Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2927: Mingyue's identity finally exposed

Wang Miaoyin's expression changed, and her smile was immediately put away, and she fell into thinking. After a little thought, she nodded and said sternly: "Yes, as you said, Mingyue should be sent back by someone else. And this person is probably a cloak."

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "It's not easy to draw any conclusions, but the fight between the cloak and the black robe has been made public. When the black robe was in the formation, he proactively confessed the cloak. For simple revenge. I am afraid that we should turn our goal to the cloak and give ourselves a respite. As for Mingyue, if the task before coming is to betray the black robe and frame the black robe, why should we take him away later What? And, when Mingyue comes back, his mission is to hijack Miao Yin you. I'm afraid this doesn't involve the framing and betrayal of the black robe, it seems to be..."

   Wang Miaoyin rushed: "It seems that someone wants to make trouble in the Jin country to the south and needs to use me to blackmail the Xie family or the emperor."

Liu Yu's face was solemn: "If this cloak really exists in the south, in Dajin, then Mingyue's actions can be understood. However, the specific details in the middle need to be slowly explored later. If Mingyue left like that just now, there may be conflicts with the person who sent her. At least, her suspicion will be aroused. Maybe we will have some unexpected gains."

   Wang Miaoyin nodded: "I will pay special attention to this. But now that Mingyue has become like this, will she be with the black robe, or will she leave Guanggu City and go back to find her new owner?"

Liu Yu smiled and said: "She is here to devour dead souls as food. There are so many people in this world, and there are lone ghosts and ghosts everywhere. There is no need to be here, because she still has to stay in Guanggu city to use this as a stronghold. The next siege will start and there will be many dead people. She doesn’t need to eat souls here anymore. I think she will still go back to be with the black robe, but it does not rule out that she will meet directly after she becomes suspicious. The one who sent her back to the battle."

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "Wherever this evil thing goes, there will be death and killing. If you go to Jiankang, I don’t know how many people will die because of it. I have to tell my mother quickly and let her prepare, if it’s a bright moon. If I really return to Jiankang, I will gather the secret guards of my Xie family and mobilize the garrison under Meng Huaiyu to kill him."

Liu Yu nodded: "This thing is still afraid of arrows, and its stature is not small, I don't dare to appear in the day easily, maybe, your mother Bogu Tongjin, you can find other ways to restrain this thing, if If you can capture him alive, and ask the inside story of the Heavenly Dao League, the true face of that cloak may be able to surface."

Wang Miaoyin smiled and said, "I don’t need to mention this, but I have a vague feeling that Mingyue is a woman. Although she is a first-rate killer, she is also a woman after all. According to what I have known about killers for many years, if I have such Terrible prohibition, that normal situation would be to try to save her life, to complete the lord’s task without compromise, and dare not be a little bit strange. The black robe can drive the evil gu in her mind, in other words, master her life and death, then Can make her betray the black robe and not follow the black robe's orders..."

   At this point, Wang Miaoyin stopped and said nothing.

Liu Yuzheng said: "Unless someone promises to give him an antidote and lift the ban on her, such as the cloak, there may be a way to eliminate the gu worms from her, but in this way, it is equivalent to the contradiction with the black robe. Hua, at least, as one of the two leaders, to openly lure the other leader's subordinates and disciples to betray the old master, which will cause division within their Heavenly Dao League."

   Wang Miaoyin smiled and said, "So the black robe mentioned the cloak directly in the formation, it should be regarded as revenge."

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "I don't think it is. If it is really revenge, it should be to confide all the situation of the cloak, and even his hiding point, his identity, name, and subordinates can be said. It was Heipao's revenge, but he only mentioned a name, saying that this person was in the south. I think Heipao was just for getting out of him, and there is no mention of revenge."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Brother Yu said that is very reasonable. In other words, Heipao may not think that Mingyue was instigated by the cloak. With Mingyue's status, apart from the two heads of the Heavenly Alliance, I am afraid that no one else can decide. Her life and death can make her act privately regardless of everything. I am afraid there is only another possibility."

   Liu Yu frowned: "You mean, love?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "Mu Zhi and I recently found out the identity of Mingyue. She was the wife of a scholar named Cheng, but we found another Amazing thing."

   Liu Yu's heart moved: "What have you found, tell me quickly."

   Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "Mingyue's mother's surname is Tao, and Tao Yuanming is a cousin."

   Liu Yu opened his eyes wide in shock: "What, she is Tao Yuanming's cousin? Is the news confirmed?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "It is the information that Mu Zhi and I have inquired about. It is true. Of course, it is said that she and Tao Yuanming have been separated since childhood and have not been in contact for so many years. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Tao Yuanming He had already married a wife and had children, and Mingyue was married to the scholar surnamed Cheng. It seems that there is nothing confusing between the two."

Liu Yu frowned: "I think there is probably no such coincidence in this world. There are too many uncertain things about Tao Yuanming. Many clues point to him, but they can't be contacted at the last moment. Moreover, The last two questions we asked the black robe were whether Liu Tingyun and Tao Yuanming belonged to their heavenly alliance. The black robe only admitted that Liu Tingyun was related to him, but denied Tao Yuanming. I don’t know if it really doesn’t matter, or whether it’s deliberate. Earthly protect Tao Yuanming."

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "We will speed up the investigation of Tao Yuanming, but this person has mysteriously disappeared like a year ago. Now he has no officials and a light body. This kind of celebrity likes to travel and indulge in the mountains and plains, and we don’t. He may be questioned where he went. But to be able to get rid of our spies' tracking, I think, by no means an ordinary poet can do it."

Liu Yu took a deep breath and said, “I’m about to prepare for a siege war. I’m afraid I can’t keep an eye on this information. Please also trouble you. Pay more attention to Tao Yuanming. I have a vague intuition. Maybe, Mingyue and him, There will be a very secret relationship. You have to find out how Mingyue married the scholar surnamed Cheng at the beginning, what unusual behaviors she has done in the past few years, and who she often contacts with."

   Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Leave it to me."


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