Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2939: Riki was originally a monster medicine

All the generals exchanged their heads and nodded and said yes, Kuaien blinked his one-eyed and said, "It turns out that the monsters of longevity need to be dealt with in this way. I have learned it. However, it seems that these monsters will not always exist, I remember before. When hitting them, the marshal taught us that if we can't hit them, we will be out of contact. These monsters have a limited time to survive."

Liu Yu smiled slightly and said, “Brother Big Zhuang is right. As Liu Changshi said just now, these monsters do not survive for more than two hours because they have stimulated all the human body’s potential in advance. After two hours, It will burst and die. If you can’t beat it, then just withdraw and run as far as possible. After the thing bursts, you can go back."

   Liu Jingxuan frowned: "Don't you be afraid that the enemy will start the battle with the longevity monster, and then take advantage of it? Tianzi, when you were in the Tianshidao, didn't the longevity monster rush first and follow behind yourself?"

Shen Tianzi shook his head: "No, just like the commander said, every time these longevity monsters are required to charge first, we will go up to clean the battlefield after two hours. We often see that these monsters are slaughtered or even slaughtered. The gnawing corpses are everywhere, and these monsters have turned into a pool of black water and rotten flesh. To make everyone laugh, every time I go to clean up the mess, I will be unable to eat for several days, even on the spot. I can feel sick enough to vomit bile.+"

   Many new-generation generals all opened their mouths in surprise, and Shen Tianzi said in surprise: "How is this possible, Brother Shou, you..."

Liu Yu said calmly: "That was still many years ago. In fact, from the beginning of the predecessor Liu Laozhi, the commander of the Beifu Army, he was tempted by the adulterers to take forbidden drugs. These forbidden drugs can usually relieve pain. Familiar, invigorating blood and resolving silt, if you take some powerful five-stone powder and supernatural power pill during wartime, you can instantly increase your strength and speed, which is a bit similar to the performance of longevity monsters. The hunk can be transformed into an unstoppable killing machine."

   At this point, Liu Yu looked at Liu Jingxuan: "That feeling must be very special."

Liu Jingxuan shook his head: "Actually, after taking this supernatural power pill, I felt a fire burning in my body, and the power that had nowhere to vent was developing towards the limbs. I even felt a beast in my body, eager to break free. Immediately after that, I will slowly lose consciousness and consciousness, and I will know nothing about the following things."

Liu Yu solemnly said: "Yes, the kind of supernatural power pill you have taken twice before is probably an early formula of the evil medicine of the longevity man, which can instantly enhance human strength and protection, as well as agility. But because the drug is too strong, it will make you lose consciousness and kill regardless of the enemy and us, because your physique is far more than ordinary people, and you can achieve similar effects without taking the amount of medicine taken by the longevity. This Allows you to survive, but after the drug is over, the whole person will lose strength for a long time."

Liu Jingxuan smiled bitterly: "Don't mention it. After eating this ghost, I couldn't get out of bed for a month. My muscles were sore. I even turned over to be the same as torture. I used it once during the Battle of Feishui, and it was almost halfway there. My life is gone, and I vowed afterwards that I will never eat this ghost again in my life!"

   smiled at Mihaha: "But the jockey's

   When, you still ate one. "

Liu Jingxuan said angrily: "You know what a fart, it was to save the slaves. That time the four of us had to fight the five generals of Jingzhou. Oh, the beard was also there. We were based on tactics and let me stop Huangfu. , Wu Fuzhi and Lu Zongzhi, the three great generals, don’t eat this, I’ll just pucker.”

   Hu Fan smiled and said: "You really shocked me that time. Fortunately, I shot the bottle down early and quit the battle. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can kill you alive that time."

Liu Jingxuan sighed: "Although this medicine can make people worse after taking it, the side effects are too great. Now that I think about it, I'm still afraid. If Sun Wuzhu, who gave me the medicine at that time, gave me a longevity pill, I'm afraid I will become a monster at that time and kill everyone in the field. Not only will I kill the five generals of Jingzhou who are fighting with us, but also attack Wuji, the bottle, and the slave, and even attack the people in the stands and the emperor. , This result is really unimaginable!"

Liu Yu nodded: "The uncle who gave you the pills that time, I am afraid, like Dashuai Liu, has been blinded to these wicked men for many years, thinking that taking these pills can relieve pain, exert strength, and at most just lose strength afterwards. In fact, you The pill that I ate was probably a pill to transform into a longevity monster, because the power was even stronger than the one in Feishui. It’s just that you have been practicing martial arts for many years, and your body has the ability to control this strange power, and I was blocking you at the time. Before, let your remaining sense of fellowship awaken, and in the end I would rather hurt myself instead of doing it on me. It can be said that you succeeded in saving yourself and did not become a monster and harmed others!"

Liu Jingxuan nodded: "Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After that time, I was injured more severely than the first time. I couldn't move for almost three months. Since then, I have never touched these ghosts again. And my father He also almost turned his face to death with Uncle Zhong, which also led to the life and death brothers who had been with him for decades. Now it seems that this must be the work of the Heavenly Dao League, which not only almost harmed us, but also split the Beifu army from then on. "

Liu Yuzheng said: "Everyone must take a warning. We soldiers fight and kill, we are born to death, which body is not wounded, which wound will not torture us in the future, and make us unhappy. Many brothers are suffering from pain. Forbearance, take medicine such as Wu Shi San to relieve pain and analgesia, but what I want to say is that in the future, please don't take this Wu Shi San anymore. There is a big problem in the middle."

   Tan Shao's brow furrowed: "Marshal, why is this? That Wu Shi San is not the supernatural power pill that A Shou eats. Many of our brothers have been taking it for many years, and there is no bad result."

Liu Yu shook his head solemnly: "The source of the five-stone powder is probably related to the Heavenly Dao League. It may even be the person who deployed the five-stone powder, that is the mysterious southern accomplice in Heipao, including the Huren in the north, such as Tuoba Si also took this thing, became delirious, and became mad. This is very similar to the performance after taking Shenli Pill. From now on, in our army, it is not allowed to take anymore, spread For this kind of five-stone powder, I will ask good doctors from the entire Dajin to find an effective way to relieve pain, for your brothers to use!"


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