Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2929: Sling the people for crime

Xiang Mi said grinningly: "Marshal, Brother A Shou did this. It is fortunate. Anyone who sees our captives slaughter like this and return the head of the owl outside the city will be suffering. No, I must wait to kill all the Xianbei thieves and get revenge!"

   The crowd listened, nodding their heads and saying yes. Tan Shao followed: "Yes, Brother A Shou and General Sima did not slaughter the people of Nanyan for no reason, but because they slaughtered our civilians first. We are just retaliating against each other. You said all the time, Marshal. Those who violate my strong man will be punishable even if they are far away, this is the punishment!"

Zhu Lingshi laughed and said, "Yes, that's true. Brother Shao is right. That's it. I think this time is a special situation. Not only is Brother Ah Shou not guilty, but meritorious. They will only know if the Hus pay the price. We Han people are not so easy to bully. Even if the people are killed, they will pay more than ten times the price!"

Amidst the raging crowd, Liu Yu's complexion was calm, his gaze swept across the faces, and finally fell on Wang Zhenye, who stood in the middle of the left column and said nothing, and said, "Suppress evil, you just No words, any other thoughts?"

   Wang Zhen said in a loud voice: "The final general thought that whether it is from the perspective of military discipline or from the perspective of warfare, Ah Shou is very wrong. Not only can he not be a successful labor, but he must be severely punished to thank the three armies!"

   As soon as this statement came out, I was shocked, but due to Liu Yu's military discipline, no one publicly refuted it. It was just a series of surprised, angry, and contemptuous eyes that all turned to Wang Zhen's evil.

Shen Tianzi sneered: "Probably because Wang Cunjun saw too much of this kind of bullying and even massacre of Han people before, he didn't take it seriously, or he didn't regard himself as a big Jin soldier, as a Han general. Such cold-blooded words. Yes, Brother Ah Shou did violate the military discipline prescribed by the general, and there is nothing to say, but from the point of view of war, I can’t see anything wrong. If I look at our people If you are still indifferent to killing people like this, then you should wear this skin to do what you do. It’s better to take off and go home to farm earlier. Marshal, I don’t agree with Wang Canjun’s opinion. If you really want to cure Brother A Shou, I am willing to take the sin together. As well as the sin of privately expressing opinions here, I also take it!"

With that said, Shen Tianzi flirted with his skirt and knelt down on one knee. However, most of the people in the tent knelt down on one knee like this because of his infection. This made Wang Zhen evil, Liu Zhong and the few others who did not kneel down. , It is particularly prominent.

Liu Yu looked as usual and said calmly: "Since it is a military discussion, you can know everything. I did not say that you are not allowed to express your own opinions. This crime of arbitrariness is impossible to talk about. You all get up first. Listen to what Wang Canjun said. If he says it is unreasonable, or if you have a good reason to exonerate A Shou, then I will not punish A Shou's crime of slaughtering civilians this time, how about?"

All the generals were happy, got up and went back to the line. Shen Tianzi gave Wang Zhenya a triumphant glance, and stood back in the line. Liu Yu looked at Wang Zhenya and said, "Wang joins the army, everyone says to you. The latter point, that is, what you said about General Sima’s move is not good for the battle, and there are opinions. You'd better explain this sentence."

   Wang Zhen said unhurriedly: "Because, this is not in line with the general's idea of ​​sending troops this time, that is, to promote troops and eliminate violence, so that there is no way."

   Liu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Go on."

Wang Zhen nodded evilly: "Although Nanyan is a Hulu, Murongde has been a promising monarch since he took the land of Qingzhou. He reused Hanchens, and forbids his subordinates to take captives, oppress Hans, and build Xuxu. Let the children of Xianbei nobles learn Sinology. In this troubled time, it is still safe for one party. It is precisely because of this that the Northern Wei Dynasty did not dare to invade, and even the commander made a temporary peace with him and stipulated that he would not violate each other."

Shen Tianzi said coldly: "Wang Canjun, pay attention to your words, Murong De is nothing more than a Hulu boss, he did not kill us Han people less when he conquered Qingzhou, just because of the Jin Dynasty civil strife in those few years, the commander. He didn’t have the power like today, which allowed him to succeed. If he changed today, how could there be Nan Yan? As for the subsequent agreement, it was also because we had just gotten up and were still chasing Huan Xuan. At that time, Murongde wanted to take advantage of the vacancy and attacked me with a large army. The marshal could only temporarily endure and form an alliance with them to buy time. It does not mean that he will really live in peace with them forever. You know, Han Hu does not. Liangli is the lifelong pursuit of the commander, and it is also our Beifu Army!"

Wang Zhen Evil smiled slightly: "Tian Zi, you only know one, but not the second. The so-called heaven is permanence, not for Yao's survival, not for dying, the truth of the world, there is way or no way, will not be Han people are still distinguished by nonsense. Although it is the ideal of each of our Han people to expedite the Central Plains to the north and regain lost land, if time is not ripe, there will be no chaos in the north, and when the monarchs do not do anything wrong, then the people in the north, even if they are Han people , And will not stand on our side. At this time, the Northern Expedition will face ten times, one hundred times more difficulties, and the outcome is unpredictable."

"Even if it is a military victory and enmity with others in a war, how to comfort their family members and nephews and how to dissolve the hatred formed in the war is very troublesome. The so-called soldiers who do not fight to be defeated~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ is the best policy. This is the so-called crime of slandering the people, and the reason is that there is no way. It is not about the war itself, but about the rule and management after the war!"

Although Shen Tianzi still looks disapproving, many people have already begun to whisper and nod secretly. After all, many of the senior generals of the Northern Army have already added the censorship, the county guard, and the like. The job of guarding the ruler is also a practical matter of being a parent official for a few years. Even if he is not personally governing, he still has an understanding of the affairs of governing the state and the county. He starts to consider the problem from the perspective of a manager, not just a soldier. NS.

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth: "Then, according to the king's intention to join the army, we will die in vain for the captives? Is it possible to let our people kill the enemy without responding? You know, it is not only the Nanyan army who killed these common musicians, but also the tribesmen who entered the city from outside the city."

Wang Zhenye shook his head: "The wrongdoer, the debtor, and the people who kill the people are those who are guilty. If there is evidence that more than 10,000 Xianbei people who did not enter the city participated in the murder of Han folk musicians, then kill them. They also have some truth, but in fact, more than ten thousand people did not have time to enter the city, let alone blood on their hands, and put their anger on these innocent people without being beaten by the murderer in the opposite city. Could it be that Is it the work of the brave? In my opinion, it is just a coward's behavior! It has nothing to do with anything that must be punishable even if it is far away!"


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