Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2926: Helan first mouse 2 tactics

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Liu Yu laughed blankly: "You are tantamount to rejecting her directly. He Lanmin is an extremely self-conscious person, even if I give her personal promises, he may not believe it, let alone a light and fluttering sentence from you here. Then later on. What did she say?"

Wang Miaoyin said: "If she said this, the Helan tribe could not take this risk. If Murong Chao was recruited, she could only fight with all her strength. At that time, she also said that Murong Chao was just a puppet, who really controlled Nanyan's military and political power. , Is the black robe of the national teacher. This person is very powerful. He uses soldiers like a god. He is not under Liu Yu. I tell you to be careful."

Liu Yu nodded: "This time she didn't lie. The black robe's ability to use troops is the only thing I have seen in my life. It is not easy for Linqu to defeat him in a battle, and there is a lot of luck. It seems that He Lanmin was at that time It has already begun to leave room for what is to come, and is also ready to leave a way back in case the Yan Army is defeated."

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "Brother Yu, this time Linqu won a big victory. He Lanmin later contacted me. She said that Helan Lu was originally going to return to Guanggu to control the city, and then offered the city to surrender to our army. The robe came back too quickly, one step earlier than them, and now I can only enter the city. I will find opportunities to work for us in the future, but for the time being, the black robe is controlled by the city. If you want to raise soldiers, there will be a lot of people talking. It's hard to succeed."

Liu Yu sneered: "These are just excuses for yourself. If you really don't want to return to Guanggu, you can just surrender to us directly. Why do you need so many reasons? Just surrender if you don't enter the city. There won’t be too good conditions and treatment, and it can only be regarded as a defeat to vote. It’s good to stay alive. I think these Helan Lu and Helanmin brothers and sisters are still dreaming of being able to vote for meritorious service, and the dream of being a knight. Woolen cloth."

Wang Miaoyin hooked up the corner of his mouth: "I think they want to bet on both sides. After all, Guanggu is a strong city in the world, and it is difficult to break. If you stand on the side of the black robe and defend the city successfully, then you will occupy a high position in Nanyan and get reused. If our army can successfully break through the city, then at a critical time, opening the city gate or making a counter-attack can also be used as an uprising. In short, no matter how you choose, you will not suffer."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, but I think Alan will use the power of the Helan Tribe. Perhaps when it comes to taking down the black robe and seizing control of the city, the Helan Tribe will play a very important role. This He Lanmin, this time the adventure led to the meeting between you and Murong Lan, which should also be a kind of sincerity and expression."

Wang Miaoyin sneered: "She and Muronglan are different. Muronglan must first protect her tribe, and then look for opportunities to take down the black robe and negotiate a peace, but He Lanmin wants to vote for Murong clan and other Xianbei people. Names, dedicated to our army, it is destined that they are unlikely to have real cooperation, Brother Yu, I advise you not to have too much hope for this."

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "It looks like this on the face of it, but I feel that one thing is their biggest basis for cooperation, which surpasses everything."

Wang Miaoyin's expression changed: "Do you mean that they are the same in dealing with the black robe and the heavenly alliance?"

Liu Yu nodded: "That's right. From Mingyue's body, we can see the cruel methods used by the black robe to control this core subordinate. Even if they don't have that terrible evil worm on them, they must be able to kill them. Alan is not afraid of life and death for the terrible forbidden technique that caused them to die, but He Lanmin is on the contrary. She is extremely afraid of death and hesitates her life. I think the reason why she violated the will of the black robe and did her own thing in the Northern Wei Dynasty, I am afraid that she wanted to Find a way to get rid of control forever. After all, if her son controls the Northern Wei Dynasty, he will be able to bargain with the black robe and lift his own ban."

Wang Miaoyin thoughtfully said, "It's very possible. So, you are still going to use He Lanmin? Do you need me to do anything?"

Liu Yu pondered for a moment, and said, "Soon our army will arrive in Guanggu, and the siege is about to come. I guess it will be difficult for you to connect with He Lanmin again, but she is willing to spread the word for you, and this has helped us and Murong Lan. Meeting, and this meeting was not known to Black Robe. The appearance of the Mingyue Demon Gu just now should be an accident. It may be that it devours the grievances here and occasionally encounters it. This shows that He Lanmin has not betrayed and betrayed us, in other words , She still has the willingness to cooperate."

Wang Miaoyin sighed, "But if the Mingyue Demon Gu returns to Guanggu City, he will definitely report what happened here today to Black Robe. By then, Murong Lan will be in danger."

The corners of Liu Yu's mouth twitched, and his brows frowned, but soon he shook his head: "I don't think this is necessarily the case. Even if Hei Pao knows that Alan is in contact with me, he can't do anything to her. Let me explain. I don't know the details of our connection. As long as Alan doesn't speak, He Lanmin is safe. Alan can say that when I saw me, I wanted to ask me to stop the war and be willing to negotiate a peace. Even Murong Chao would not use her to have a solution. After all, if you lose a head-on fight, are you not allowed to ask for peace?"

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, and just now I think what you said was a bit touched by the Mingyue Flying Gu. She actually died of betraying her, not simply being killed by us. With this suspicion, only I am afraid that she will also begin to seek the truth. Once she knows who betrayed herself, it is not impossible to fight back and avenge herself."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Are you so sure that she will be like this?"

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "I have been engaged in intelligence for many years. I have seen more of these killers. They can accept death and defeat, but they cannot tolerate betrayal, especially the kind of retreat that has been agreed and promised in advance, and no one comes in the end. It means that from the beginning, the people who sent them wanted them to die. If this kind of killer survives, the first person to seek revenge is often his old master."

"In the past, Mingyue was mainly controlled by the Gu worm in the black robe, but now she has become like this. Even if the black robe can make this Gu worm die again, it will not be more painful than the one that died at the time. It’s even more terrifying. I think she might go to the black robe to ask for an explanation after she goes back. If the black robe is removed by mistake, we can win without fighting.

Thinking of this, Wang Miaoyin couldn't help feeling radiant, with a smile on his face, just like the blossom of a crabapple, so beautiful that you can't look directly at it.

Liu Yu also laughed and shook his head while smiling: "It is indeed a good wish, but it is a pity that you seem to have overlooked one thing, that is, sending Mingyue back to the formation. It doesn't seem to be a black robe."

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