personally, I believe there will be results soon."

Liu Yu hooked up the corner of his mouth: "Well, be careful not to fall into the handle."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Don't you suddenly feel that the other side of my confidante is also a cruel and ruthless person who can talk and laugh freely with big torture?"

Liu Yu sighed: "You have to do intelligence like this. There is no way. I have also watched the fat man interrogate people. To be honest, I almost didn't recognize him when I saw the fierceness when he personally burned people with a soldering iron. This For the rest of my life, I don’t want to see how you interrogate prisoners."

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "You only need to get the result of my interrogation. Brother Yu, the last thing I want to tell you about is the thing about Mingyue. Don't you think that we might be from this woman who has become a monster? Did you find some breakthrough in the killer?"

Liu Yu thoughtfully said: "Actually, when I saw Mingyue just now, I was thinking about this issue. There seems to be some witchcraft in the Heavenly Dao League that can transfer the soul of a person to that evil thing. Mingyue still thinks it is. We killed her and hated us very much. I just wanted to take revenge against you, but how did she know that you were connected here? Is it a coincidence, or is someone leaking the secret?"

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