Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2940: Elixir instead of 5 stone powder

Tan Shao gritted his teeth: "Marshal, this taking five stone powder is not because I want to be like those family princes, in order to vent their desires, indulge in love and sensuality, it is really our life's battle, with countless wounds on our bodies, and rainy time every day. , The pain is unbearable, especially since I have two penetrating wounds and two stab wounds that saw bones. Once it happens, it feels very unbearable. If it is not really painful, we will not rely on it. This kind of medicinal power is used to relieve the pain, I think most of my brothers are like this."

Xiang Mi's expression became full of emotion, and he sighed: "Brothers standing here, who is not a single wound? Like my iron cow, there are more than 20 serious injuries, not to mention rainy days, even ordinary cold. Ye, the pain is unbearable, if it weren’t for Brother Ji Nu who gave me some magical herbs, I’m afraid I would be like my brothers, so I can only rely on the five stones to relieve the pain. But Brother Ji Nu, your herbs Although it is magical, the number is too small to give the brothers a bag. The vast majority of people can only survive the pain with five stones."

Liu Yu nodded: "I know this, so this time I let the fat grow up a long history. Queen Wang organized a famous doctor to study my herbal medicines, hoping to imitate wound medicines with similar potency from them, and distribute them in large quantities. Brothers use them. Most of them are sword and arrow injuries. These are traumatic injuries. They are not incurable, but the hidden dangers of the five stones are endless."

"What's even more frightening is that the source and formula of these five stone powders are probably related to the Heavenly Dao League. We didn’t know about this organization before. Now this organization has surfaced, and we already know that this organization has associates in the south. It is very likely that this person is the man behind the deployment of Wu Shi San, and continuing to take Wu Shi San is tantamount to putting his life in the hands of this person."

"If he makes some insidious tricks, such as a formula added to this five-stone powder, that can happen suddenly, then maybe everyone will become the kind of longevity monster. This is not more terrible than the temporary pain. ?"

Zhu Lingshi shook his head in disbelief, "It's not possible, you said, Marshal, the medicine that turns into a longevity monster is extremely unpalatable, and it is difficult for ordinary people to swallow. The five stone powder we take is not Like this. And if he really wants to turn us into that kind of monster, I'm afraid he would have done it a long time ago, so why wait until now?"

Liu Yu sighed: "I don't know the pharmacology too well, but if it is replaced with poison and poisons people, a large amount of poison can be used to kill people instantly, or a very small amount of powder can be used to give people a dose. Over the years, the toxins will accumulate and eventually reach a lethal dose. This is the so-called chronic poison. It can also kill people, but it takes time. If the five stone powder is used for a long time with a small amount of monster powder, it will reach a certain level. It will happen after the time limit, and it will be difficult to detect."

Wang Zhen evil said thoughtfully: "The commander said it is very reasonable. Just like the supernatural power pill taken by Liu Guanjun, it may be the longevity monster medicine that has reduced the dose. Moreover, the evil gu in Mingyue's body seems to be It was driven by the black robe magic, and those longevity monster medicine, I heard that it also depends on chanting and performing black magic to make people become monsters. In other words, it needs external force to control, not directly in the body. It happened."

   At this point, he looked at Shen Tianzi: "Tianzi, am I right?"

Shen Tianzi had been in deep thought just now, seeming to be thinking about the past. Wang Zhen's evil words suddenly awakened him from deep thought. He raised his brows and said, "Let you guess it right. Monster transformation requires the masters of the gods to cast spells and chants behind. Of course, all living people should stay far away at this time, so as not to be attacked by them after smelling the smell. We left at that time. It's at least a mile away, and you have to smear the smelly mud on your body."

   Liu Yu's eyes lit up: "How can those masters of practice escape these longevity monsters? Are they also smeared with these stinky mud?"

Shen Tianzi shook his head: "No, they said there was fairy magic, oh, no, it was magic. I think they have a lot of talisman seal scripts posted on their bodies. It is said that they can drive away evil and avoid evil. Avoid these monsters' attacks. ."

Liu Yu sighed: "You are not high-level disciples of the Celestial Master Dao, and you don't know this method of avoiding evil. It seems that this method of avoiding evil can only be interrogated if the senior leader of the demon thief is captured in the future, but before that, Those five stones must be stopped. This is for the lives of everyone, and for the lives of fellow robes. I am afraid that no one wants to wake up at once, but finds a bunch of longevity monsters staring at him."

   smiled at Miha: "What the commander said is so scary. Have you heard all the brothers? Don't take Wushisan anymore. If anyone can't stand it, I will drink with him!"

Tan Shao frowned: "Marshal, I know your good intentions, but everyone has so many injuries. When there is no alternative medicine, I rushed to stop ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm afraid it is very It's hard to do."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I tell everyone not to take Wushisan anymore. Naturally, it won't make you so painful. Now the Queen has taken out 10,000 pairs of Xie’s secret elixir, which can melt bones and bones. Scars, anti-evil and pain-relief, these were developed by many famous doctors who have hired a lot of money from the Xie family over the past few decades, because the medicinal materials are rare and can only be used by the children of the Xie family and the dark guards. In my herbal research, I replaced the two medicinal materials in it with new ones, and thousands of pairs of them could be produced. This time, together with the rear supplies, these ten thousand pairs of elixir have been shipped to the army for a while. Each army will receive them according to the proportion of their numbers. Of course, they can only be used by those with old wounds and diseases, especially those generals who have been taking five-stone powder for pain relief for many years. ."

   Tan Shao blinked: "This medicine really has such a bright light, can it be used once, and it will no longer be painful?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "It really has such a spirit. After applying my herbal medicine, although it can't be brought back to life, no matter how deep the wound or the big scar is, there will be no trace of the medicine, and there will be no sequelae. Everyone knows this, and this time the elixir used the powder of my elixir and added other elixir. It also has a similar effect. Even if it can’t get rid of all the scars at once, it’s enough for everyone. I don’t have to suffer from that pain anymore."



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