Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2936: Split the archer with each army

   Liu Jingxuan laughed: "No problem, wrap it on me, send a slave, you can order it!"

Liu Yu smiled slightly and sat back in his handsome position. His eyes swept across the faces full of longing and excitement. That was the desire of the soldiers before they went out to fight. It was written on everyone's face. He closed his mouth and said in a deep voice: "The generals will listen to the order. Next, everyone will return to the camp for rectification. Within three days, they will make the attack tools, arrange them in a queue, prepare the sequence of siege, and complete the pre-war preparations. After days, a full siege of the city."

   Wang Zhen’s evil voice suddenly sounded: "Marshal, are you really sure you want to attack the city in three days?"

Liu Yu had already stretched his hand to the Lingjian Kettle and was about to get a Lingjian. Wang Zhen's evil words stopped his hand, looked at Wang Zhen's evil, and said, "Why, does Wang Canjun have other opinions? "

Wang Zhen nodded evilly: "I think Guanggu City has a strong defense, and the morale of the soldiers and civilians in the city is high. Although our army is coming with a big victory, it does not have much advantage, especially the equipment preparation for the siege. Insufficient, at most three days can only prepare for the ladder, rushing these conventional weapons, attacking ordinary cities is enough, but for the strong city, I am afraid that there are still shortcomings. It is best to stabilize the camp first and do it well. Beware, in case the enemy army takes advantage of our army's first arrival and robs the camp from the city."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "It’s better to be careful in combating evil. Yes, in the art of war, the method of defending the city often involves sudden blows to the siege enemy when they first arrive. I’m not familiar with it. I have a chance to take advantage of it. Well, if the attack is successful, you can also boost your morale and boost your confidence. Everyone, when you lead your troops in place these two days, this camp and duty , How are you doing?"

Liu Jingxuan said solemnly: "Our department has been pursuing the enemy ten days ago. Except for the people of Xianbei who killed more than 10,000 to Sima Guofan, all the soldiers and civilians of Nanyan have retreated into the city, even if Sima Guofan was in the city. After setting up Jingguan, they did not go out of the city to fight back. At that time, I was worried that our troops were not strong enough. We did not set up a gate for the first three days. It may be that the enemy army was newly defeated. , So I chose not to move."

   Liu Yu nodded: "Then Ah Shou, have you checked whether there is an ambush outside the city for the enemy's ambush?"

Liu Jingxuan shook his head: "We have repeatedly checked this point within a hundred miles. The surrounding mountains and rivers have been searched almost every inch of the land. Except for the hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep abandoned by the soldiers and civilians of the Yan Kingdom, there are no A Xianbei army and civilian remained outside the city, oh, except for the thousands of Xianbei people who did not have time to enter the city later. In addition, the Han people from all over the country who defected to our army also captured one to two thousand Xianbei who had not had time to enter the city. People are all concentrated in our camp, waiting for the commander's disapproval."

Liu Yuzheng said: "Very well, as long as there are no enemy ambushes outside the city, then many enemy sneak attacks can be eliminated. In fact, after I got here, I also spied around, except for encounters at Wulongkou. Once outside of the Flying Gu monster that the black robe was riding on, there was no ambush in the enemy's army."

   Xiangmi said in surprise: "What, that monster actually appeared in Wulongkou? Marshal, are you okay?"

Liu Yu smiled and said, "If something happens, I won't be here anymore. The evil thing carries the memory of the former female killer Mingyue. It can even be said that Mingyue became this monster after his death, and it inherited the previous Mingyue. His resentment depends on swallowing the ghost of the dead to survive. When I encountered it at Wulongkou, it should be eating. Those Duan's soldiers that Murong Ke used to kill are probably its food."

   Xiangmi's voice trembled: "Well, how can there be such an evil thing in this world, it is terrible, no, this evil thing can't be left behind, handsome, why didn't you get rid of it?"

Liu Yu calmly said: "Maybe, we can use this evil thing to create some trouble in Guanggu City. The situation at that time was special. I couldn't kill it and let it escape. But I think Sima Guofan escaped. There is no trace left on the ground, it may be related to this evil gu. After all, we have all seen how it can fly in the air and take away a big living person."

Liu Jingxuan said bitterly: "If we meet next time, we must not let it escape, otherwise the black robe may escape by this thing again. What we really want to destroy in this battle is the black robe and his heavenly way. Alliance, there are too many such evil and vicious things in the world, and they will be left in the world for thousands of years!"

Liu Yuzheng said: "Yes, we must make it clear that the purpose of this battle is not to destroy Nanyan, but to destroy the black robe, including the demon who ordered the massacre of our people. This time, our army has successively arrived in Guangzhou. It's solid, but the black robe didn't take advantage of our army's early arrival. I think it's not normal. You must not take it lightly."

   At this point, Liu Yu turned his head to the line of generals on the right, and a bearded man standing in the middle said: "General Hu, your Divine Arrow assault camp, what's the situation now?"

Hu Fan stepped out, arched his hand, and said: "The Shenjian assault camp now has 3,157 soldiers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ under the command of the general and the general Xu Chite, it was already yesterday. Enter the South City Camp at 2 noon and wait for the commander of the commander."

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "This time the enemy may use tactics that we have rarely seen before, such as attacking from the air. We have already seen this when we were in Linqu last time. We must not take it lightly. This time the battalion will not be used as a whole army. It is divided into six buildings, each with 500 people, assigned to each army to fight."

   Hu Fan sternly said: "Please also give the commander's advice on how to be assigned to the various ministries."

Liu Yu nodded, picked up an arrow, and looked at Tan Shao: "General Tan Shao Ning Li, you have 8,000 people under your command, and you have 4,000 people under the second general. , Hu Fan’s two battalions of archers are attached to your ministry. Within three days, you need to build a thousand ladders, 20 rushing carts, 10 towers, and 50 catapults to attack the enemy’s east city." He said, Tan Shao handed out Ling Jian.

Tan Shao showed joy, and at the same time as Sun Chu and Yuqiu Jin two generals came forward to salute, he took the order arrow, held it in his hand, and stood aside triumphantly. Everyone looked with admiration and jealousy. Shot on him, which made him feel very good. On the other side, Xiang Mi licked his lips and said, "Well, this time, just like Linqu, it was the kid A Shao who took the lead first. As the first army, he arranged a task. Marshal, it's my turn next. Got it."


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