Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2910: Evil Gu devours the soul and hurts the sky

Liu Yu said with his mouth, his mind was moving quickly. He remembered his experience of coming into this world. At the moment of sudden death of the flesh in the previous life, the soul of the whole person seemed to be out of his body suddenly, flying over a thousand. For a hundred years, in an extremely noisy and noisy passage, there seemed to be a voice asking himself: "Liu Yu (his name before crossing), if you have a chance to travel through the millennium, save the Han people in the world, and become A great hero admired forever, are you willing?"

   At that time, he said without hesitation: "I am willing!"

A white light flashed, and when he opened his eyes again, he only saw a thin ancient man holding himself as a baby, and roared: "It's you who killed your mother, why didn't you die!" "

Liu Yu closed his eyes. He no longer wanted to look back on the sad past, but the memories of his time traveled back to his heart. The memory and soul of the previous life just got into the body of a baby, if It's not that I traveled like this. Maybe this baby body deity named Liu Yu has already gone with his poor mother to another world, not to mention his splendid life for more than 40 years. Achievement, even if it was exchanged for ten years of life, he would not hesitate at all.

It’s just that Liu Yu’s heart is bright, maybe that Mingyue also experienced its own process at the moment of death, the soul got into that terrible Gu worm body, and from then on, this Gu worm had a human soul and thought, plus The ability of this monster, as well as the instinct of a killer for many years, is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most terrifying killing machine in the world. Maybe it would be a mistake to let it go just now.

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "These days, I have also spent a lot of time looking for related records of this monster. Before I came out, I checked many ancient books with Mu Zhiye. What I can know now is this It is a kind of evil flying gu, which is parasitic in the human body. It can be manipulated by the person who uses the Gu. It can steal the consciousness of the person who is the parasite, and carry the belongings of the person’s home to the place designated by the person who uses the Gu. Tucai kills life. After three years, the parasite master’s blood and internal organs will be swallowed by the Gu worm. However, this method hurts the nature and causes harm. If the parasitic person does not die within three years, or the property cannot be moved together , Then the person who casts Gu will do it to kill himself."

   Liu Yu frowned: "This Gu worm was in Mingyue's body since she was a child. It's far more than three years, and it's obviously not for money."

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "The one who recorded three years of making money may only be a way of learning this Gu technique. In fact, the Tiandao League's application of this kind of Gu worm is even more terrifying, and it can even treat parasitic people. The consciousness is combined with this gu worm. Of course, I don’t know if this was intentional or an accident, because Mingyue actually betrayed and died to the person who instructed her to come back and hijack me. As you just said, that person is him. The real enemy. Maybe a monster that is accidentally released will become the thing that swallows it."

   Liu Yu nodded: "Then how does this evil creature make a living and how to feed it?"

Wang Miaoyin said: "In the human body, this thing feeds on the human brain and internal organs. In other words, it likes to eat some of the spiritual energy essence in the human body. The last time the brain is eaten out is at the moment when the broken Gu is formed. It is usually a package. In the Gu skin, just sucking some people's essence is not fatal."

   Liu Yu's heart shuddered: "What do you mean, is this thing, which usually lives on the essence of attracting people?"

   Wang Miaoyin nodded: "This is what the ancient book said. As for what this essence is, I don't know too much. Brother Mu Zhi said, it may be something like a human soul or resentful spirit."

Liu Yu murmured: "So, this is Wulongkou. In the past, Shihu and Murongke slaughtered many people here and threw them into the water source to pollute the water source. Although Murongke later blocked the water source here, But those corpses sealed in the water cannot be superborn. The little green ghost fires we saw just now are probably the resentful spirits and wandering spirits of these people."

   Wang Miaoyin's voice was a little trembling: "Really, are there really these dead souls?"

Liu Yu sighed; "There will be things in this world that are beyond our imagination, but this soul does not disperse, grievances gather, and on the ancient battlefield, there are many evil things, which are the same reasons. I think, these resentful souls are the reason. The food source of this Mingyue Flying Gu, this thing needs to rely on these wraiths to survive, and it can’t go to the ancient battlefield that just ended, because there are a large number of sergeants who can shoot it, so you can only find this kind of remote Tombs in the wilderness, to devour those resentful spirits who have been dead for many years and cannot rest. This Wulongkou is its habitat."

   Wang Miaoyin settled down: "So, we just met him temporarily, didn't someone send her here to chase us?"

Liu Yu nodded: "If the cloak or the black robe instructed her to come, there must be a later move. I will not only send it to come, but now that it has been so long, no one has come to chase after her~www. wuxiaspot.com~ It shows that Mingyue Fei Gu just happened to hit us. It also shows that Hei Pao can't completely control her right now. It can even be said that they are probably just a cooperative relationship."

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned: "In order to allow this evil thing to exist, it has to constantly let it eat this kind of resentment and lone soul that cannot be supercarried temporarily, and give it to the person who eats it. Is it also impossible to be superborn forever?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "It is indeed an evil thing that hurts nature and reason. It shouldn't exist in this world. See you next time. I will definitely wipe it out. But, Miao Yin, you haven't told me how did you contact Alan? Is it to look for her directly, or is there another internal response?"

   Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "We have our own principles for intelligence. Our downline cannot be easily exposed, Brother Yu, don't force me."

Liu Yu sternly said: "I am not forcing you, nor is this a matter of intelligence. If there is an internal respondent in the city other than Murong Lan, and this internal respondent can still reach Murong Lan, then I may use this person to open the city gate. Taking down Guanggu, in this way, the soldiers may not be able to save the lives of thousands of soldiers."

Wang Miaoyin’s eyes were shining, and she could see that she was struggling with thoughts. After a long time, she sighed: “Fine, if you can really take down Guanggu and eliminate the flying gu evil in one fell swoop, it will be a blessing to the common people, my insider, It's He Lanmin. What do you need her to do?"


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