Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2923: 5 Shi Shen San is a poison

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Liu Yu thoughtfully said: “You’re right. With Murong hanging, the black robe can’t control the Kingdom of Yan. Therefore, he wants to provoke the Murong clan’s internal strife and erect the powerful foreign enemy of the Northern Wei Dynasty. It will be him who will benefit, Yan Shengwei will wait for Murong Chui to wait for the civil war after the kings, especially the arrangement of Murong Lin as a dung stick, will inevitably trigger the Murong civil war, and if Wei wins, he also has a queen like Helan. Even the Tiefu Huns, I think he also has a later move and arrangement. It is said that he will not let the Northern Wei Dynasty dominate the grassland and dominate the Central Plains."

Wang Miaoyin smiled and said: "But your good Agan's abilities surpassed his imagination, especially with your help, to break through the cooperation of Murong Yong and the Dugu Ministry, and then Tuoba Si became the master of the Central Plains, which was beyond his control. , Can only use some small means, such as letting He Lanmin, who was abandoned by Tuoba Si, engage in conspiracies and tricks with Murong Lin. The most stupid thing about He Lanmin is that he was initially fascinated by love and wanted to follow Tuoba Si, even Don't hesitate to sacrifice the interests of the Helan tribe for it."

Liu Yu was surprised: "The interests of the Helan Department? What do you mean?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Originally, the Helan Ministry just wanted to use Tuoba Silicon as a puppet and a banner to develop its own strength, but He Lanmin told Tuoba Silicon about this and told him not to go to the Helan Ministry. You can’t get away if you are under the control of others, so the last thing you go to is Dujin Mountain, where the Tuoba Siguang Recruitment Department has been rebuilt. If it is not for He Lanmin’s help, I’m afraid Tuoba Si will always become The puppet of the Helan Tribe, and there will never be a prairie overlord behind. In fact, this is not good for our plan. I warned He Lanmin several times at the beginning, but she didn’t listen. In the end, the city of Daning was insulted. I can see the true face of Tuoba Silicon."

Liu Yu nodded: "My Gan is the real overlord. He will never give up his great cause for love. It seems that He Lanmin is still inferior to him on this point. Later, Tuoba Si suppressed the Helan tribe several times, step by step. The Helan Ministry was driven into a desperate situation, but He Lanmin, including the black robe behind her, was unable to fight back. Is the black robe willing to see such a result?"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "The black robe needs a unified grassland. The mighty Northern Wei smashes the Houyan for him, so that he can bypass Murongchui and Muronglan and control the remnant Yan in his own hands. As for the Northern Wei, he probably has a way to control it. , As soon as the madness of Tuoba Si’s old age, especially the kind of unfounded bloodthirsty, I think there is a shadow of drugs, just like the death of the father and son of Huan Chong, I am afraid that your Agan has also been black robe long ago. The medication is controlled."

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide: "These martial artists have many scars on their bodies. In order to relieve their pain, many people take five stone powder. In this way, as long as the source of the five stone powder is controlled, they can be poisoned, even Control their life and death?"

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, I'm afraid this is the way the Heavenly Dao League controls people. The evil worm in Mingyue's mind is probably very precious, and it is difficult to give everyone to it, but the five stones can be mass-produced. The aristocratic children of Jiankang City often eat this aphrodisiac for the love of men and women, and the warriors who fight in order to relieve the pain and relieve the pain, they will also take the form. The source of these five stones is even us. The aristocratic families did not know that even in the Western Jin Dynasty, they bought the medicine powder they wanted through some fixed locations."

Liu Yu's heart moved: "I remember that Fatty's good nephew was killed by the Heavenly Alliance while investigating these five-stone scattered roads. So, these five-stone scattered were controlled by the Heavenly Alliance?"

Wang Miaoyin's expression became very serious: "It seems that this is very likely now. Mu Zhi and I have discussed this matter. If Dou Peng is really the one who controls the Wu Shi San of Jiankang City, That is to say, the Heavenly Dao League controls the lives and deaths of more than half of the children of aristocratic families. Once he uses this to threaten the major families, the consequences will be very trivial. Not only that, but even the soldiers of the Beifu Army also have a lot of dissipated analgesics. I am afraid that you have to really deal with it. In the Tiandao League, you have to consider such a result!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "So, I have to help the children of the aristocratic family and the Qiu Ba brothers get out of this five-stone powder before I can deal with the Heavenly Alliance?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Yes, these methods of dispensing medicines involve Taoism and immortality. They cannot be changed overnight, and each person takes different medicines and the prescription ratio is different. Even our Xie family has different prescriptions. The youngest brother takes the dissolution, and now my mother is secretly gathering people to develop the dissolution medicine. Once there is a result, I will tell you."

Liu Yu felt hot and said, "Miaoyin, thank you very much. I can only count on Fatty and you in this regard."

Wang Miaoyin smiled indifferently: "This is what I should do, and it's also saving our Xie family's children. Brother Yu, you have to be careful too. Did the medicine that you used to save your life be given to the black robe in the middle? No one knows the hands and feet. Have you ever felt anything strange over the years?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "No, but it’s a bit weird. I have experienced many battles and scarreds, but so many scars have never made me feel unbearable pain every rainy and cloudy day like others. These scars are on my body. I almost never felt it. Just like I grew up with countless injuries, and I can always recover quickly without leaving any future troubles."

Wang Miaoyin groaned for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Your elixir that can wipe off your body and instantly eliminate your pain is the medicine you said when encountering snake immortal, and now it still has it. Is this the reason why it doesn’t hurt or itchy?”

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I can find some medicinal herbs every year in the place where I met immortals, but now it is getting less and less. The medicinal mud pounded every year is only enough for me to make two or three sets of medicines. Over the years, I seldom use it by myself, and the surrounding brothers basically didn’t ask me for it, so I still saved more than 20 fusions. Fatty once asked me for two pairs, probably to work out a way to restrain the five-stone powder. ."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Brother Yu, if it is convenient, give me two too. Maybe the pill master we can find in Xie's family is different from what Mu Zhi found. At least, one more antidote is also good."

Liu Yu smiled and took out a cloth bag from his arms, and handed it to Wang Miaoyin: "I have two pairs here, Miaoyin, you can study them first, I still have one here, by the way, leave one in my own. In an emergency, it will definitely be useful to you."

Wang Miaoyin's pink face blushed slightly, and he took the cloth bag and tucked it into his sleeve, looking at Liu Yu's eyes: "Except for studying the antidote, I hope that Brother Yu will never use this thing in this life. "

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