Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2922: Frequent appearances of black robe magic shadows

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Wang Miaoyin sighed: "We have not underestimated this point of appeal. Whether it is the Central Plains or the grassland, the influence of the descendants of the dynasty for many years among ordinary people is not imaginable, just like Liu Bei during the Three Kingdoms period. Relying on the status of an emperor, he made a career as an emperor in the era of the decline of the Han family. Brother Yu, have you ever thought that your surname is Liu?"

Liu Yu's heart shuddered and said, "Miaoyin, I don't need to mention this persuasion for the time being. We said yes."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Just to mention it casually, Brother Yu doesn't need to be excited, so let's continue talking about me. After I went to the grassland, although I saw you and Muronglan together, I was very sad and angry, but what was unexpected was that , I was with He Lanmin, but I knew the truth of the matter."

Liu Yu frowned: "How could this be possible? He Lanmin was not there when I was in Wuqiaoze's conspiracy, how could she know what happened at that time?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "Because the elixir that cures your burns is the secret recipe of Helanmin and his tribe, including the black demon water, which was also discovered by the Helan Ministry back then."

Liu Yu widened his eyes: "How is this possible? Isn't the black demon water the secret of the Murong Department?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled and said: "Precisely speaking, the black demon water is something in the Longcheng area. This Longcheng was not the inherent territory of the Murong clan, but just a pasture that all the ministries would go to. The Helan clan was also wandering around. The Helan Bu and Murong Bu used to hunt together in the Longcheng area, and the black demon water was also discovered by the ancestors of both sides at the same time."

Liu Yu frowned: "So, the Helan Ministry also got the secret of Heishui?"

Wang Miaoyin hooked the corner of his mouth: "He Lanmin said that their ancestors did not explain the specific circumstances, but they left Longcheng in a hurry and warned their children and grandchildren that they must never go there again in the future. They did not spread the black demon. Water, but it leaves the secret method of restraining the black demon water. As long as the person who has been burned is still angry, you can use the elixir to save their lives. The medicine you used when you were rescued was from the Helan Department. Hand. Moreover, the making of this elixir was only mastered by the wizards and witches of the Helan Tribe in the past. In other words, He Lanmin was the only one who could make these herbs at that time."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "But I remember that it was your father, Suzaku who appeared at the time and gave Muronglan this elixir. What's going on?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "He Lanmin said that he gave the medicine to his master, which is the black robe. He said that the master temporarily asked her to dispense a pair of ointment. At that time, she also specifically explained that the medicine was violent. After saving the muscles, men and women need to be intermingled for powdered medicine, otherwise the blood vessels will burst and the meridians will be broken. His master said that he does not need to worry about this, and he has his own arrangements. Later, she learned from Murong Lan who used this medicine. It was you, and naturally knew about Muronglan and you."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "So, your father has been in contact with Heipao a long time ago?"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "Yes, my father came to the grassland to get rid of Xi Chao, and he must have turned to the black robe. Although my father and I have never communicated about the Mafia, even until he died, I I knew that he was guarded by the Mafia, but he was also a person who was blinded by power and irrational. Just thinking about making tens of thousands of ghost soldiers, he knew how crazy and evil he was. I’m not surprised at all to cooperate with a big demon like Heipao."

Liu Yu frowned: "However, isn't Xi Chao always cooperating with Hei Pao? Why does Hei Pao help Suzaku deal with him?"

Wang Miaoyin thoughtfully said: "I can't figure this out. Then I asked my mother, and my mother said that Xi Chao took the lead in killing Lord Xianggong, and secretly linked outsiders to sabotage the Northern Expedition, and intended to leave the organization. Becoming the second of Huan Wen, has become the public enemy of the three guards at the time. He used to come to the grassland to deal with you under the pretext of escape from the pursuit of the other three. By the way, he colluded with Huan Xuan to prepare for leaving the Mafia. So the inside of the Mafia has decided to get rid of it. Suzaku was sent to perform this task. And if the black robe is telling the truth, and his power is mainly in the north and not in the south, then I think from the perspective of black robe, friendship with Suzaku can develop the power in the south, and Xi Chao has no use value and can be discarded."

Liu Yu nodded: "This can be explained. If the black robe is just to give Suzaku a wound to save me, it will not only sell a love to Suzaku, but also realize his plan, because the black robe is It may be part of his plan to control the great forces in the north and support Tuoba Silicon."

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Yes, He Lanmin and Muronglan are both his disciples. With a black robe, he wouldn't put his eggs in the same basket and bet on both ends. That's what he did. Under his arrangement, He Lanmin began to approach Tuoba Si, who had just returned to the solitary department, but he did not know that He Lanmin really fell in love with Tuoba Si. It was like Murong Lan really fell in love with you."

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "He Lanmin and I, Agan, are really golden boys and jade girls. A pair of wall people, even their cruel and vicious natures, are very similar, so it ended like that in the end. , It really fits their character, but I originally thought that they were only together because of interest. Later I realized that there is true love between them. At least Tuoba Si is, otherwise it would not be in Daning City. Zhiye was stimulated like that, on the one hand because he had no place to show himself under his hands, and on the other hand, because the woman he really liked was so lustful, which made him feel betrayed, even if He Lanmin couldn't help it at the time."

Wang Miaoyin’s pink face blushed slightly: “It seems that Muronglin moved his hands and feet and gave He Lanmin an aphrodisiac in advance to have such a result. He Lanmin is a rigorously trained spy, even if he loves men and women. Things can also be strictly controlled, if it weren't for her to lose her nature, it wouldn't be the case."

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide: "Is there still such a thing? Murong Lin actually participated in it?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "That was what He Lanmin later learned. It seems that Murong Lin was educated. It was said that only in this way can Tuoba Si abandon He Lanmin and let Murong Lin have a chance to get her, this Murong Lin, I don’t have much love for Helanmin. I just want to show the soldiers and horses of the Helan tribe. In short, the participation of multiple forces is very complicated. Behind the scenes, the shadow of the black robe keeps flashing. I think about it now, I am afraid it is mostly him. The plan. Its fundamental purpose is to destroy Houyan and let it fall apart, so that it is convenient for oneself to control.

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