Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2928: The army outside Guanggu city

Having said this, Liu Yu took a long sigh of relief. Unknowingly, the sky was already white. After the conversation this night, it was almost dawn. Liu Yu glanced around, and the sounds of birds were already rising and falling. There are also roe rabbits jumping over from time to time in the bushes, bringing gusts of wind to move the grass. Liu Yu said: "That's it, you go back and interrogate Sima Guofan, hoping to open some breakthroughs from him."

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "I don't have much hope. He can completely assert that he is eager for meritorious service or that he sees our musician being killed, arousing righteous indignation. After all, he is a member of the clan. Without clear evidence, I can't force him. It's too cruel. However, it would be a good result to clean the Sima clan who wanted to do meritorious service and send them back to Jiankang. After all, the Sima clan's ambitions need to be controlled at any time."

   Liu Yu nodded: "You have to deal with this matter, I don't worry. The army will arrive the day after tomorrow, and I have to arrange the siege and intelligence matters. It will take you and the fatty harder."

   Wang Miaoyin turned around and left: "Leave it to me, Guanggu City is easy to defend and hard to attack. Now the fighting spirit of Xianbei soldiers in the city is high, you must be careful."

   Liu Yu cast his gaze on Guanggu City in the distance, became deeper, and muttered: "Are you really as difficult to attack as in the legend?"

   One day later, Beifu Army Camp, east of the city.

In just two days, a military camp capable of accommodating one hundred thousand troops was already erected outside Guanggu City. There were three locations, east, west and south, more than a hundred li, with bright armors and strong military capacity in Beifu. Soldiers, holding halberds and swinging their arms, patrolled the village, while the flags representing the various battalions of the Beifu Army fluttered in the wind. Accompanied by various Wudi and Lianghuai accents, the military camps of more than a hundred miles, The heat wave is soaring. On the roads to the east and south outside the camp, pushing a car, carrying a burden, carrying a sharpened wooden spear, and carrying a bow hunter, Ding Zhuang, a civilian husband, followed the road. Obviously, they were here to join the army. The entire Qilu land has ushered in a rare opportunity for revenge and hatred to extinguish the Hulu in the past century. How many Han people are willing to miss it?

In the tent of the Chinese military camp, a "Liu" flag is flying high on a flagpole that is more than three feet high, while more than 20 energetic generals stand in shifts, standing in two shifts from time to time. There are new generals coming in, holding their fists and saluting with the generals, and smilingly said: "XX, how come you, I think you don't want to catch up with this siege battle."

   At this time, the newcomer will laugh in response: "Isn't it too late, Marshal, the final XX, lead his troops to the camp, waiting for your order!"

Sitting behind the handsome case, Liu Yu nodded blankly and waved his hand. This new general will return to his position by himself, while Liu Muzhi, who is sitting in the corner of the account, will work hard. This is recorded in the army book in front of you.

Shen Linzi and Shen Tianzi both held their fists and saluted Liu Yu, then walked to their place, and the opposite Xiang Mihaha smiled, staring at Shen Tianzi's still not too quick pace, and said, "I said Tianzi, my **** is still rotten. So don't come to Daying in such a hurry. You should rest in Linqu for a few more days."

Shen Tianzi glanced at Wang Zhenye, who was standing in the same position opposite, severely "snorted": "Wang Canjun can still ride a horse if his **** is rotten. He came a day earlier than me. He and every literati did it like this. What qualifications do I have for a good night's sleep in the back? If it weren't for the guardian, I would be there two days ago."

   Zhu Lingshi smiled and said: "Wang Canjun is really good. I just hit 30 army sticks and can ride to Guanggu on horseback. I probably can't do it after changing.

   Wang Zhen’s evil look is as usual: "None of us want to miss this opportunity to besiege Guanggu, destroy Hulu, and attack the enemy country. What is this pain?"

Speaking of this, Wang Zhenyi glanced at Shen Tianzi: "Also, I want to remind General Shen that I, Wang Zhenyi, as a cavalry squadron, has always been riding in armor and charging forward. I am not a literati. Now We are all standing here in armor like this, but we are all martial arts soldiers."

Shen Tianzi said coldly: "I'm sorry, it was my fault. Wang Canjun is a powerful martial artist. Next time you attack the city, he will definitely cheer for you at the end and watch you rush to the Guanggu city for the first time. Take the first ascent!"

Liu Yu waved his hand: "Well, today is the first day the generals gathered. The first day the generals reported, Guanggu Jiancheng is in front, and the victory has not been won. What thoughts and thoughts did you have before, it is best to put it away, this account All of them are comrades in armor fighting, and they are brothers who live and die together on the battlefield, understand?"

  Everyone looked awe-inspiring and saluted Liu Yuqi together: "I will follow the instructions of the commander. I will work together to live and die together, not to break the broad and solid, and vow not to return to the army!"

   Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction and looked at Liu Jingxuan: "Ah Shou, you are the first group to come to Guanggu. Today, please report the situation in the previous paragraph. Let the brothers listen."

Liu Jingxuan has been standing first on the left and the highest rank among the generals in the army. Hearing this, the more crowds came out and saluted Liu Yu, saying: "Ten days ago, the battle of Linqu was over. At that time, I was ordered by the commander ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to lead three thousand fine horsemen, including General Suo Miao, General Sima Guofan, Rebel Pilu Daoxiu joined the army, etc., chasing the enemy until outside Guanggu city. Along the way, more than 2,000 enemy troops were hunted down and killed. Seven days ago, they arrived outside Guanggu City."

   Liu Yu whispered "Oh": "But the military newspaper said that your gains amounted to fifteen thousand. Why did you only say more than two thousand people?"

Liu Jingxuan shook his head: "There are more than 13,400 people. They are not soldiers of the enemy, but the people of Xianbei who will be able to enter the city in the future. Outside Guanggu City, General Sima Guofan saw me being beaten up for a while. The more than one thousand people who were taken captive were killed by the Yan thief. The first level was all on the wooden stakes and stuck outside the city. They were so angry that they immediately ordered the captives outside the city, and the more than 10,000 Xianbei people who could enter the city in the future were all slaughtered. , And piled the corpses into more than ten Jingguan temples and placed them in the south of the city. The commander issued an order not to allow the killing of the people of the country of Yan. In the end, the restraint will be weak, and the commander will be convicted!"

   Liu Yu raised his brows: "You or Sima Guofan ordered the killing of these Xianbei people?"

Liu Jingxuan said loudly: "The last general ordered the burial of the people who were headed by the lords at the time, and did not issue an order to kill the people of Yan, but at the time, the sentiment was infuriated, especially the generals of the Suwei Army led by General Sima. They were under their care, but General Sima saw that the army was hard to kill, and ordered them to be beheaded. However, the general was unable to prohibit impeachment at that time, so please be punished!"


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