Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2919: Cooperation of Interests Becomes Enemy

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Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "Brother Yu, you can't say that. Qianqin had already made up his mind to march south. Lord Xianggong also used all means, including letting Xi Chao to instigate the rebellion of the former Qin clan, including Liu Weichen and Fu. Jian turned his eyes and turned into enemies, and became the enemy of the north behind him. It also included spreading Wang Meng’s previous remarks within the former Qin Dynasty, and even affected Fu Jian’s wife and children to persuade him to conquer the South. But none of this worked. Fu Jian had made up his mind. , To conquer us with the nation’s soldiers. It will only change from preventing the war to winning the war. You are a soldier, a handsome talent, and you should know what is best for Dajin at that time."

Liu Yu nodded and said, "Yes, the Northern Army in the former Qin Dynasty had a large number of cavalry and chariots, which was conducive to fighting in the north. Huaibei and the Central Plains were their favorable battlefields. Once they came to the south, they entered Huainan and Jiangnan, and Jingzhou. In the place where the water network intersects in the central and southern regions, its combat power will be greatly reduced. It was the best choice at that time to bring the Qin army to Huainan to fight. When I entered the Beifu early in the military discussion, I also proposed this way. I suggest Xuan Shuai Abandon the Pengcheng area of ​​Huaibei and introduce the main force of the Qin army to fight in Shouchun."

Wang Miaoyin smiled and said: "You had such a vision when you were young. Whether you are Lord Xianggong or Uncle Xuan, you have praised you many times in private later, saying that you are a born general and talented person, and you will become a big man in the future. However, they did not expect that you will be so brave on the battlefield, and you will behave like a **** descending in the Fei Shui, which makes Master Xianggong believe that you will be the first person in the big Jin army in the future. "

Liu Yu sighed: "The victory in that battle was the result of the unity and cooperation between the upper and lower members of the Great Jin. Even Sima Daozi did his best. In fact, in the Great Jin, the Han Chinese in the south have never lacked strength, just lack this kind of unity. If everyone could work together like they did during the Battle of Feishui, the Northern Expedition would have been successful long ago!"

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "Except for you, there are a few people with big ambitions. In the Great Jin Dynasty, there are not many who really want to expedite the Northern Expedition. Ordinary people just want to live their own lives, and officials and gentry, I also want to maintain my own interests in the South. If you sacrifice your own interests to fight the Northern Expedition, the outcome of which is unknown, most people are reluctant. Brother Yu, you should understand this truth after so many years."

Liu Yu nodded: "So from the beginning of the Northern Expedition, I have to use people's hearts and desires to give people enough benefits to make them willing to take the initiative in the Northern Expedition. In fact, the Northern Expedition regained lost land and created a lot of people. Aristocratic families are equally advantageous. In the Northern Expedition, they can acquire land and property in newly regained places according to their titles, and get more dealers and population. Just like Yuyue and the others, I will give my due return. ."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Brother Yu, you are very good now. You can take advantage of this kind of desire of people. You will do the same in running the country in the future. You can't just start from your ideals. Let's go back to the previous topic and make friends secretly. He won Yao Chang and moved Murongchui to cooperate with us through him, but he also knew that these two were not credible and would only make choices as the war progressed. If the former Qin dominates, they will serve for Qin. They beat me hard, and if the Qin army loses, they will take the opportunity to stand on their own feet. In other words, the Battle of Fei Shui still has to be won by our Dajin, but after the war, they can stand on their own in the north. , Completely destroy the Qin State."

Liu Yuchang let out a sigh of relief: "This is really about to develop. So, after the Battle of Feishui, our Beifu Army quickly made the Northern Expedition. It seems that we have made preparations a long time ago. Not only the Beifu Army, but also Jingzhou's. The Huan family also quickly sent troops to regain the Central Plains. Did they also get the suggestion from Lord Xianggong?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "Jingzhou Huan family has always had a heart of disobedience. In the eyes of Lord Xianggong and our Jiankang family, it is an enemy that is even more dangerous than the northern Hulu. How could it be possible to tell them this kind of thing? Because the Huan clan had been preparing for war for many years and had completed the general mobilization before the Battle of Fei Shui, there was sufficient food and grass. At first glance, the former Qin collapsed, especially even the former Qin army in Luoyang was withdrawn to Chang'an. What a god-given opportunity? Will you miss it?"

Liu Yu nodded: "So that's the case, but it's also a misunderstanding. The two forces of Jing and Yang have objectively formed a cooperation. They have also recovered a large area of ​​the country, but unfortunately, the Mafia treacherously conspired by the Northern Expedition. It's a pity that the success has failed!"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "Yes, now it seems that I am afraid that the mafia is not only the Mafia, but also the Heavenly Alliance. Although the other three guards of the Mafia do not want to see the Beifu army make merits, except for Xi Chao , It doesn’t mean that someone really wants the life of Lord Xianggong. Especially my father. This is probably the meaning of the Tiandao League. Heipao also said that that Lord Xianggong has been aware of their existence, so it must be eliminated. Also. Jingzhou’s Huan Chong and Huan Shiqian were also regaining the Central Plains, and they died bizarrely when they were preparing to make further efforts. After their deaths, Huan Xuan had a chance to seize power. I think this must be the conspiracy of the Heavenly Alliance~www.wuxiaspot .com~The death of the heads of the two major groups in Jingyang and the great chaos in the north conform to the principle that this organization has always liked to start chaos.

Liu Yu frowned: "The chaos in the world is good for this organization? Isn't the black robe talking about the Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan all day long? Does it mean that everyone in the world will die before it can be regarded as 10,000 years of peace?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "This is something I want to know very much now. However, I am afraid that this secret can only be asked if you break through Guanggu and seize the black robe. Still continue to talk about Yao Chang and Murongchui. Lord Xianggong saw that they had risen one after another and knew that the former Qin would die, so he sent troops to the northern expedition. Once they went north from Yangzhou, they usually regained Yuzhou, Yanzhou, and Qingzhou, and then went to Hebei."

"Secondly, the Murong clan is strong, and Murong Chui is above Yao Chang with soldiers, so he cannot easily develop. Therefore, the secret cooperation with the Murong clan also ended with the beginning of the Northern Expedition. Lord Xianggong did not expect to unite with the grassland. The tribe on the upper lands fought Murongchui, but at that time Tuoba Si was in Murongchui’s hands. We had no contact with the lonely tribe who ruled the grasslands at that time. The Helan tribe could not join the Central Plains battle at this time. Therefore, Lord Xianggong made a With other arrangements, I am going to enable my mother to go to the grassland to perform secret missions."

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide: "You mean, before you went to the grassland, the wife had already been there?"

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