Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2918: Xie An also has Tong Qiang Mou

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Liu Yu frowned: "This is a very good plan. The Helan Ministry has always been ambitious. I knew this when I was on the grassland. The pressure on the Qin Dynasty was very high at that time. Why did Master Xianggong not do this? Woolen cloth?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Because the former Qin Dynasty was as powerful as you said at the time. Before that, the powerful Qianyan and Daiguo were eliminated successively. These were big countries with hundreds of thousands of soldiers. How dare such a large part of the grassland with only tens of thousands of soldiers dared to rebel openly? And at that time the Monan grassland was under the management of Liu Kuren, the lone solitary branch who was originally loyal to the country. Although the Helan branch was nominally subordinate to Liu Kuren , But has been accumulating his own strength in secret. If he rushes into the army, he will first give Liu Kuren and the Dugu Ministry an excuse to destroy himself. Normal people would not do this kind of thing, unless it waits until the collapse of the Qin Dynasty and the chaos of the grassland. In order to grow and develop oneself."

"Another reason is that in the Mafia at that time, Xuanwu was no longer responsible for northern affairs, but Qinglong Xi Chao went to deal with the northern hus. The biggest power he contacted was Murongchui."

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "But as the Master Xianggong of Xuanwu, he is also related to the Murong clan and the Yao clan."

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "That's because the former Qin dominated the north, and it was clear that it would go south to destroy the Jin Dynasty. At this time, we can no longer stick to the old rule that only one side is responsible for the north. Everyone must have the ability and ability. As a result, Lord Xianggong, as the prime minister at the time, was in control of the power, and he could make stronger terms for these husky careerists in the north. Therefore, this is allowed in the Mafia. After all, in the face of survival , All intrigue will be temporarily put away."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "It turns out that the deal we had with Muronglan and Yao Xing came from this way. Was Xi Chao's introduction in the process?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled and said: "No, Lord Xianggong has always been very vigilant about Xi Chao, and Xi Chao has never revealed that his best friend is Murong Chui. In fact, he also contacted Fu Luo and Fu Lang. The clan rebelled in the north, and it was once very powerful, but in fact, these people were just pawns thrown by him, in order to convince other Mafia guards that his friends were members of Diqin."

Liu Yu sighed: "This person is very thoughtful, the city is very deep, and he is really a top conspirator. If I hadn't killed me personally, I don't know how much disturbance would be caused. How did Master Xianggong get to know Murongchui What about Yao Chang?"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "In fact, he had an earlier relationship with the Yao family. Back then, Ran Wei was defeated, Shi Zhao destroyed the country, and the Yao Qiang tribe wandered around. At that time, as the leader of the tribe, Yao Xiang was also a famous general in the world. Once returned to the Dajin Dynasty, although Lord Xianggong did not hold power at that time, but lived in Dongshan, but he also secretly made friends with Yao Xiang. Not only did he arrange for a friend to speak for him in the DPRK, he also secretly informed Yao Xiang of Yin Hao who was in power at the time. A conspiracy to assassinate him and annex his tribe. Many of this connection was made through Uncle Xuan and Yao Chang, who is in charge of the Yao tribe’s intelligence. It can be said that Uncle Xuan and Yao Chang had met a long time ago."

Liu Yu opened his mouth wide: "There is such a thing, Xuan Shuai and Yao Chang are old acquaintances!"

Wang Miaoyin smiled and said: "The intelligence between this family and the tribe is so magical. Twenty years later, it became you and I to join Yao Chang’s son Yao Xing. Presumably our experience in the Peace Valley back then It's the same as Uncle Xuan and Yao Chang years ago."

Liu Yu nodded: "But why did Master Xianggong risk offending Yin Hao in power to inform Yao Xiang? Does he also have the idea of ​​including Yao Xiang for his own use?"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "This is not known, but the mother said that it was this kind of assassin assassin to assassinate the Huren leader who returned to Dajin, which is a serious act of dishonesty. This kind of thing is done too much. In the future, no one will come to defect. Just like when the Great Jin Dynasty was founded, many refugees were wiped out because of the fight for power and profit. Later, no one in the north would be willing to defect to the south on a large scale. This is a painful lesson. Perhaps, Lord Xianggong valued it more. Yes, it is to maintain the national reputation of this great Jin. After all, he was not in power at the time, and he wanted to undermine Yin Hao's plan.

Liu Yu sighed: "Then Yin Hao did this kind of perfidy in order to suppress Huan Wen and took the lead in the Northern Expedition, which directly caused the great opportunity of the Northern Expedition to be missed. He was really a sinner. Was this Yin Hao also a member of the Mafia at that time? "

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, he took over the position of the White Tiger after Huan Wen quit. As you know, when Huan Wen quit, he took away almost all the resources of the White Tiger family, including soldiers, horses, money and food, ordnance. He also controlled the entire Jingzhou, which made Bai Hu a polished general. Although Yin Hao was named the prime minister, he had almost no soldiers and no generals. So he started these ideas of returning to the Hu people, and finally forced Yao Xiang against him. I missed the great opportunity of the Northern Expedition, but after this event~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Our Xie family became friends with the Yao tribe. Many years later, Yao Chang became a general in the former Qin Dynasty. He got in touch again."

Liu Yu thoughtfully said: "Yes, Yao Xiang was killed by Fu Jian and Fu Huang Mei's commanders. For Yao Chang, this was the vengeance of killing his brother and destroying the ministry. Although he himself surrendered quickly, Wang Meng was watching Out of his mind, the former prime minister of Qin had never trusted Yao Chang and Murong Chui, and he repeatedly said that Fu Jian would get rid of them. Presumably, Yao Chang was also living like a year at that time. At this time, Lord Xianggong was willing. If he contacted him, he was naturally unable to ask for it."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "You're right, Yao Chang had long ago had a disagreement, but fortunately, he had Murongchui's number one goal to help him attract Wang Meng's attention, so Mr. Xianggong did not directly contact Murongchui, but first Secretly approached Yao Chang and told him that if he wanted to protect himself, the only way was to encourage Fu Jian to send troops to the south. Only in this way could he be saved as a war fighter."

Liu Yu frowned: "This is one point that I still can't understand. Where is the confidence of Lord Xianggong that he can definitely defeat Qianqin on the battlefield? In this way, if the enemy is induced to attack, one inadvertent is the ruin of the country. And can Murongchui and Yao Chang be trustworthy? Even if they march south, they will do their best, and they will never leave the impression that Fu Jian is not working hard. If the war is really unfavorable and the country is destroyed, then he will not do it. Have you become a sinner through the ages and a treacherous minister who led wolves into the house?

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