Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2930: Slaughter 0 surname is not benevolent and righteous

Shen Tianzi said bitterly: "Wang Cengjun, your words are too much. More than 200,000 Xianbei people are hiding in the city and dare not come out. They slaughtered our unarmed Han civilians and saw our army arrived, even if There are only a few thousand people, and they are too scared to fight. Do you still expect our soldiers to attack the city directly? We have captured tens of thousands of Xianbei who want to enter the city. Even if they are the people, can it be that they are killed? Cowards? Isn’t the handling of these people in the city also a means to lure the enemy out of war? And stacking up Jingguan is also a way of deterring the enemy or enticing them to leave the city. It has been a cowardly behavior since ancient times. NS?"

   Tan Shao nodded: "Yes, since ancient times, enemy bodies have been piled up in Jingguan to deter the enemy and show off our military martial arts. This cannot be simply said to be brutal."

Shen Tianzi said triumphantly: "Look, this view of Lijing has existed since ancient times. I remember that in the past, Wu and Chu had this old custom. Yan thief can be the leader of our people, then we will pile them into Beijing. Viewing is also to come and go without being indecent."

Wang Zhenya calmly said: "Therefore, the Yan thief dare not fight with our soldiers, and only dare to spread his anger on the unarmed Han civilians. We also want to learn from them this way, and only kill the civilians to show off our martial arts. ,Yes?"

Shen Tianzi's face changed, and he sneered: "These Xianbei people will become sergeants when they enter the city, and they will go to the city to defend and even become armed fighters just like other Xianbei people. You know, Xianbei people never do anything. In production, men and women, young and old, can mount and shoot combat. Killing them is to weaken the strength of the enemy's defense of the city in advance and avenge our innocent people. What's wrong?"

   Wang Zhenya sighed softly: "If you say so, the Yan thief kidnapped our people and invaded Huaibei, is there no problem?"

   Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth: "Wang Canjun, please understand your position. You are a Han Chinese and a general of Dajin. Why do you always speak for Hulu?"

Wang Zhen said in a deep voice, "It is precisely because we are Han people, people of righteousness, we must be courteous and honest, and we must be humane and righteous, so that we can't be like those wild beasts like Hulu, kill people when you see them, and grab things when you see them. So we can’t slaughter like them, regardless of whether they are soldiers or people. If you kill Hulu and kill even the ordinary people when they see it, then this kind of butcher will not be polite to the Han people in the future. We are humans, yes. A soldier who speaks of benevolence, can't let himself degenerate into a cold-blooded butcher!"

Shen Tianzi said solemnly: "Everyone knows the great truth. If you want to, we will not only be unable to avenge our tragic deaths, but we must also treat these Xianbei people as if they were uncles. They are delicious and they must also provide protection. , Don’t let us Han people go to them to calculate the old accounts of the past hundred years, right?"

Wang Zhenyi shook his head: "Since it is for the people of Nanyan who were intercepted by our army, as long as they are willing to be my Dajin citizens, then they should be treated equally. Those who do not want to submit to Dajin will say otherwise, but since they are my Dajin citizens. Just like the Han people, they should grant and divide their land. They should also pay taxes and serve in return. As for the protection of their lives and property, it is self-evident. I repeat, they did not The people who participated in the killing of us are legally innocent. Even if they are sitting in the law, they will not be involved."

Tan Shao said solemnly: "Wang Cengjun's words are a bit of a book business. You also know that the Xianbei Hulu is brutal and cruel. These people didn't kill our people, not because they didn't want to do it, but just because they didn't catch up. The same thing happened before. Tribes and civilians have also participated in the massacre of our civilians. Therefore, I think it’s okay to stand a proper prestige. Our army killed 100,000 enemies in Linqu City, but those corpses could not be brought over. So, borrow these The Xianbei who did not have time to enter the city should stand up for their prestige. Although it is against humanity and justice, they can also be treated specially during this special period. After all, they came from other places in Guanggu and wanted to enter the city. This determines that they are at this time. He is still loyal to Nanyan and is an enemy of Dajin. I don’t want to be a citizen of Dajin."

He smiled to Miha: "A Shao said it well, benevolence and righteousness are spoken to his own people and people. Those who are determined to be our enemies and oppose us are enemies. Even if you kill them is a bit too much, but It is impossible to survive as the Han people of Dajin. Just like the demon thieves of the celestial masters and Taoists before, keeping them alive, but as slaves to redeem their sins, this is also the minimum."

"Brother Jinu, I think what everyone said makes sense. Wang Cengjun wants to influence these Xianbei people with benevolence and justice, but I think it is not easy. When the army arrived this time, all the hundreds of thousands of Xianbei people in Qingzhou ran away. Entering Guanggu City, we are enemies, Murong Chao and Heipao cannot surrender. They vowed to be our enemies to the end. If they really want to fight, the hatred will become stronger and deeper. Maybe, through this siege. It’s the best choice to wipe out all these stubborn Xianbei ugliness, and to eliminate future troubles. Uh, of course, the sister-in-law has to be rescued first and cannot be destroyed with them!"

Liu Yu said blankly: "This time the extermination of Yan Yan is a matter of the military, how can it be abandoned by one person? If we really decide to attack Guanggu, don't care about who lives and die~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In comparison, this is not worth mentioning, Tie Niu, this kind of remark should not be mentioned in the military discussion. What we are going to discuss now is how to deal with the Xianbei people in the city. Your opinion is to eliminate all of them, and the future troubles are forever. Well, how many people think that way? Raise their right fist."

Most generals did not hesitate to raise their right fist, only Wang Zhenye, Liu Zhong, Zhu Lingshi and other six or seven did not raise their hands. Shen Qingzhi hesitated for a while, and wanted to raise it with Shen Tianzi and Shen Linzi. But still let it go, Shen Tianzi glared at him dissatisfiedly and hooked up the corner of his mouth: "Xanther, when are you like some people, mother-in-law, benevolent and rational?"

Shen Qingzhi shook his head: "I'm thinking about taking part in Hebei. Tuoba Silicon killed the 70,000 Yan army and descended the army as you said. But the result was that when the Yan was exterminated, Xianbei everywhere The clansmen did not surrender, causing the Northern Wei Dynasty to pay more than ten times the price. Even today, the hatred caused by the siege of the city and the land has caused the land of Hebei to be rebellious and impermanent. The two swallows cannot be chased out. Today, they broke Guanggu and slaughtered these two hundred thousand Xianbei people. It is indeed a refreshing moment, but we will continue the Northern Expedition in the future. There may be millions of Huren who dare not surrender again. , Fighting with us to the end, then how much more will we have to pay for the lives of soldiers? How much more energy should we spend to appease after the war? The crime of hanging the people is the righteousness of sending troops, if we learn from the Hu people to kill as the goal, then Who is guilty?"


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