Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2925: Offer Qingzhou to change Ge

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Liu Yu said softly "Oh", "Isn’t He Lanmin always a disciple of Heipao? Did she also betray Heipao? Also, if Heipao is the master of Daning City Night, he arranges for Murong. Lin colluded with He Lanmin behind, what is his purpose and plan?"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "All I know is that He Lanmin was disappointed in Heipao after the night in Daning City, or despair, and since then I no longer trust anyone, although I don't know what happened in the north. , But from the subsequent development, it can be inferred that He Lanmin first wanted to collude with Murong Lin and kill Tuoba Si. This plan was originally realized when the Hou Yan conquered the Northern Wei Dynasty. Her plan was to make Murong Lin neutral in this battle. He made great contributions to replace Murong Bao, but this time it was discovered by Tuoba Si. To my surprise, Tuoba Si actually let her go and said that he owed her nothing."

Liu Yu's brows frowned: "There is such a thing? But this is quite in line with my Agan's character. In his early years, he suffered a lot of betrayal, even his brothers and most trusted subordinates, but he spared them all. For these people, it was only in their later years that they settled the accounts after the fall, and they liquidated Tuobayi, Mu Chong, and Moti who had betrayed him before. I don't know whether it was the drug's effect or the retaliation after the situation stabilized."

Wang Miaoyin laughed and said: "So He Lanmin chose to assassinate Tuoba Si after years of being honest, probably because he saw those who betrayed Tuoba Si one by one, fearing that it would be his turn in the end. This made her son take the risk. Moreover, the Helan Buddhism rebelled against Tuoba Si during the Battle of Bai Si, and later defected to Nan Yan. This also determined that her son could not ascend to the throne, but I never understood why Tuo Ba Si hasn't killed her, is it because he really likes her?"

Liu Yu sighed, "Probably only Tuoba Si himself is aware of this problem. But my Agan is a born hero, and it is impossible to control the black robe. Maybe the black robe has a way to drug him, but he will never For your own life, you are subject to orders and subject to others. Can you be sure that He Lanmin's final shot was not instigated by the black robe?"

Wang Miaoyin nodded affirmatively: "I'm very sure, because all the arrangements of the black robe in the Northern Wei Dynasty over the years, because of the assassination of He Lanmin, were wiped out. Although He Lanmin killed Tuoba Si, she has been The operation of the Northern Wei Dynasty, together with her son, was in vain, and it can be said that they lost everything. I think these two people are big losers, and there is no benefit in talking about them."

Liu Yu frowned: "Did He Lanmin ever say that she did her own thing?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head and said: "No, she hasn't said it before, and she hasn't said that there are black robe and the Heavenly Alliance on her. These are my speculations, but based on my judgment, this matter is definitely He Lanmin's personal conduct. , Out of the control of the black robe, just like the secret contact between He Lanmin and me over the years, it must not be instigated by the black robe."

Liu Yu laughed: "Like you and He Lanmin's ordnance war horse trade, such a large scale, wouldn't the black robe know?"

Wang Miaoyin hooked his mouth: "These transactions were ultimately made with the Helan Tribe. When the ordnance and armor arrived in the Helan Tribe, maybe the black robe would think it was Helan Lu’s work. Later, after Helan Lu defected to Nanyan, I also secretly traded with him once, just to cover He Lanmin."

Liu Yu nodded: "Then He Lanmin missed in the Northern Wei Dynasty and fled to Nanyan. How did he get in touch with you?"

Wang Miaoyin said: "I heard that Helanmin was not dead. After escaping to Nanyan, I contacted Helanmin through Helanlu's channel and met with her."

Liu Yu frowned: "You still meet her in person? When did it happen?"

Wang Miaoyin said: "It was when Murong Lan came to you. The war is inevitable. I need to make sure that there are people to trust in Nanyan. Although Murong Lan has a much better relationship with me, she cannot betray her own country and Clan, so I have to ensure He Lanmin’s position."

Liu Yu sighed, "What did you ask when you saw He Lanmin himself?"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "He Lanmin said that she had already succeeded in the Northern Wei Dynasty, but she didn't know that her subordinates bought Antong early, which caused Tuobasi to come back. He also said that Tuobasi and Antong are very powerful characters. Knowing his actions, but not taking action to prevent it, is equivalent to watching him kill Tuoba Si, and then take action to destroy his mother and son in the name of countering the rebellion, and after taking office, he amnesty the world, leaving everyone at risk in the end of Tuoba Si. Those veterans felt safe, and since everyone was loyal, the Northern Wei Dynasty should focus on stabilizing the interior in the past two years, and it is unlikely to use troops on a large scale. Therefore, she suggested that we take this opportunity to destroy Nanyan as soon as possible."

Liu Yu frowned: "You are not mistaken. She fled to Nan Yan after a miss, and was taken in and sheltered by Nan Yan. Her brother's tribe also relied on Nan Yan to survive. If Nan Yan was destroyed, what would be good for her? ?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "At the time, I couldn't understand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She just said that under Nanyan, neither she nor the Helan tribe was sent to others, and it was premature that the Murong clan and other Xianbei tribes wanted to annex Helan. Ministry, they don’t want to live like this, and if Murong goes beyond Huaibei, it will surely attract your army to retaliate. They Helan is willing to cooperate inside and outside to destroy Nanyan. After the event is over, they hope that Helan will replace Murong. , Guarding Qingzhou, as a screen feudal clan in the north of the Great Jin Dynasty."

"But now I know that she did this because of the black robe. In her opinion, it was probably because the black robe did not make a move, which caused her a fiasco in the Northern Wei Dynasty. In other words, the shadow of the black robe has been torturing her for many years. , I don't want to end up with Mingyue, so I want to use our hands to destroy Nan Yan and get rid of the black robe forever."

Liu Yu laughed: "Your analysis is very reasonable, and probably the closest to the truth. He Lanmin wants to get rid of the black robe's control is the real idea. However, this battle, she did not seem to have agreed to let him. The Lanbu is against the water. Helanlu still caused us a lot of trouble."

Wang Miaoyin waved his hand: "Because I didn't agree to her terms at the beginning, the military affairs of the two countries were decided by the words of the two women. This is ridiculous. I said at the time of the joint that this is not something I can decide. Yes, Liu Yu can't believe it. If you really want to win your trust, it depends on the performance of the Helan Tribe on the battlefield. If you really roll in armor to vote and turn back in front of the battle, I will prove it for her afterwards."

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