Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2937: Pile up the soil and push the west city

Liu Yu smiled slightly, and picked up the second Ling Arrow from Ling Jing. Xiang Mi's eyes suddenly became straight. He stared at this Ling Arrow and couldn't move away, as if he was looking at the most beautiful one in the world. Like a woman, Liu Yu swept across Xiang Mi's face from the corner of his eye, and shook his head: "Where is the champion general Liu Jingxuan?"

Xiang Mi’s face suddenly flashed with disappointment that need not be concealed, and the whole person seemed to be a deflated ball, suddenly limp, and he hooked the corner of his mouth dissatisfiedly: "Brother Ah Shou, this time it’s you again. Stay alone and don’t let me give any credit to my brother."

Liu Jingxuan smiled and shook his head and said, "Tie Niu, your kid has won the first prize in Linqu, and you are still so greedy. Otherwise, your kid will be under my command. When climbing the city wall, I will let you go first. Come on, what do you think."

Xiang Mi was taken aback, and then grinned: "Okay, okay, as long as I have a chance to kill the thief first, I am willing to be a soldier. Brother Jinu, oh, no, handsome, If you let the champion general be the commander, then put me under his command."

   Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Very well, since you are interested in each other, let's make arrangements like this. Champion General Liu Jingxuan, how many soldiers and horses do you have now?"

Liu Jingxuan said sternly: "In the first battle of Linqu, as a forward, my subordinates suffered heavy losses, but while I led the cavalry to chase the enemy to Linqu, the commander also reorganized and strengthened our department. Now my headquarter has 6,000 cavalry. General Liu Fan also has five thousand Yanzhou soldiers and horses. Although General Liu Cui took three thousand Yuzhou soldiers back, the commander assigned me all the eight thousand Dingzhuang who had recently joined the army in Qingzhou, especially Pilu. The four thousand strong men enlisted in the army are well trained and can go to battle at any time. Counting this, our army now has nearly 20,000 paces, waiting for your order."

   Liu Yu nodded and looked at Xiang Mi: "Tie Niu, how many people do you have now?"

   Xiangmi grinned: "I have always been two thousand Beifu infantry here, waiting for the command of the commander!"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Very good, then you can join the champion general's lineup, Liu Guanjun, Xicheng direction, I beg you, the terrain there is higher, and it has always been the key to breaking through the outer city of Guanggu. I need it. In three days, let the Qingzhou civilians make 1,500 ladders, 100 catapults, 30 sledge carts, 20 towers, and prepare 40,000 sandbags to fill out the enemy’s city walls. Three trenches."

Liu Jingxuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Xicheng is indeed the focus of the enemy's defense. Since the water source at Wulongkou was diverted, the moat outside Guanggu City has dried up, and replaced by three roads about two feet deep and wide. Three-zhang trenches. Now these trenches are filled with sharp wooden stakes. On the city wall, there are many stalks. According to my observations over the past few days, there are a lot of large ballistas and catapults, while the bows and arrows above the city wall With a hand of more than 5,000 people, it will cause a major arrow rain to our offensive forces. If you want to attack, I am afraid that it will not be able to complete sufficient preparations in three days."

   Liu Yu frowned: "Then according to the general champion, how should we attack this West City?"

   Liu Jingxuan said solemnly: "The final general thought that the attack on Xicheng should not be a rushing storm, but step by step, and move forward."

   Xiangmi said thoughtfully: "The champion general meant that he wanted to set up a big car formation like Linqu City, then put on the baffle, sandbags, and slowly advance?"

Liu Jingxuan shook his head: "No, that kind of tactics with big carts and baffles are only suitable for plain operations, because everyone is standing on the ground. After seeing the big carts, you can't get over the carts from the air. The shield will kill and wound our army behind the cart."

"But siege battles are different. The enemy is condescending, and our army’s every move is in their eyes. Moreover, whether the city’s head is a ballista, a catapult or an archer, they can directly attack behind the cart at this height. Our army, if we attack by force, I am afraid that in the process of filling these three trenches, there will be heavy casualties."

Liu Yu nodded: "It seems that the champion general has made a lot of observations outside the city every day for this period. The three trenches outside the west city are indeed the most difficult point when attacking the outer city. So expand your troops to the largest scale, almost twice the size of the Tanshao Division in the East City. Is it precisely because of this reason that the trenches outside the city?"

   Liu Jingxuan nodded: "That's right, the earth-mountain warfare, although it takes a lot of hard work and takes time, but this is progress. Then according to your opinion, what is going on with this long encirclement?"

   Liu Jingxuan smiled slightly: "The Changwei I am talking about is not an ordinary wall, but a step into the mountain."

Liu Yu's face changed slightly: "Tushan? You mean the best way to pile up a soil mountain higher than the city wall and directly advance to the Guanggu city. The advantage of our army lies in the number of people and time is on our side. , This matter of transporting the earth and piles of mountains does not need to be done by our soldiers, as long as those Qingzhou civilians who come to join the army do it. They may lack combat experience, but they do not lack the physical strength to do this kind of project. There are just a few in the west of the city. In Dashan, some are earthwork. I have calculated that if there are 30,000 civilians working in three shifts and digging in the earth day and night~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then it takes less than half a month to pile up three buildings outside the city, five feet high and wide. Twenty feet of the earth mountain, when the time comes to select the archer or the catapult to climb to the top of the mountain, you can conversely attack the enemy's wall guards from a high level. Once you can drive away the enemy's guards on the wall, then You can go forward and level the trench."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "But if you do this, it means you have to take time to advance slowly, not to mention how the city responds. If the East City and South City are attacked by force, then you and the West City will not attack at the same time. The defenders of the West City can be deployed to repel the offensives of the East City and the South City, which will cause casualties to our troops in other directions."

Liu Jingxuan shook his head: "As long as our army is piled up and standing on the top of the mountain, the situation in the city is in sight. If they really deploy troops to other places, then we can take advantage of the situation and directly fill the trenches and climb the city wall. The army cares about this and loses the other, and the initiative to attack has always been in the hands of our army."

   Liu Yu smiled slightly: "If the enemy takes the initiative to attack the mountain, or even rob the mountain, how do you deal with it?"

   Liu Jingxuan was a little surprised, and his eyes widened: "How is this possible? The three deep trenches outside the city also prevented the enemy from attacking. Unless they can fly, how can they fight for the soil?"

  Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, stopped his mouth, and murmured to Mi: "Oh, the black robe demon can really fly."


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