Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2924: Sigh at sea transaction

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Liu Yu's heart became hot. He knew that Wang Miaoyin was saying that he hoped that he would never be harmed in this life. Liu Yu looked at Wang Miaoyin and nodded: "Now my position has gradually moved away from the front-line fighting. It is reasonable. Said that this thing will not be used again."

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "But it's easy to dodge an open spear, and it's hard to defend against a hidden arrow. Just like now, we are also far away from the army. It's dangerous here."

Liu Yu sighed: "I'm afraid that only in this kind of place can you and I be able to open up like this. If we change back to the camp, it will be difficult for us to be alone like this."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "I will definitely step up the investigation of the Wushisan matter after I go back, but Brother Yu, please promise me that before I and Mu Zhi dispense the antidote, I will not rush to the Heavenly Alliance, or It was to shoot at that cloak, because if he really mastered the prescription, it would mean controlling the life and death of many people. If these people were forced to death by him or shot at you, that would be a loss that Dajin could not bear. "

Liu Yuzheng said: "I know the stakes in the middle. This matter can only be carried out in secret. You can't kill the snakes. This time, destroy the black robe, find out the true intentions of the heavenly alliance from the black robe, and act by chance, no matter what. In other words, once the black robe is eliminated, the northern hus will have no external assistance, and we can win the Northern Expedition. Presumably, we will develop northward, and there will be no conflict with that cloak."

Wang Miaoyin looked serious: "No one knows what the cloak wants, what the black robe wants, we don’t know right now, in fact, I think Muronglan’s idea of ​​putting the black robe out to fight the cloak, It may be our best choice. Only when the two of them fight against each other can we eliminate the Heavenly Alliance with the least cost."

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "There is no need to mention this. Hei Pao has too much blood of my brother. This hatred must be reported. At least, to promote change by attack, so that Alan has a chance to take the Hei Pao. It's a better choice than putting a black robe out. You should continue to talk about the matter with He Lanmin later."

Water waves in Wang Miaoyin's eyes, looking at Liu Yu, and said: "I have only stayed on the grassland for less than a month. Even after you and Tuoba Si went to Dujin Mountain, I left, and He Lanmin was just I met because of the token of the previous generation. There was nothing trust between me and her, only information exchange, but she knew that I was your fiancée in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but she took the initiative to reveal to me about Muronglan and you, I I feel that this woman has a deep hostility towards Murong Lan in her heart, and even hopes to use my hand to deal with Murong Lan."

Liu Yu's brows frowned: "She and Muronglan weren't sisters for many years. Didn't she go out of the same school? Even when she was in the grassland, Muronglan asked me to help her many times. Later, when she was killed in the Northern Wei Dynasty, she was also a black robe and Muronglan. Have you taken her in, have you made a mistake about their relationship?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "No, I'm actually very strange about this. After all, it's not a fight for the same man. There is no such hatred between women. The only thing that can explain it may be the same teacher and sister. Compete against each other, in other words, He Lanmin wants to get more recognition in front of the black robe."

Liu Yu sneered: "With her, can you compete with Alan?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled and said, "What is incomprehensible, even if it is Liu Tingyun, who has been my sister for so many years, but behind the scenes he hates me to death and tried his best to harm me. I am afraid He Lanmin treats Muronglan like Liu Tingyun. The same mentality as me."

Liu Yu sighed: "If it is explained in this way, then it is reasonable. Alas, this jealousy is really the dark side of human nature, so He Lanmin has also harmed Alan many times?"

Wang Miaoyin hooked up the corner of her mouth: "I don't know this. Anyway, I didn't listen to her and took action against Murong Lan. Otherwise, the three of us would not have the current relationship. Because I know Murong. Lan is very important to you and Da Jin. I will not ruin major events because of personal affair."

Liu Yuzheng said: "Miao Yin's aura and heart can't be matched by a man. I can't express my gratitude and admiration here. I can only say thank you."

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "I know that all this is a destiny arrangement, not someone's right or wrong, Brother Yu, I hope that after this war, the three of us can get rid of this destiny arrangement and no longer suffer. Forget it. Yes, let’s continue talking about Helanmin. After I returned to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, I made a lot of transactions with the Helan Ministry through some unique channels according to the agreement with Helanmin. Give us war horses, and both sides will get what they need."

Liu Yu was surprised: "The Da Jin and the grassland are separated by tens of thousands of miles, and the Yan Kingdom and the Northern Wei Dynasty are in the middle. How did you conduct these transactions?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Don't be afraid to tell you, Brother Yu, our transaction with the Helan Department was completed by sea, via Goguryeo, then by land from Liaodong, and finally reached the Helan Department."

Liu Yu widened his eyes: "You mean, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is going to the Korean Peninsula?"

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Exactly, Wudi actually went to sea from Yangzhou, passed through Hudu, then went north through Laizhou Cape in Qingzhou, and finally reached Pyongyang in Goguryeo or the direct route to Liaodong. Back then, Sun Quan of Wu had Many envoys and even fleets were sent to and from Liaodong to contact the Gongsun regime at that time. Therefore, there were many old boatmen in Wudi who often took this route. In our Xie family, there were many such boatmen who organized dozens of large sea ships. The fleet can complete the transaction of thousands of horses and thousands of sets of ordnance and armor at a time. It is not too difficult."

Liu Yu sighed with emotion. He didn't expect that in this era, there was such advanced navigation technology, but when he thought that the demon thief of the Heavenly Master Dao could also go to the sea from Wudi to Guangzhou, he would not feel that Xie’s Liaodong route. Surprised. Mindful of this, Liu Yu said: "Later, the Helan Buddhism dared to rebel when entering the Northern Wei Dynasty. Was it because of the armor you provided?"

Wang Miaoyin hooked up the corner of his mouth: "I don't know, I only know that this kind of transaction has been carried out three times, and it is considered to be successfully completed. He Lanmin and I have never met again afterwards, but only conducted a few transactions according to this agreement. But I knew that the Helan Tribe would resist one day, but I didn’t expect that He Lanmin actually succeeded in killing Tuoba Si and almost let his son ascend to the throne of the Northern Wei Dynasty. But I don’t know, this is. It's not the arrangement of the black robe!"

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