Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2938: Longevity Monster Killing Method

Liu Yu looked serious and said with a serious face: "Yes, during the battle of Linqu, Heipao used the Kongming Lantern to carry the Changshengren. He nodded to Liu Muzhi on the side. Liu Muzhi raised his head and said calmly:" It is not easy to turn people into this kind of immortal monster. One has to drink the secret medicine and take the pills. It is said that this medicine is very unpalatable, and if you know that you are going to die, no one is willing to take it, so you can only regard death as home. , The demon who disregards life, or the people who are deceived, are willing to take the medicine. "

Shen Tianzi nodded: "Yes, when they used to be with the monsters, they would use more than a dozen longevity monsters to start the battle, but it was the general altar disciples who took the medicine. Death is just a way to the world of bliss, where soldiers can become immortals, and everyone is vying to take drugs to become monsters. Now that I think about it, it’s really horrible."

   Speaking of this, Shen Tianzi's face full of fleshy flesh actually showed a trace of fear. It can be seen that he witnessed so many terrifying longevity people back then, which shocked him in his heart.

Liu Yu sighed: "This evil thing really hurts the world and destroys humanity. Only the monster who is willing to eat human flesh can eat it and become such a monster. However, these medicines can only be used for about two hours, once it has passed. Over time, the blood vessels will burst, torn apart, and completely turned into a pool of rotten flesh and stinky water."

Zhu Lingshi's brow furrowed: "What kind of medicine is this that can make a living person so cruel and powerful? The nails on that hand grow to more than a foot, which can break the armor and break the gold, and the body's skin is as hard as iron stone. , It's hard to come by. How is this done?"

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Many of the human body’s potential is not known to us. Through exercise and training the day after tomorrow, some of the potential can be developed. Just like our soldiers in the Northern Army, their physical fitness is far better than ordinary people. However, these bodily potentials have not been thoroughly stimulated, because heaven has permanence, and people always have to live. If these potentials are fully stimulated, it will be overdrawn, and people who could have lived for decades become only one. The lifespan of two hours, the longevity monster, is to concentrate all the potential of a person on these two attacks against our army, and his wooden armored organs can also leap into the air. These may appear in the siege. We must be defended. The reason why the beard's arrow assault battalion is allocated to each army is to strengthen this anti-air attack. After all, the archers can shoot down the Kongming lantern in the air with one arrow a hundred steps away. , We can’t let these things fly over our army’s head easily. Even those immortal monsters will cause us great harm!"

Xiang Mi licked his lips: "Marshal, I have not always been clear that this longevity monster is so powerful, why the black robe or the demon can't be used on a large scale. Ten thousand longevity monsters, even if they charge from the front, it is difficult for us to resist."

   Liu Yu smiled and released him within an hour. It can even be said that the moment they took the forbidden drug and turned into a monster, they were actually dead. "

"The latter is just killing based on that instinct. Except for the immortal monsters, all living creatures will be ruthlessly killed and swallowed by them. Their minions are the sharpest weapons, and their skins are the hardest armor. Our Northern Army’s fine steel knives can only be pierced, but remember, even if their bodies are penetrated, they can still fight, because they are already the living dead, and attacks on ordinary people can be enough to pierce their bodies. , But it has no effect on these monsters."

   Zhu Chaoshi blinked: "Only by Huo Gong or cutting off their heads can they be destroyed, right?"

Liu Muzhi laughed: "Brother Chaoshi can see clearly, yes, the best way to destroy the longevity monster is fire attack, but these monsters are puss flowing up and down, and ordinary rockets are shot on them. If there is no big fire, these puss will soon be extinguished. Only by splashing fire oil and sulfur on their bodies, and then attacking them with rockets, can they continue to burn. Once these monsters ignite a big fire, If it’s just a cup of tea, there will be no bones left, and naturally it can’t harm people anymore.”

Liu Yu nodded and continued: "So when you go back to prepare, you must let all soldiers, or at least each team of soldiers, have a stroke. Three to five people must carry kerosene, sulfur, saltpeter and other fire-starters. Once faced with this kind of longevity monster, pour oil on them first, and then start the fire, so that they can be wiped out. As for the other way Liu Changshi said, cutting off their heads, this is the first thing that cannot be caused by the fire. The second choice is more risky, because the longevity monsters are also very flexible. Fighting with them in close hands may not be able to cut the head with a single blow. It is best to use multiple people to cooperate."

Shen Linzi said: "During the last Linqu battle, the commander used this kerosene method to turn the hundreds of longevity men who landed on Shuaitai into ashes. Did you expect the enemy to attack like this? Oh~www.wuxiaspot.com~Also, later I heard that you used fishing nets to live a lot of monsters that were not on fire, or more than a dozen sergeants pierced their bodies with long scorpions and stood still. Then send a warrior forward to behead it, is it also a tactic that has been drilled beforehand?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Since we first encountered this terrible monster in Luoyang that year, we have been fighting against the demon thieves of the Heavenly Master Tao for many years, and there are many ways to deal with them. The longevity monster is Human potential is fully stimulated, whether it is strength, protection, or speed, it far exceeds that of ordinary people. On the contrary, even if our soldiers hit their nails, they will cause huge damage."

"So when facing these longevity monsters alone, it's best to turn around and run away. If there are more than five people, they can fight in formation. Although the piercing attack of the long-handed hand will not kill the monster, it can be fixed for a while. The long stream above the root pierces back and forth, and the monster is difficult to break free for a period of time. At this time, whether it is a fire attack or from behind or from the side, it can be hit and beheaded."

"But be careful, even if the head is cut off, although the body will stop moving, the head is still alive. Passing by, it may still be bitten by it. Once it is bitten off, the corpse will be poisoned into the body, which is incurable. , Within two hours, black venom will flow all over your body and die, so after you cut off the head of the longevity monster, it is best to use a blunt tool such as a sledgehammer or an iron rod to smash the head. Continue to harm people."


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