Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2933: Release the goodwill and put 0 last name

Xiang Mi slapped his forehead sharply: "Yes, in this way, war is death, and surrender is also death, so who will surrender? I will fight to the end if I change. This Sima Guofan is too bad, which is equivalent to Forcing the Xianbei people in the city to fight to the end. Is it possible that the black robe is really instructing him in secret?"

Mao Dezu said bitterly: "I have long felt that this kid has a big problem. During the battle of Linqu, his troops were unable to withstand it. If the commander hadn't left behind, I was afraid that he would come from him. Give the enemy armor a breakthrough and hit the commander stage. At that time, we thought that the old guards had not been in battle and could not beat the enemy. Now that we want to come, this kid also did it deliberately."

Tan Shao said solemnly: "I think there are probably many Sima Guofan's comrades in the Su Wei army. We need a full investigation now. It is best to disarm all of them first and then review them separately. If there is an adulterer, I am afraid it will affect the situation of the war."

Liu Yu shook his head: "A Shao, don't expand these suspicions. There can be too many rapes. It is easy to leak secrets because people are too mixed. It is not the generals of the Su Wei army who robbed Sima Guofan. It is solid and morale is high. If you confuse yourself due to unnecessary investigations, it will lower the morale of the whole army. The reason why all the old guards are not sent back or isolated for review is to take this into account. Sima Guofan is guilty, It does not mean that the soldiers are all guilty. After the divisions are dispersed, everyone should take care of these soldiers and appease their emotions. Don't casually doubt people. Even if there are individual spies mixed in them, ten people will stare at them with most of the soldiers. With one, what wave can he make?"

Everyone's brows stretched, and Shen Tianzi smiled and said, "That's how the marshal treated us, who had been strayed into the demon sergeant, Wudi Sergeant. The feeling of being trusted is really good. Our brothers also learned from that. At that time, I made up my mind. In this life, the wind will come and go, and I will only recognize the commander, and only play for the commander!"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Everyone is Dajin's soldiers. First of all, we must be loyal to the country, loyal to our food and clothing parents, that is, Dajin people. It is better to say this less. If one day I am disarmed and returned to the field, Don’t you guys wear this uniform anymore?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Shen Tianzi said solemnly: "If the commander really is no longer our commander, then it will be meaningless to stay in this army. It’s better to return to Wu to be a local tyrant and be happy. Only when we follow the commander can we run our heads and have confidence. If we come to Sima Guofan or other family members to ride on us and give orders, then this military uniform, It doesn’t matter if you don’t wear it."

   Liu Yu frowned: "Okay, Tian Zi, don't say this. Suppress the evil, you go on to say, now that the fighting spirit and anger of the enemy have been aroused, how should we deal with it?"

Wang Zhenyi sighed: "Sima Guofan, or the person behind him who instigated him, is still very powerful. He is deeply connected with the people. He piled up the corpses of the Xianbei people into Jingguan, not only can dispel their sway and fear. The heart can arouse their anger. During the Warring States Period, the Yan Kingdom conquered Qi and successively descended 72 cities. Only two cities, Jimo and Ju, remained in the Qi Kingdom. They were still resisting. They cut off the ancestral graves of the Qi people outside the city and exposed the bones. They thought that this would destroy the fighting spirit of the defenders in the city, but this made all the Qi soldiers in the city weeping, grabbing the ground with their heads and swearing to their deaths. In the end, it relied on the Fire Bull Array to make a successful comeback, creating the miracle of the restoration of a city."

"It can be seen that challenging and insulting what is most cherished by the enemy soldiers will only stimulate the morale of the enemy soldiers. Xianbei people are already good at fighting, and they have a strong and solid city. If you abandon the heart of fear, everyone will fight to death. That would be a hard-to-bite bone that our army has never encountered before. I suggest that you don't rush to attack the city immediately. It's better to reach some kind of agreement with the city."

Shen Tianzi suddenly yelled: "What? Negotiation? Wang Zhen is evil, you won't be the sore on your **** that got into your mind. Even if they are willing to fight and dare to fight, what can they do? Could it be that the Yan army in Linqu is the same Don't want to fight, don't you dare to fight? In front of our absolute strength, it is not a battle to be defeated. Those Yan army defending the city are mostly the souls who fled back from Linqu. The so-called defeated generals cannot be brave, even if some What if the people want to fight? Now that all the Han people in Qingzhou are coming to support us, what do you say about peace at this time, is it to chill everyone's hearts?"

Wang Zhenyi said coldly: "The victory or defeat of a war is never determined by patting the chest or seeing the number of people. Otherwise, why would the Yan army, three times the size of our army, give us a head-on defeat in the first battle in Linqu? At that time, although our army was small, there were strong enemies in front of us and no way to go. If we win, we will be appointed to worship, and if we lose, we will die without the whole body. Therefore, everyone is brave and desperate, plus the commanding command is like a god. Only with concerted efforts can there be a big victory."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "But the current situation is just the reverse of that time. Our army seems to have an advantage and surrounded the city, and a large number of Qingzhou Han people joined~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ But these people, who are not familiar with warfare and untrained, can't actually be used for much purpose. They really want to attack the city, I'm afraid they still have to let the soldiers of the North House rush up."

"And now the city is tightly guarded. There are many crossbow machines and catapults on the front of the city. During the Battle of Linqu, Zhang Gang invented hundreds of wooden armored organs that could fly into the sky. Presumably, there are many such killing tools in Guanggu City. , Our army uses a non-dominant force to attack this kind of fortified city, and it will suffer heavy losses. You must not be dazzled by the previous victory, and you must calm down!"

"I thought that if we could find a way to let the Xianbei people in the city know that we only came to crusade against the Murong clan, and did not want to harm the people. This time we slaughtered more than 10,000 people and built a Jingguan, because of the malicious intentions of the traitor Sima Guofan. We can put these corpses outside the city and let their relatives and friends come to collect the corpses. If we don’t want to collect them, we can also bury them outside the city according to Xianbei’s etiquette, so as to win the hearts of Xianbei’s people in the city.”

"If everything goes well, they can let them free the civilians. Even if they fight, it is a matter between the soldiers. The marshal can negotiate this with Princess Lan, so that the Xianbei people who are unwilling to submit to the Jin Dynasty can return to the old place of Liaodong. Our army Never pursue!"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Suppress evil, your idea is very good, but now it is impossible to realize it. Heipao has succeeded in regaining power in the city through this Jingguan incident. Muronglan originally wanted to let go. Those of the Han people did not succeed, and now they have no right to speak in the city. At this time, if you ask her to negotiate a peace, I am afraid that the excited city soldiers will be directly killed as a traitor and moved back to the former residence of Liaodong. Get up."

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