Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2943: Yuanming Kobayashi Huiguo?

   Central Plains, Xingyang Chengdong, dense forests.

An inconspicuous carriage was parked in the forest. The driver was a thin, black man in his thirties. He frowned and said to the car: "Guest, it's three miles away from the official road. It's a robber. It’s not safe. I don’t think there is much scenery here. You have been in the car and can’t get out. Are you waiting for someone?"

   A calm voice came out slowly: "It's nothing, I will pay you three times the price of the car. The person I am waiting for should be here soon."

   The coachman murmured, and said to himself: "If you weren't for a weak scholar, I wouldn't have come to pay ten times."

He changed a smile on his face: "Okay, guest, I'll wait, I'll wait, but for the three times the cost of the car, you have to tie me to Xingyang. This time, let's just talk about it. It's Xingyang."

   The door of the car opened with a "creak", and a scholar in common clothes, black and thin, slender, walking slowly, his eyes are piercing, and a few long beards have a celebrity demeanor. Isn't it Tao Yuanming?

   The coachman quickly jumped off the shaft and said, "Oh, guest, why did you get off? It's windy here, you still..."

   Tao Yuanming said calmly: "It's okay, the people I'm waiting for have already arrived."

   The coachman opened his eyes wide and looked around, but the forest was quiet everywhere, and there was no sound of birds and beasts. He cried out, "But I didn't see anyone coming..."

Before he could finish his words, Tao Yuanming interrupted him: "Zhangchao, if I remember correctly, you are from Liji Cars and Horses in Gaoping County. I only need to give the car money to your car dealer. Yes, they will transfer it to your family, right."

The coachman grinned: "Yes, the guests got on the bus from Gaoping. Your luck is really good. This is a mess. If you arrive two days late, I am afraid that the city will be closed. This Jin Kingdom is fighting with Dayan. It's our people. Fortunately, I'm still a Han Chinese. If I'm a Xianbei Hu, I'm afraid I will all move to Guanggu City. I don't know whether it is alive or dead."

Having said that, he rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, and stepped forward: "Today's three times the price of the car, can you give me directly, if you give it to the store, they will have to take another 20%. I have a seventy-year-old mother in my family and three children in my family. This world is not peaceful. I still run this kind of long distance all day to make more money. If you can directly give me the overpaid money, my family will be... "

A gust of fishy wind suddenly flashed, and the bright daylight just now suddenly became dark. The coachman was about to exclaim because he saw a shadow in the sky. It was a monster he had never seen before, flying in the sky. , And under this monster, it seems that there is still a person clutching. This is something he never dreamed of. He was about to yell, but he only felt a pain in his heart. A few things just stabbed in him impartially. On his chest, this made him fall on his back and died without even screaming. When he landed on the ground, the corners of his mouth flowed out with purple-black blood, which made him smelly.

Tao Yuanming looked at the magical shadow hovering in the air with his hands behind his back, and the person hanging below it was let go. This person was only wearing a single coat, and his body was stained with blood. You can even see a lot of whip marks on the clothes. , Isn't it Sima Guopan?

   Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "General Sima, don't come here unscathed?!"

   Sima Guofan looked at Tao Yuanming and opened his mouth wide in surprise: "How could it be you, Mr. Tao? The joint messenger that the lady said, actually..."

   Tao Yuanming smiled and said: "I am actually a celebrity in the world, is it surprise or surprise?!"

Sima Guofan laughed: "Surprise, but not unexpected! Everyone knows Liu Nu's heart to usurp power and seize the throne. Everyone knows the world. Anyone who wants to protect our Sima clan from the world will not be heartbroken. Mr. Joining Liu Nu’s shogunate has long expressed his desire to disagree with him. In this regard, the kings of the Sima clan are all clear, and have long thought..."

   Tao Yuanming waved his hand, interrupted Sima Guofan, looked at the blood coat on his body, and said: "This time the general seems to have suffered a lot. Have you explained anything to them?"

Sima Guofan said bitterly: "It's all the king who loves this bitch, so he took me, the prince, directly, and used those tortures to torture me, trying to beat me into a trick, forcing me to confess to my master behind the scenes. Hmph, I'm not stupid, if my relationship with Mrs. Liu is really recruited, then I will only die faster. Fortunately..."

Having said that, he glanced aside, his eyes were shining, and he was staring at Tao Yuanming's Mingyue Flying Gu, and his body twitched unconsciously. Obviously, for this kind of human-faced monster, even though it was saving his life. , But still frightened him, Sima Guo swallowed his saliva, and said, "Fortunately, Miss Mingyue saved me. Those dog thieves would never think that it was an attack from the air!"

   Tao Yuanming said coldly: "That is to say, you didn't confess Madam Liu, did you?"

Sima Guofan nodded quickly and said: "Of course not. If the confession is made, not only will Mrs. Liu be implicated, even me and a large number of Sima clan kings will not be protected. Liu Nu is cruel, and that **** has It's his accomplice. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is looking for an opportunity to come and destroy our Sima clan. As long as I grit my teeth and deny it, naturally someone will save me. Mrs. Liu's husband, but he can be with Liu Liu Yi, who is a slave to the court, has him to preside over justice. As long as I live, there will be a turn for the better. So, how can I do things that are detrimental to their husband and wife?"

   Mingyue sneered suddenly: "Really? Before I charge into the account, I seem to hear you yelling, I'm recruiting, I'm recruiting all of them!"

Sima Guofan’s face changed, and he smiled awkwardly: "Um, that was just my torment for a while. I want to slow down and confuse the tortured thieves. I've called this way many times before. The soldiers are not tired of fraud!"

Mingyue said coldly: "You probably forgot. I was also a spy before. I am familiar with these tortures. I really want to recruit or stun, don't I know? I'm afraid. I’m going to be late for a while, and you’ll explain everything you know."

Sima Guofan gritted his teeth: "Anyway, the girl came in time, and I still didn't betray Madam Liu. This is a blessing in misfortune. Now let's discuss the next plan. Liu Nu people are in Guanggu, so cheap. People are also with him. We might as well fly back to Jiankang and testify that Liu Nu and the **** have an affair. They attempted to usurp the throne and were smashed by me, so they attacked me and asked the emperor to issue an order to declare Liu Nu and the slut. It's a rebel, how about it?"


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