Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2914: I want everyone to be equal

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Liu Yuyue said that he was more excited, his voice was louder, and his expression was firm: "If I, as the founding monarch, set this rule, it would be like Liu Bang's punishment of a white horse to sue the world. When he is dead, Liu Yi does not dare to occupy this power forever, otherwise, he will be an enemy of the world, and the people of the world can attack it together!"

Wang Miaoyin looked at Liu Yu motionlessly, a strange look flashed in his eyes: "This is the brother Yu I like, a man who can change all the laws of the world and stand upright. It is worthy of my Wang Miaoyin's love for you for so many years."

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "Miaoyin, this is my wish and ideal for many years. I joined the army to serve the country when I was young. I just wanted to build a world where everyone can be equal and work hard. Remember the first time we met in Jingkou. That time, brother Diao Kui had just arrived. Before he took office, he asked Diao Hong to take the emperor’s scepter and do it in Jingkou Rongxing Township. Er Xizi, because he did not salute him, asked him to instruct him to beat him. , And Er Xizi didn't even dare to resist seeing his pomp and scepter. Do you know what I was thinking when I saw this scene?"

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned: "Are you thinking, what kind of foreign bastard, come to this Jingkou to bully people? Don't inquire about whose territory this is? What did you do when you came here last time? Did he crawl out of Jingkou with a broken leg?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "No, it's not the same. The one who came last time wanted to operate an industry in Jingkou, and then found out that Liu Yi had secretly taken in a lot of Jiang Yang thieves, and in the end he wanted to blackmail Liu Yi to benefit him. Liu Yi is abandoned. At most, he wants to eat black, but the situation is different from Diao Hong's."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "It turns out that, I said why Liu Yi treats the Diao family so respectfully, but he is so ridiculous to the previous one. However, Diao Hong's kind of style is the only way for the children of the family after taking office. The standard practice of Confucianism is to rely on family members to mobilize first, holding a scepter, printing a cogwheel and so on. If there are ordinary people who dare to resist, they will add their fists. If there are strong local heroes, they will make friends and delineate the division of interests. But there is The one thing remains unchanged, that is, bullying the soft and fearing the hard. For the powerless common people, it is bullying to the death, and for the powerful local people, it is to find a way to make friends. At that time, I also tried to win over you.

Liu Yu sighed: "This is where the problem lies. The common people are oppressed by the local tycoons. They finally come to the family as officials, but they are unable to uphold justice. Instead, they join forces with the tycoons and oppress the people together, just like Erxi. He was bullied at will, but he didn’t dare to resist, and Diao Hong and his gang just beat him to death and didn’t feel that there was anything wrong. This kind of high status brought about random bullying and even control of life and death. Everyone thinks it is justified!"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "The weak eats the strong, the winner is the king, whether it is a beast or a human, it is indeed unfair, but this is the way of heaven in the world, and the law, we are just mortals and cannot be changed."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "I saw this scene at the time, and I was thinking, as long as I can be in power one day, then such a situation will never be allowed to happen again. It is all raised by fathers and mothers, and they are all born as human beings. , Why should they be enslaved and driven? As ordinary people, they have taken the land of the country and fulfilled their duty of paying taxes and service. Then they should be protected by the country and should have the power to determine their own destiny. Why should they be People are bullied and at the mercy of others? Don’t we build our country to benefit the people and the common people, but just to bully them and get something for ourselves?"

Wang Miaoyin frowned: "Brother Yu, there are too many powerful people in this world who are out of production. Naturally, they will think this way. They will get something for nothing, relying on the ancestors' Yinjue and the land to **** the people's fats for generations. I kind of understand what you mean. The reason why you hate aristocratic families and powerful and powerful people so much is because they get what they don’t work, and rely on their own power to bully the common people. This makes you unacceptable?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, I don't think a person, no matter how much credit he has made, is not enough to let him decide the life and death of the people arbitrarily. State-owned, national law, family rules, if the people break the law, they can act according to the law. But it’s not that a certain powerful person can bully people or even take people’s lives by relying on personal preferences. If so, what is the difference between him and those Husbands? In my opinion, these people should all be eliminated."

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "The reason why they can determine the lives and deaths of others in this way is because, to put it bluntly, they occupy a large amount of land and control a lot of the population, especially those overseas Chinese who have not even registered their household registration. The lives and deaths of these people are controlled. In the hands of aristocratic families, a single dissatisfaction can make them disappear forever. Brother Yu, in the face of this kind of power that can determine life and death, few people can hold it. The disputes in this world are not just to seize this power. Isn’t it? The aristocratic family looked majestic when dealing with ordinary civilians, but in front of the emperor, he became that civilian, and his life and death were completely determined by the emperor’s thoughts."

Liu Yu nodded: "So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I think the power in this world is a public tool and cannot be used privately. Those who have power should only act in accordance with the law of the country, rather than relying on personal likes and dislikes to determine others. Life and death. Even the emperor cannot punish his courtiers for no reason, let alone hand over the power of the world to his children and grandchildren at will. This is why I said those words just now!"

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "If I were a commoner, then I would be willing to follow you with my life and support you, Brother Yu, but I'm sorry, I am the daughter of the Wang family, the daughter of the Xie family, and I have my clan. I have benefited from the family since I was a child, and I can’t help but speak for them.”

Liu Yu shook his head calmly: "I do not intend to completely suppress the aristocratic family, but I will not allow the aristocratic family to continue as before, relying on the merits of the ancestors, allowing children and grandchildren to encroach and occupy the country's land and population indefinitely. It is even more important not to allow them not to contribute to the country, but to oppress the people and harm the country’s selfishness. I allow you to continue to keep your current land property, but starting from the next generation, the title must be surrendered. If you are demoted to an ordinary commoner within a generation, do you think this is a mistreatment of the noble family?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "If you are even going to take turns to do this the emperor, then this will be kind to our family. But Brother Yu, how many people can support your approach? Even you Family, can they agree?"

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