Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2913: The founding of the country

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Liu Yu looked at Wang Miaoyin’s face, under the moonlight, on that stunning face, two beautiful eyes, tears filled with sincerity, and a little helpless, there was a pity in Liu Yu’s heart. Thought flashed, and said softly: "Sorry, wonderful sound, these years have really been too hard for you, too wronged for you, I really don't know how to compensate you."

Wang Miaoyin sighed faintly, turned his head, and did not face Liu Yu's eyes again: "You are a great hero in the world, your shoulders have too many responsibilities, and Muronglan and I have too many responsibilities. Is it not? I am burdened with the rise and fall of the Xie family. She has to take care of the life and death of the Murong clan and even the Xianbei family. We cannot help but our destiny is also mercilessly manipulated in the face of these responsibilities, our family and our country. I have sacrificed my happiness, Brother Yu, I no longer blame or hate Murong Lan, because she may be more pitiful than me, but now we are not talking about love, not our future, but the world In the future, Brother Yu, I have the blood of the Xie family and the Wang family, just like Murong Lan’s blood of the Xianbei Murong family. This is an unchangeable fact. You probably have already thought about what to do with her family, but Have you considered the future of our Xie family?"

Liu Yu looked solemn and nodded: "I understand what you mean. You want to fight for a future for the Xie family. Under the system I envision in the future, you can still have power and determine the general trend, right?"

Wang Miaoyin gritted his teeth: "Not only our Xie family, the Wang family, but also hundreds of small and medium-sized families, including those in Wudi, need to clarify their family status in your future world. The power, land, and population of the world have been for hundreds of years, just because of your ideal that everyone is equal, so you can let others go. Who will be convinced? Honestly, our Xie family has been sought after by countless families and wealthy families, think I want to set up another Liu Yi to replace you. This time I have to take so many children from the family to join the army as a queen. What do you think it is for?"

Liu Yu sighed softly: "Miaoyin, let me ask you, if the nephew of the Xie family is unscrupulous, incompetent, and has neither the ability to fight enemies nor the ability to govern the country, then you think you should continue to occupy With the position of the No. 1 family in the world, continue to be like this, from the Queen to Pushe, Shangshu and other high-ranking officials from the Xie family? Should it be like this, relying on hereditary titles to occupy the land of Wu forever Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of farmers and tenants?"

Wang Miaoyin said solemnly: "How do you judge this talent and ability? Just like Yu Yue, if you look at it, this is a big straw bag with embroidered pillows, but this time, you can see how he performed after he joined the army. Needless to say, even on the battlefield, he did not turn around and flee when the enemy finally slammed in front of him. He even led the soldiers to fight to the end. It can be seen that these children of the family are not completely wasteful. Perhaps, many people just lack an opportunity for them to make contributions. In any case, the education they have received since childhood, at least in the ability to dance, literary and ink, is far better than ordinary people."

Liu Yu said calmly: "Miaoyin, we have discussed this issue many times. I say it again today. I do not discriminate against or hate the children of the family. On the contrary, I also admit that many of them have talents in governing the country. They are inseparable to govern the world, so I also gave them the opportunity to give them official positions, and did not deprive them of the power and land within the title. This time, Yu Yue and the children of the family who have made merits, I will give them according to military merits. In return, as long as you do things that are beneficial to the country in accordance with laws and regulations in the future and serve the country, you will be rewarded accordingly."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu's words changed: "But I must also make it clear that the kind of title will remain the same, and the descendants will succeed one another. You can even use the power when you are in office to give your nephews abusive titles, slowly It has embezzled most of the world’s land and population, resulting in the country’s powerlessness and the power of the family. This situation will no longer be allowed when I am in power. The rule of no judgement and no merit is indistinguishable. The iron law must be implemented to the end. The Xie family is like this, the Wang family is like this, and the Liu family is like this!”

Wang Miaoyin gritted his teeth: "If you become an emperor, can you do the same?"

Liu Yulang said: "Even if one day, for my great cause, I really want to stand on behalf of the Sima clan and become the founding emperor of the new dynasty, what I said will definitely be implemented by law. That kind of non-reliance on talents, Hereditary power based solely on blood origin is the greatest greed of human beings, and it is also the culprit of turmoil in the world. Only by breaking this point can I achieve the world that I dream of. Even if I am the emperor, or the supreme ruler, it doesn’t mean it. My children and grandchildren can continue to sit in this position. Maybe, then, I will set myself a five-year or ten-year term, and then transfer it to Liu Xile or to Wuji, which is the way to realize my ideal."

Wang Miaoyin's eyes widened: "What are you talking about? Are you going to cancel the inheritance model of father to death? Even the emperor is no longer needed?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Is this weird? The emperor is the successor to the father and the son~www.wuxiaspot.com~power is forever enjoyed, so what qualifications do you have to ask the public officials to lower their knighthood? The world should be the public. To hold the power of the world, what should be considered is the common people of the world, and the welfare of the people in the world, not the other way around, occupying a high position, but sucking the people’s anointing. If you really want everyone to come to power by their ability and descendants, then you have to It's fair to start with the emperor first."

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "You are crazy, you must be crazy. What you said only existed in the ancient mythology, the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. It has been thousands of years since Xia Qi established the model of father death and son succession. Now, not only in the Central Plains, but also in the grasslands, the Hu people also maintain their power inheritance by blood. Brother Yu, you are not one of the ancient sages and kings after all. You want to do this kind of thing that has changed the recognition of the world for thousands of years. It is not your ideals or sincerity that you can change! Even if you are willing to give up the position of power to Liu Yi, do you dare to make sure that he is like you, and will give up power when the time comes and pass it on to others?"

Liu Yu took a deep breath and looked at Wang Miaoyin's eyes, becoming extremely determined: "You have also said that there was no such a pattern of father and son following the death of the ancient kings. Xia Qi changed this rule, and later kings. We feel that this is beneficial to them and follow it, but this does not mean that it cannot be changed."

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