Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2931: Sima Guo? Defected

Tan Shao shook his head: "For those who refuse to submit and refuse to surrender, do you have any good ideas for Xanthium? According to these shamans, we killed 100,000 of them in Linqu. The families, relatives and friends of these people hate us to the bone. I am also afraid that I will be domineering in various places in Qingzhou. I am accustomed to oppressing Han people and are retaliated against. Only then will they flee to Guanggu. When they see our Han civilians, the weak will kill them. We attack them without being righteous. This is the truth? I think that for this kind of stubborn Hulu, who fights with us and fights the Han people in the world to the end, then resolutely eliminates it. This is also a way of building power and participating in the Tuoba Si to kill. Captives who surrender, of course, violate the principles of humanity and justice, but these are not willing to surrender. That is the enemy. Why don't we attack and kill the enemy?"

Many generals nodded and said yes, and Tan Shao’s face also flashed a smug look. He looked at Liu Jingxuan, who had been silent, and said, “I think there’s nothing wrong with what A Shou Brother did, although it’s great. Shuai set a military order not to slaughter the people of the Yan Kingdom, and not to slaughter the Xianbei tribe, but that is for those humiliated people who do not resist our army and are willing to be my Dajin citizens, and these hukou enter the city to be our enemy. Yes, then this military order does not apply. Although it is cruel to behead them and pile them into Jingguan, it is also for a reason. Brother Shou did not give this order, and General Sima led his troops to kill the enemy. To deal with it, because it is against benevolence and justice to accumulate Jingguan, the best way to deal with it is that the merits and demerits can be offset without reward or punishment."

   Shen Tianzi immediately followed, "I agree with Ah Shao."

Many generals and colleges who raised their right fists also agreed in unison. Wang Zhen’s evil voice sounded in this second voice: "I ask everyone to pay attention to one thing, that is why these Xianbei people rushed to Guanggu from all over Qingzhou to enter the city. Is it all to fight our army against the enemy? When we Han people are attacked by Husbands, our first reaction is to hide in the fortified city to protect ourselves. Do we all want to bring our weapons together? Can you kill the Huren for revenge?"

The hustle and bustle of the big account suddenly became quiet. Everyone began to think about this problem. Wang Zhen’s evil voice continued to sound, calm and peaceful: "The people of the world, whether they are Han or Hu, have no ambitions. High ambitions are all about living in peace, and are not too keen on fighting and killing things."

"The reason why these Xianbei people all come to Guanggu is not that they want to be our enemies, or that relatives and friends died in Linqu and want to come to revenge, but because they are afraid, they are afraid, and they are even afraid that they will still count. The Han neighbors who can live together peacefully use this opportunity to counterattack them, taking the opportunity to **** their property and even kill them."

"At this time, they just want to be with their own people, hoping that someone can protect them and save them. What we should do is not to push them to Murong Chao's side and let them be with Nan Yan. To perish, we should let them understand that it is not the Yan Kingdom of Murong clan that can protect them in the future, but we Dajin, in our Han Chinese soldiers!"

   Shen Tianzi said disdainfully: "Wang Canjun, what good is it for you to speak righteously to us here? Do you have a way to make the 200,000 Xianbei people in the city understand this truth?"

Wang Zhenyi sighed: "It could have made them understand this truth. This is why the Marshal decided not to slaughter the people of Nanyan at will. The main reason is these Xianbei people. I can only sigh why some people even make this rule. The military regulations didn’t understand, they acted arbitrarily, used the first rank of these people to fight for their own military merits in the name of revenge, and the final result was like this. I didn’t know if it would break the great event of the commander. This has caused us many unnecessary casualties!"

Tan Shao's expression changed, and she said in a deep voice: "Wang Canjun, what qualifications do you have to say such a thing? According to your opinion, did Brother A Shou behead these Nanyan Xianbei people for the top rank in military service? It's ridiculous! Brother Ah Shou made a great contribution in the battle of Linqu, killing more than 20,000 people. After the war, his merits were first class. He needs to rely on the first level of more than 10,000 people to gain military merit for himself?"

Wang Zhen said coldly: "I'm not talking about Brother Ashou. He didn't order the massacre of these Xianbei people. At most, he wanted to bury our tragic civilian musicians. He didn't have time to stop the killing. He also condoned Sima. Guofan went to Duijing to watch. But Brother Ashou, as the coach, did not have the responsibility of restraining his subordinates, and it was inevitable. I really think it is Sima Guofan and his subordinates who should be punished!"

Everyone's expressions changed unanimously, and they began to look around, trying to find Sima Guofan, and while looking at Mi, he muttered, "It's really wicked, where did Sima Guofan go? I said, how come I feel less. Alone!"

Liu Muzhi's voice sounded slowly, with a little seriousness, and completely different from the usual easy-going: "It has been found out that Sima Guofan was instigated by someone, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com instigated his subordinates to slaughter for military merit. A civilian, and this person was detained by the Queen for interrogation because he was afraid of further investigation, and relied on the forces that instigated him to kill the guards and defected!"

As soon as the words came out, Xiang Mi opened his eyes wide, "What?! Defection?! This, how is this possible, Sima Guofan is a general of the Forbidden Army, or Sima's clan, how could he... …"

Liu Yu's voice sounded calmly, but with an unspeakable majesty: "The Eight Kings Rebellion, the princes of the Sima clan are all generals, guarding one side, not because they are obsessed with the throne, and they rise up one by one. Are you making chaos? That is, after we crossed the South of the Great Jin Dynasty, Sima Daozi and Sima Yuanxian father and son, in order to seize power, didn’t they also create the chaos of the Tianshi Dao? We risked our lives today to leave our wives, children and family, here. Isn’t the hard fight just to clean up the mess of these Sima clan families?"

Liu Yu’s words silenced everyone, and Xiang Mi sighed: "Brother Ji Nu is right. I am a one-hundred-year-old man. Hulu can only rank second. This is the first. It's these ambitious Sima clan families. I thought they had changed their **** this time and wanted to really serve the country. Unexpectedly, they still remain unrepentant!"

   Tan Shao twitched the corner of his mouth: "If the queen was the one who watched the interrogation in person, how could he escape? Is there something hidden in the middle?!"


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