Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2916: Miaoyin also went to the grassland

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Liu Yu remembered that when he first met He Lanmin on the grassland, that shocking appearance, and that night in the tunnels under Daning City, he saw the truest side of this woman, that kind of unconcealed hunger and impulse, even Dozens of strong men couldn’t be satisfied, making Tuoba Si embarrassed. For so many years, how this terrible woman has dealt with various forces and caused chaos in the north, I am afraid, it is really like those ancient enchantresses. , You can write an epic about the beauty and troubles of the country.

Liu Yu thought of this and suddenly became alert: "You reminded me that I really thought about how she escaped to Nanyan when she failed to seize power in the Northern Wei Dynasty? Could it be Heipao's help?"

Wang Miaoyin hooked up the corner of her mouth: "I haven't asked about this. She and I can only be regarded as a cooperative relationship, and there is no real trust. Maybe you should ask Murong Lan carefully, she is the one who knows the inside story. "

Liu Yu frowned: "I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity to meet Alan again before the Guanggu city breaks or the peace talks. Alas, it's just that I didn't have time to ask her about these things. But I feel more and more that, He Lanmin This person is not trivial. Maybe behind this humble person, there will be a huge conspiracy, wonderful sound, I need you to elaborate on all the relationship between you and He Lanmin, from when you first met."

Wang Miaoyin sighed quietly: "Actually, I was able to get to know He Lanmin because of you."

Liu Yu was surprised: "I don't remember that I introduced He Lanmin to you. And I only met her on the grassland. After I left the grassland, I didn't have any contact."

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "I mean, I heard that you actually became a husband and wife with Muronglan on the grassland. It was difficult to accept. At that time, I was forced to escape into the empty door because of the loss of the Xie family and became a Zhi Miaoyin. This news came when I was most helpless, do you know how I spent it?"

Liu Yu's heart ached: "I'm sorry, I have burdened you so much in this matter, I can't explain anything, I can only ask for your forgiveness."

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "You don't have to explain anything. This is fate. You were conspired by Qinglong Xi Chao and burned with black fire. Later, it was my father, that is, Suzaku who saved you. It was just that fire. You need to leak out physically, Murong Lan sacrificed her virginity and saved your life. It is indeed not her intention to **** you. I can't blame her, I can only feel the injustice of destiny, which caused the three of us to be in pain. And struggling. But, Brother Yu, one thing you probably don’t know is that He Lanmin told me these things."

Liu Yu widened his eyes: "He Lanmin? How could she know these things? And how much does she know about the black fire?"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "I was already a nun and was confined in Jianjing Temple. I wanted to come out. It would be difficult to ascend to the sky. If it weren't for help from outside, I wouldn't be able to get out of the grassland. I wanted to see you and her. But the person who asked me to go to the grassland gave me another task arrangement."

Liu Yu's brows frowned: "The lady asked you to go to the grassland?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "No, it was Xuanwu who sent me to the grassland."

Liu Yu was surprised: "Xuanwu? Is it Sima Shangzhi?"

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, but I am just like you. I only found out his identity later. At that time, I only knew that he came to me with a letter from Lord Xianggong, and our Xie family guard. Some tokens of his, to prove my identity. It was also from that time that I learned about the black hand for the first time."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "What did he come to do with you? What good is it for him if you go to the grassland? And I still can't understand why the Lord Xianggong will look for this person to take his place. He is incapable and incapable. Mind, even if it is compared with Xi Chao and your father, it is far behind."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Perhaps, this is the unexpected place of Lord Xianggong. Although Sima Shangzhi is not good enough, he still has the status of a royal family of Sima, and he also has the ambition to regain the power of the Sima family. Harm, then carrying out Sima Shangzhi may be the best revenge."

Liu Yu sighed: "But then Xi Chao and your father should be regarded as fighting each other and ended up together. They didn't seem to have a big relationship with Sima Shangzhi. When he looked for you, did you know that he was Sima Shangzhi?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "As I said before, I only knew his identity when Huan Xuan finally destroyed him. I was as surprised as you were. At that time, I thought it was a certain elder of our Xie family who wanted to inherit from Lord Xianggong. His will. He came to me for a bargain, asking me to go to the grassland to help him reconnect with Xuanwu's old friend."

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide: "Old friend? Could it be that this Sima Shangzhi still has contact with the grassland? How is this possible? It has been almost a hundred years since the rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Western Jin Dynasty and the fall of Shenzhou. I went to the grassland. When I went there, almost no one could speak Chinese, and I didn't even know that Dajin still existed."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Isn't this the result of losing contact for nearly a hundred years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And I was assigned to the grassland by Xuanwu to restore this contact, because there was a former Xuanwu who was alone in the north. Jinyang, Liu Kun who has resisted for nearly ten years."

Liu Yu clapped his hands fiercely: "Ah, how did I forget this. The Mafia in the time of the national crisis still had some talents in the early generation. For example, Liu Kun was in the north alone, but his Xuanwu was dependent on the Tuoba clan. The assistance lasted for a long time, but in the end, the Tuoba clan was unable to help him anymore, so he was wiped out by Shile. Later, Xuanwu was taken over by the family from the south. I don’t know how this inheritance was achieved."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Speaking of which, the four major guards of the Mafia at the beginning of the year, with the exception of Xuanwu Liu Kun who guarded the north, the other three developed in the south. Later, the ancestor of the Qinglong, the ancestor Ti, who also wanted To rescue Xuanwu, it’s a pity that he was still a step slower. Liu Kun knew that he would fail when the Tuoba clan was struggling. With his arrogance, he rejected Zuti’s suggestion that he give up the north and return to the south. , But took a big risk and went to Duan's Xianbei to gamble on his luck, hoping to persuade Duan's Xianbei to join hands with him to continue to fight against Shile, but he also knows that this is a dangerous trip, and that Duan's Xianbei is not the Tuoba clan. This kind of true brother may betray him at any time, so before he left, secretly sent his subordinates to bring the Xuanwu family's tokens and the contact information with friends on the grassland to Zuti, so that the Mafia could choose a Xuanwu again. He himself withdrew and continued to fight in his personal capacity."

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