Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2911: Xie's family also formed an enemy country privately

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., Eastern Jin Dynasty Beifu Yiqiuba Liu Yu was a little surprised: "How could it be her? I remember that before the Battle of Linqu, this He Lanmin was still casting spells at the water source of Ju Mishui, and wanted to pollute the water source. Later, Raptors died in battle, but also hit the scene of their practice, chasing Gongsun on the fifth floor, and then hit the ambush of the black robe. If you really count, she has an inescapable third to Raptors’ death, if I win it, too. , To avenge her."

Wang Miaoyin hooked up the corner of her mouth: "That's your grievance with her, not mine. For many years, I have been in secret contact with He Lanmin. This woman is not simple, she has always had her own ambitions, but she has a way to make the North Huhu She fell into chaos and infighting, so I have been working with her for more than ten years, and it was not after she fled to Nanyan this time."

Liu Yu shook his head: "What can you give her? Is she also interested in Dajin's internal affairs?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Have you forgotten the first time we saw Murong Lan back then? Why did you say that our Xie family had to be in contact with a general family in the enemy country?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Understood, what do you mean is that the Xie family has always made friends with those ambitious people in the enemy country, so that it may be necessary?"

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, at least for the internal situation of the enemy country, it is necessary to grasp it. You can't blacken your eyes. After He Lanmin was abandoned by Tuoba Si, he became ill-intentioned and wanted to secretly develop his own power and Helan. The strength of the Ministry, and the armor and money needed to raise troops, are not so easy to obtain by themselves. The Helan Ministry closely monitored Tuoba Si after the Niuchuan Conference. If you want to build several armors, they will leak the wind, and He Lanmin’s It’s okay to do some intelligence spying, but it’s a daydream to make an army armor. It just so happens that I can provide her with these conditions, adding up to three or four thousand pairs of old armor. It will allow us to maintain a relationship for more than ten years."

Liu Yu's brow furrowed: "You are a rival."

Wang Miaoyin laughed: "Compared with our ride-hailing general who married Agan with the Lord Wei and helped him seize the position of the grassland khan, what is this point? Brother Yu, what can we do? It’s not about connecting with foreign countries, but about burying a chess piece inside the Northern Wei Dynasty. At a critical moment, it may be possible to disintegrate the Northern Wei Dynasty from the inside just like Murongchui destroyed the former Qin Dynasty. Besides, apart from some intelligence sharing, we also get the information. With more than 2,000 war horses provided by the Helan Department, this time in your army, she also provided some war horses."

Liu Yu sighed: "Most of the horses of the Northern Army were obtained by themselves. You are talking about the horses of the old guards. I'm really surprised that as the old guards, there are hundreds of cavalry without a horse farm of their own. , But, I think your Xie family has war horses, so they should be provided to our Beifu army first."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "You can tell my mother this. Back then, the Beifu Army was formed by Lord Xianggong. All personnel, equipment, horses, and grains were from the Xie family. It can be said to be my Xie family’s private army, but Now, the Beifu Army is your private army. You control the financial and taxation power in the DPRK. You can use the financial resources of Dajin to build an army for yourself. At this time, it is not appropriate to ask our Xie family to provide weapons and war horses."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I just said it casually, don't worry about it. There is just one thing, I have to remind you that the previous Da Jin was the world of aristocratic families, and the power of a large family like the Xie family even exceeded After the emperor, several big families could lie down on their power, and even decide on their own military affairs. At the extreme, they were the Mafia. Although Lord Xianggong was still taking state affairs at the position of Xuanwu, his name was not righteous, and he relied on his back. The act of using a dark box to determine national events is not worth promoting. In the future, the big Jin that I want should be restored to what a normal country should be. Wonderful sound, do you understand what I mean?"

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "What a normal country should look like, it should be the emperor's nine-fifth emperor, with great power, life and death, brother Yu, can you do this by yourself?"

Liu Yu's eyes shone brightly, and he himself didn't know how to deal with and answer this question.

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Actually, you also know that sitting in a big family has its long-term historical roots. It is not a simple family's ambition to explain it. Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Cao Cao has done well in criminal justice, arbitrarily Punishment disagrees with them, especially those who disagree with the gentry leaders who stand on their own behalf on behalf of the Han. This determines that the aristocratic family will not sit back and wait for death, but will secretly accumulate strength to resist. This is how the Mafia appeared. Later in the Western Jin Dynasty, The Sima clan seized power by conspiracy and trickery, and set a very bad precedent. The so-called instigators have nothing to do with them. If the Sima clan usurped the Cao family's state, then others would also have ambitions and ideas, especially their Sima clan King, holding a heavy army, and separatist side, then it will become the source of chaos in the world. The chaos of the Eight Kings will never be said to be the conspiracy of the family."

Liu Yu raised his brows: "In the chaos of the Eight Kings and the five chaos that followed, the aristocratic families have contributed to the country, but the last time I heard Heipao said, it seems that behind the chaos of the eight kings, there is also the shadow of the heavenly alliance. www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Miaoyin smiled and said: "Brother Yu, the Tiandao League is not an organization of the family. Although I still don’t know what they want, it is certain that it does not involve a power struggle on earth. What's more, even if the Heavenly Dao League can play some instigating role, isn't the root cause of the chaos that lie in the ambition of everyone of the Sima clan to become emperors. If they can abide by the principles of the people and ministers one by one, then how can others provoke them, how can they make a rebellious rebellion that will harm the country and the people. "

Liu Yu sighed: "It's reasonable to say that this person's **** and greed are the origin of the chaos in the world. Therefore, a fair rule is needed to allow everyone to stay in peace, and to give people a way to pass normal. Legitimate struggle to gain the path to ascendance can even make people master the power of the world through the achievement of immortality. If you can do this, you can eliminate the root of the lack of talent and the desire to gain power through treason. "

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "Brother Yu, although I know that you are a person who has no selfish mind and is dedicated to the country and the people of the world, there is almost no such thing as you in this world, just like you said. Is there only one person who has the achievements of the world? If you want to talk about the restoration of the country, the Northern Expedition, and the extermination of Hu, others can do it. Just like Liu Yi, he also feels that he has made no great achievements in the world and is not worse than you, so why should I live here? What about you? You can't even get rid of Liu Yi's ambition, so how can you talk about controlling the ambition of the people of the world?"

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