Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2942: Xi Lezan

   Yuqiu laughed inwardly: "So, that black robe can't change so many monsters to harm people this time? Great!"

Liu Yu calmly said: "These are just speculations, but I think that in the battle of Linqu, Heipao worked so hard to get more than two hundred orchid guards, and through the Kongming Lantern raid, he turned into a longevity monster. This shows that the medicine in his hand is also limited. Yes, it’s impossible to say that thousands of immortal monsters will be transformed to attack our army. Even if he does, don’t panic, just deal with it according to the style of play I just said. Whenever the time is over, the fishing nets should be used to control it, and then beheaded with a 100-refined steel knife and hammered to smash the head. If it doesn’t work, you have to retreat decisively. As long as the effect of two hours has passed, these monsters will naturally die. ."

  All the generals and schools all saluted, and said in a deep voice, "Yes."

Liu Yu looked at Liu Jingxuan: "Champion Liu, I have to remind you that although the tactics in the earth mountain are good, the enemy still has a way to deal with it. You can't sit back and relax because of the three deep trenches, thinking that the enemy can't get out of the city to fight, the top of the mountain. There must be enough elite soldiers on the top. I will give you the two battalions of divine arrow assaultmen. You should try to arrange them on the earth mountain. If the city is attacked by Kongming lanterns or other unconventional methods, you must use these. The archer of the gods comes to stop, and there must be enough elite soldiers and generals under the earth mountain, ready to support the top of the mountain at any time, and can't let the enemy take it."

Liu Jingxuan smiled slightly: "I will personally guard the top of the mountain. The side of the mountain facing the city wall will be piled up like a cliff to prevent the enemy from attacking, and the side facing our army will be made into a long ramp so that the soldiers can quickly The ground rushes to the top of the mountain. There will also be long enclosures under the dirt mountain, and trenches will be dug to prevent the enemy's surprise attack and isolate them from digging tunnels. It can better guard against attacks from the air."

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "The archers of the gods can be placed on the reverse **** behind the top of the mountain, not directly on the top of the mountain. After all, the place is small. If the enemy finds a hill standing up, they will definitely try their best to hit the top of the mountain. , The bows and arrows on the city wall, catapults, and crossbows will all pose a huge threat to the soldiers on the top of the mountain. Liu Guanjun, you are a commander in the army. Don’t risk yourself staying on the top of the mountain. Master the overall situation and command the army is the most important thing you need to do. ."

   Liu Jingxuan's expression is serious, and he salutes sternly: "Yes."

Liu Yu looked at Xiang Mi: "General Jianwu (Xiang Mi’s current official position is Beichen Liu Neishi, General Jianwu), this time I will assign you to the champion general, but you must obey his command and battle. Dharma, Guanggu is a strong city in the world. It is different from any city you have captured before. The tactics of climbing up the city on a human ladder will only kill you and your brothers. You have to endure your loneliness, control your own killing intentions, and wait until the earth-mountain tactics have almost wiped out the enemy on the wall, and then go up again. Until then, you are not allowed to fight privately, understand?"

Xiang Mi's expression is serious: "Marshal, the final will always follow your orders. Your words are military orders to me. This time it is under the champion general's department. Then his words are what I must obey and let him rush to the city. , Even if it's a sea of ​​swords and flames, I won't blink my eyes to prevent me from rushing, even if the opposite city gate opens and the city wall collapses, I won't move a bit. Don't worry!"

Liu Yu smiled slightly and looked at Liu Fan, who hadn't spoken much, "General Zhenwu (Liu Fan is now the governor of Yanzhou, General Zhenwu), this time we are attacking Xicheng, and I hope you can be the same as the last time in the battle of Linqu. , Cooperate well with the champion general, and make new achievements!"

Liu Fan smiled slightly: "The commander can rest assured that the final general will never let you down and disappoint the champion general. The taste of Fei Li's penetration!"

Liu Yu smiled and said: "In the battle of Linqu, your Ba Niu crossbow played a major role, directly defeating the enemy armored cavalry charge. I have already notified your brother of this great achievement. He said that this is far more than you. You will have better performance this time. Fan, your eldest brother rarely praises people like that, even to me, he has never commented like that, but this time he values ​​you so much, which shows that you are really It's very good."

A gleam of excitement flashed across Liu Fan's face: "It is my greatest honor to be recognized by my brother. Please rest assured, I will definitely make new contributions, and I will never insult the reputation of the Northern Army, the commander and the big brother! "

   Liu Yu smiled slightly and said to Liu Jingxuan: "However, the champion general, I can give you tens of thousands of civilian men to pile up dirt on the mountain. It's just your cavalry. I have to take it back. No comments."

Liu Jingxuan smiled and said: "This is a siege war, and I can’t fly to the wall while riding a horse. Last time, the commander gave me all cavalry to use and chase the black robe. It’s a pity that I was a step late and didn’t chase. This thief, this time the siege, the cavalry of the whole army will also be reserved for mobile use, in case there is a shortage of reinforcements, and I, Xicheng, should be the least needed. I have no opinion on this order."

   Liu Yu nodded: "You can understand me, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Yokono General Zhu Lingshi, Zhenjun General Mansion joins the army Shen Linzi, where is General Ning Yuan Suomiao?"

   Three generals stepped out, all saluting and fulfilling their promises. Liu Yu nodded and said, "There are now five thousand cavalrymen in the army. I will hand over to you three generals. The three of you will lead the army to walk between the East and West camps, but there is no need to set up a fence. As long as it is stationed in the private husband’s camp after the big camp, I do not intend to stay in the big camp to besiege the north city. When you want to escape, you will chase and kill. However, remember that if the people who fled out of the city instead of soldiers armed with weapons, they can only be captured, not killed, understand?"

   Zhu Lingshi smiled and said: "The commander's military order, I will wait for it to be executed, but what if the enemy flees disguised as civilians?"

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "As long as they are not armored and have no weapons in their hands, they will be treated as civilians. If they are caught up and put down their weapons, they will be dealt with accordingly, but if they are holding weapons and resisting to the end, whether they are soldiers or soldiers. The common people are wiped out as enemy fighters. Protecting the lives of our soldiers is the first priority, understand?"

   The three said in unison: "Comply with the order."

   Liu Yu looked around and said: "Other generals, just work hard, follow me, this southern city, I will personally direct the attack!"


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