Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2917: Helan was originally Liu Kunmeng

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Liu Yuchang sighed: "Liu Kun is really a strong hero. If the Mafia is guarded by such people, how can it fail?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "The four major guards of the Mafia in the first generation of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Liu Kun, Zu Ti, Wang Dao, and Xi Jian, although all of them have outstanding abilities, they are not monolithic. They still have their own selfishness. Although the cooperation is mainly between them, there are also competitions and even teardowns. It is like Liu Kun guarding the north alone, but only Zu Ti really wants to save him. Wang Dao and Xi Jian want to calm Jiangnan more and give themselves a piece of it. Tiandi, for Liu Kun in the north, was in a state of giving up, and even for the ancestors of the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, it did not provide any substantial help."

"Even Liu Kun and Zu Ti, these friends who had studied and practiced swords together when they were young, and danced after hearing the chickens, also dominated one side at this time. With their own ideas, Liu Kun's defeat must be something that even he himself knows. , But because he didn’t want to lose his foundation and face, although he handed over the Xuanwu seal, he did not hand over the money and food of the Xuanwu family, and he still controlled it in his own name.”

Liu Yu's brows frowned: "Whoever has laid the foundation is unwilling to surrender people like this, and the situation back then was whether to defend the Jiangnan or the northern expedition to the Central Plains. Everyone's opinions cannot be unified. The four guards can cooperate in this way. Like those people who calculated each other later, it was already good. After all, the situation at the time was very critical, and we should not be too harsh on the predecessors."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, I just want to say that the four guards will still have their own selfishness, and it is impossible for them to be solely for others and the country. Liu Kun has been in the north for many years and has made many hustle and bustles. If he returned to the Southern Dajin, he would have given up these resources in vain, which is absolutely unacceptable. Therefore, when he ventured to go to the Duan Clan Xianbei, he also left the contact information on the grassland beyond the Great Wall, just in case. He failed, so that the successors of the Xuanwu family have the opportunity to contact these people."

Liu Yu took a sigh of relief: "So, the connection method Xuanwu left you is with the Tuoba tribe, right? Is it Tuoba Si?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "Brother Yu, you guessed wrong this time. It stands to reason that the Tuoba Tribe was Liu Kun’s greatest support back then, but his failure was also due to the internal strife in the Tuoba Tribe. Tuoba Six Xiu killed his father, too. Liu Kun’s beloved brother Tuoba Pugen, he himself is not sure whether this Tuoba civil strife will be settled, and it is not clear whether Tuoba Six Xiu will turn into his enemies and enemies, so he stayed in touch. The person is not the Tuoba tribe, but the Helan tribe."

Liu Yu was surprised: "How could it be the Helan Tribe?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled and said: "The Helan Tribe has always provided wizards and witches on the grassland. Since the Tuoba Tribe controlled the grassland, they have been married for a long time, but they still have a master-slave relationship with the Helan Tribe and the Dugu Tribe. Han and Zhao were about to attack Chang'an and attack the pass, while Liu Kun and Tuo Bapu planned to send troops to rescue the late emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty in Chang'an. However, the risk of this battle was not small and the two were not sure, so they turned to the wizards of the Helan Tribe, who also belonged to them. The head of the patriarch Helan Tianxiong made divination, and the result of Helan Tianxiong’s divination was that the army of the Hun and the Han and Zhao was unfavorable this time. The Jin army in Guanzhong would defeat the army of the Huns, so the two did not send troops."

Liu Yu sighed: "The result of this divination was wrong. We all know that in the end the Huns captured Chang'an, captured the Jin emperor, and the Western Jin Dynasty also perished because of this. For such a big mistake, this Helan Tianxiong should be sentenced to death to thank the world. Bar."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "It is reasonable to say that this should be done, but Liu Kun persuaded Tuoba Pugen, saying that the matter is over, it is useless to kill Helan Tianxiong, it is better to save his life in exchange for congratulations. Lan Bu's allegiance to Tuoba Bui in the future. Tuoba Pugen listened to this suggestion and spared Helan Tianxiong's life. Helan Tianxiong was grateful to Liu Kun from now on and took out Helan Bud’s sacred wooden dagger as a token on the spot. The gift to Liu Kun said that as long as it is Liu Kun or someone he entrusted to see it, the Helan Department will work for it no matter when and where."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "It seems that being a good person is to accumulate character and popularity for yourself. It was not without reason that Liu Kun could make so many husky heroes in the north. It's a pity that he couldn't enjoy this fruit himself. I am. I don't understand, why didn't he leave the Helan Department and went to find Duan Department?"

Wang Miaoyin said: "Firstly, the strength of the Duan Department was much stronger than that of the Helan Department. At that time, the Helan Department was just a small tribe with only four to five hundred accounts, while the Duan Clan had more than one hundred thousand accounts, and the number of iron knights. Wan, otherwise, it would not become a force against Shile. Secondly, Liu Kun also had a kindness to the Duan family back then, and his relationship was not shallower than that of Helan Tianxiong. At the beginning, the Duan family also took in and protected Liu Kun, but Shile later used the anti-jian So Duan Moqi, the leader of the Duan clan, thought that Liu Kun was buying people's hearts and wanted to seize his tribe. That was why he turned his head against him. Even if Liu Kun is asked to elect again now, I'm afraid he will go to the Duan clan to join him."

Liu Yu sighed: "I can't beat Hu Lu, so I can only rely on foreign aid. To join the Tuoba clan today, to join the Duan clan tomorrow, and to rely on the Helan clan the day after tomorrow, is not a long-term solution. A great hero, but his own strength is not good. He only relies on his relationship with the Huren and eventually fails. In this regard, he is inferior to Zuti."

After Liu Yu sighed, he said, "Then you are relying on this token to contact the Helan Ministry? Why did the Xuanwu of the past so many years, including Master Xianggong Xie An, never thought of this?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "Things are not so easy. After Liu Kun's defeat, Zu Ti wanted to use this token to contact the Hu tribe on the northern grasslands and attack Shile from the north to the south. However, the new Xuanwu disagreed, and even later in the Jin Dynasty. Yuan Emperor Sima Rui also wanted to annex Zu Ti’s troops and sent someone to take over the land of Yuzhou. Zu Ti died of an illness with hatred and qi. From then on, no one really wanted the Northern Expedition for decades. Even when Lord Xianggong was in power, he could only be stable. Deal with things within the Eastern Jin Dynasty without thinking about the distant grasslands."

"Furthermore, on the grasslands, things are changing. After decades of civil unrest, the Tuoba Shiyijian, a promising monarch, reunified the grasslands and established a dynasty. The Helan Tribe, These tribes of the Dugu Tribe also took the opportunity to develop and grow. The Helan Tribe, which was only used as a wizard and maiden, has also become a large tribe with tens of thousands of accounts. Daiguo also intends to make a difference in this troubled world, but it is a pity that they have encountered civil strife again. The father and son were fighting each other, and finally gave the former Qin the opportunity to destroy the country in one fell swoop, and the Helan Tribe and the Dugu Tribe also surrendered to the former Qin. It was not that the Lord Xianggong had not considered joining the Helan Tribe and causing trouble behind the enemy.

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