Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2915: The wonderful sound is already in the heart of slavery

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Liu Yu smiled slightly and looked at Wang Miaoyin: "You are my family, relatives, will you agree?"

Wang Miaoyin's pink face blushed slightly: "People, when are they your family members?"

Liu Yu smiled and said, "Really, you are trying to say that you are just a member of the Xie family, the Wang family, are you not my Liu Yu's family? Then who has been with me all the way for decades?"

Wang Miaoyin turned his face, and his mouth murmured softly: "In the past few decades, you have been with you day and night. It is your family that has given birth to you, and I am just a nun and then a nun. The poor woman of the queen, you Liu Yu's family, I can't afford it."

Liu Yu sighed and stepped forward and grabbed Wang Miaoyin's hand. She instinctively wanted to break free, but she couldn't get it out anyway. After another effort, Liu Yu had already stood in front of her, holding her hands. , Looked straight into her eyes, and said softly: "Miaoyin, in my heart, you will always be my family and wife. For various reasons in this life, I have lost you, but please believe me, I have never regarded you as an outsider. Moreover, my promise to you will always be valid. Once I get what I want and establish the ideal world in my heart, I will definitely take you away."

Wang Miaoyin sighed faintly: "Brother Yu, you and I are in the same situation now, you don't need to say these things. And your ideal world is to destroy my family and destroy our family for hundreds of years. World, how do you think I will get along with you that day?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "I am also doing this for the good of my family. If I don't have the corresponding ability and virtue, I have to occupy that position. I can't serve the country when I go up, and I can't calm the people down. Instead, I will occupy the country's resources and suppress the talents. The final result , Inevitably will be overthrown. On that day, even if you want to protect a family business with hundreds of acres of land, it will be impossible. Even the lives of the people cannot be saved. Wonderful sound, so that others have no way to go, and will only go on their own in the end On the road to the dead, a smart person like you cannot fail to understand this truth."

"Throughout the ages, how many families of emperors and generals have always wanted to preserve power forever, but the more they hold on to power, the more they are afraid of losing these, the more the ability of their children and grandchildren is degraded. In the end, the families often fight for power and gain. The sky is dark and the outsiders benefit, from the rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Western Jin Dynasty to the family fighting in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, are not all the results of this? Do you think that safeguarding the interests of the family is a good deed to the family? Human greed is endless Yes, I think about political power when I occupy the land, and when I have political power, I think about usurping power and seizing power. In the end, I will be eliminated and eliminated in rounds of battles. What I want to do, from the emperor to the family, can’t Isn’t it to prevent these tragedies from recurring?

Wang Miaoyin was speechless for a while, her heartbeat could clearly pulsate from the wrist of her bare hand and spread to the palm of Liu Yu's hand. After a long time, she gently drew her tenderness from Liu Yu's big hand, and whispered: "I I know, what you said makes sense, but it’s not easy for people who already have power to give up these powers? If you really sit on the throne, your family, your brothers may not be able to agree with your ideas. Even if I support you, again What's the use?"

Liu Yu laughed and said, "It's man-made. When the day comes, as long as I am determined and selfless in my heart, I must be supported by the most people in the world. Those who have done meritorious service can continue to possess what they should have according to their title. , Can’t be passed on to their children and grandchildren invariably. If they want to continue to retain their power, they have to do their own merits. This principle, presumably, there won’t be too many people who oppose it. Isn’t that the way it is now?”

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "That's because now everyone thinks that once the emperor and the courtier, you rebuilt the Great Jin, naturally you have to clean out and eliminate a batch of old nobles and promote a batch of new ones, but if they know what you want It is unacceptable for many people to weaken and eliminate the entire aristocratic family and the noble class in this way. At least, it is impossible for them to accept the aristocratic family that I know."

Liu Yu said coldly: "These are indeed things to follow. I need to build more merits and master more power to implement all of this. Wonderful voice, today's words, I am treating you as my family and relatives to you. Say, because, I hope, I also believe that you and your mother will stand by my side and support me in the end."

Wang Miaoyin hooked up the corner of her mouth: "This is too big for me to decide. After all, Xie's family is still under my mother's actual control, and even if my mother agrees with you, Xie Hun can't agree with you. This will cause it first. We thank the division within the family. Now that the senior family members have the choice of Liu Yi, they don't necessarily have to defect to you. I advise you not to act rashly without sufficient family support."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I agree with this. You and I should not be rushed in this matter. You and I need to be fully prepared. However, my ideals of equality, everyone's hope and the opportunity to come forward will not change. , Miaoyin, this world is not owned by hundreds of aristocratic families, but by thousands of people. Without their work, how can aristocratic families survive? If their abilities and merits surpass those of aristocratic children, what will you do? Is it possible to guarantee that they will always be pressed on? Instead of overthrowing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to the point where the children and grandchildren are slaughtered, it is better to take the initiative to give up when there is still power, and to compete with them fairly. , This is the long-term way."

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "At least we thank the family, and put state affairs first, including the secret exchange with He Lanmin that you mentioned earlier, which is also a behavior that is beneficial to the country. We exchange weapons for war horses, by the way. Intelligence is to cultivate the restless force of the Helan clan in the north in order to prevent the northern Hulu from being able to unify easily and smoothly, posing a threat to Dajin. As for Nanyan, because Muronglan is here, we have not It’s just now that it seems that you and Muronglan have finally come to the day when they turned against each other."

Liu Yu gritted her teeth: "It doesn't have to be this way. She just can't deal with Black Robe now, so she has to look for opportunities, but I think that only when the attack on the city causes huge casualties to the Xianbei people can the status of Black Robe be shaken. That's right. , He Lanmin is also Heipao’s apprentice. If she cooperated with you, didn’t she betray Heiyao early in the morning? Or is it that Heipao secretly instigated and monitored her cooperation with you?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "When I worked with her, I didn’t know about the existence of Heipao and the Tiandao League. I just thought that she and the Helan Tribe had the intention of rebelling against Tuoba Si, so I secretly supported him. Now I am also worried and strange. Why did she even help me spread the word this time? What is the relationship between her and Hei Pao and Murong Lan?!"

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