Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2932: Slaughter prisoners in Jingguan to prevent the enemy from surrendering

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly, stood up, and walked to Liu Yu’s handsome case in the account. While gently stroking the three long beards on his chin, he said: "The Queen Wang was in front of the army a few days ago. , Because I received a secret report from the front, saying that Sima Guofan slaughtered thousands of Xianbei people, and he also established the capital to watch outside the city. This is an atrocities that obviously violates the command of the commander. It will also make the enemy troops in the city abandon their hearts. Therefore, Queen Wang immediately set off to deal with the matter at the front line, because Sima Guofan is a special status, after all, he is a royal family, even if he is handsome, it is not easy to deal with it directly, but she, the queen, represents the Great Jin Dynasty. The emperor has the right to deal with these clan generals if he is personally confiscated."

Tan Shao suddenly realized, and nodded: "Oh, that's why I didn't think of this level. As the daughter of the Xie family and the Wang family, the queen has been the queen of spies for many years, and she also guards the safety of the palace. This is all of us. What she knows, so she thinks Sima Guofan has a problem?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, Sima Guofan's deeds far surpassed what a general vying for military merit should do. I recall that Hei Pao once said that he still has an accomplice in the south. Secretly making waves, so Queen Wang thinks that this matter is of great importance and must personally interrogate Sima Guofan. However, apart from dealing with this matter, she also has more important things to deal with when she arrives at the front line, so she first went to the army and won Sima. Guofan sent guards to guard him, and then went out to do errands, but when he returned, he found that Sima Guofan had actually escaped."

   Liu Jingxuan shook his head incredulously: "The Queen is a top spy. The Sima Guofan that she has taken is guarded by heavy soldiers. How can they be robbed like this?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "The King and Queen are now investigating the matter and interrogating the sergeants who were guarding the periphery at the time, but I guess I can't ask what the result is. All dozens of secret guards who have followed her for many years have all died, and that Sima Guofan is even like the world has evaporated, and I don’t know how to escape. The guards on the periphery did not see or hear any suspicious people. I think it must have been done by a very powerful person. Generals, please take this as an example. Quit, to prevent thieves from attacking or assassinating you."

   smiled at Mihaha and touched the big axe stuck in his back: "I'm not afraid of him coming, I'm afraid he won't. I still think I will meet this monster."

   Liu Jingxuan said coldly: "Iron Niu, don't be aggressive, you can let go of slashing when you wake up, can you be so prestigious when you fall asleep? These assassins, assassins, and monsters won't fight you head-on."

   Tie Niu swallowed his saliva and said angrily: "That seems to be a lot of change in the hotel account, more suspicious, and can't let this culprit kill us in our sleep, or we will lose out."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "I want to remind everyone that the war is not over, and even our enemies have not fully emerged. You only see the Xianbei in front of you, but maybe our real enemy is hidden. In the shadows behind us, you must not take this battle lightly. The idea of ​​discussing how to capture and slaughter the people of Yan Country now, it is best to put everything away. First make sure that you can win, and you can be in this battle. Let's talk about it if you survive."

  All the generals looked awe-inspiring and saluted Liu Muzhi in unison: "Thank you Fat Changshi for your reminder."

   Liu Muzhi nodded, returned to his seat, and said calmly: "Those just now should not be recorded in this military discussion. Then everyone will continue to express their opinions."

Tan Shao nodded and said, "In this way, Sima Guofan's so-called killing of the Xianbei people for revenge is just making excuses. It aroused the anger of the people in the city, this traitor, if I catch him, I must smash him into pieces!"

Liu Yu sighed: "Fortunately, the one that was controlled and bought by the secret thief was only Sima Guofan. The Queen had already interrogated many of his subordinates, and the officers of the old guard did not know that Sima Guofan was the victim. Control, but thought that Sima Guofan was aroused by righteous indignation and ordered the slaughter of prisoners. If these people were with Sima Guofan, they would not stay in the army."

   Liu Jingxuan said in a deep voice: "Then these thousand guards and soldiers, how do you plan to deal with the slaves?"

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "Sima Guofan was guilty of defecting. It was his personal sin. It has nothing to do with other old guards. Many of these people are distant sects of the Sima clan. There are also some descendants of the family. There will be a suspicion of repelling friendly forces, or even deliberately making things difficult for the gentry. Now Sima Guofan has run away, and there is no clear evidence of his confession. We had better not confess the truth. I mean, Sima Guofan, the coach, defected because of grievances. As the reason why the Suwei Army was not under command, it was broken up, and the soldiers were scattered and integrated into various armies and commanded by the generals. This way, they were not sent back, and they were still given the opportunity to perform meritorious service. As a whole, they allow the potential thieves to continue to instigate chaos. What do you think?"

   All the generals saluted in unison and promised, which can be regarded as a statement of support.

Liu Yu looked at Wang Zhen’s evil ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Wang can join the army, you say, why does this Lijing View in turn increase the fighting spirit of the enemy? Lijing View has been used as a deterrent since ancient times. Enemy courage, a means to deprive the enemy of fighting spirit, but you say it will inspire the enemy's will to fight. What does this mean?!"

Wang Zhenya said calmly: "Li Jingguan has always been collecting the corpses of the enemy soldiers killed on the battlefield, piled them into high platforms, and then covered with soil, thinking that Jingguan, this horrible pile of corpses will face the enemy country. The army declared that it will end up as an enemy of our army. Let them not dare to commit another crime."

"But this time in Guanggu, it was counterproductive. Our army had a big victory in Linqu, and the enemy was only a lonely city. They were already discouraged. The Xianbei people from all over the place gathered here, not because they wanted to be enemies with us, but because they were afraid of peace. Fear, but want to seek protection. If we can appease these people at this time, such as the more than 10,000 people left outside the city, if we don’t kill them, but protect them and give them food, just like treating the Han people in Qingzhou. Like the common people, they promised to keep their lives and property, and let them speak to the city, even if there will be many people in the city who will surrender without a fight."

"However, Sima Guofan killed them and piled their bodies into Jingguan, and placed them outside the city. This is undoubtedly the best propaganda for the enemy, telling them that as long as they fall into our hands, no matter what Whether it's the army or the people, it's the end. It's tantamount to cutting off the road of surrender for the army and the people in the city. Isn't this the best propaganda for the enemy?"


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